Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2525: Little fox

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Niangniang, it's not good, it's not good, here comes a little fox. Beaver, Your Majesty is fascinated by her. Stayed!" Just when Chen Jiu was negotiating with Yao Yao, the little beauty, one of the twins, straight Can't help but ran to the account and made a small report to Caidie.

"What little fox. Raccoon, I think you are the biggest fox. Raccoon!" Caidie is also irritable to the little beauty.

"Mother-in-law, I mean seriously, that woman is the sister of Yao Ji, I can't compare to her. If the mother-in-law doesn't go out again, Her Majesty's soul will be hooked away!" Because she felt a strong threat, she couldn't help coming over for help.

"What? The little demon Ji really appeared, but fortunately I followed. Otherwise, there must be a major event!" Cai Die is also a clever person, who can no longer sit still will go out, but before going out, she I can't help but sort out the fairy posture and jade appearance, making myself look more holy and beautiful.

"Niangniang, I'll go with you!" The little beauty was unwilling to be lonely, but Baba quickly followed.

Implied an anger, the colorful butterfly Phoenix posture mother instrument world sees the sky, but makes her a little surprised, that is, did not see any little foxes. The shadow of the raccoon, even Chen Jiu was gone, which made her bear She stared at the little beauty with suspicion, thinking she was lying.

"Mother-in-law, you were on that day just now. Do not believe you ask the turtle to steal them!" The little beauty preached innocently.

"Okay!" Nodded her head, and Caidie reprimanded her: "Turtle, what are you doing, Your Majesty?"

"Ah? Ma'am, Your Majesty led the enchantress to change clothes!" The Turtle Stealer did not dare to lie, and honestly explained.

"What? Sure enough, there are little foxes and raccoons, and they got it just after they met!" Anxiously, Caidie hurriedly followed the turtle to steal their eyes and walked to the tent on the other side.

After turning a corner, I saw a black figure from a distance. It was waiting in front of the tent. I wished I could dive in directly to be willing!

Damn, this one is good. I am afraid I will go in in a little while. Fortunately, I came a little earlier, angrily, Caidie flew over, and screamed at Chen Jiu: "Your Majesty, you are watching what?"

"Ah? I didn't see it. I didn't see anything. I'm waiting for the demon girl to change clothes here?" Chen Jiu was embarrassed and couldn't help but feel awkward.

Out of good intentions, Chen Jiu was guarding outside, letting the enchantress go in and change clothes, and he was bored. He couldn't help but look around and enjoy the scenery casually. How can anyone think that this has been misunderstood!

"Don't watch? I don't want you to sneak in, huh, I'd like to see, what kind of little fox. Beaver, makes you so unscrupulous!" Caidie is not polite, this woman got angry. Also very terrible animals.

‘His! ‘Caidie ’s name was decisive, and despite her disregard, she tore the tent on the spot and broke into it. She had to give the little fox and raccoon a kick.

"Ah ..." It's a pity that this colorful butterfly was torn so unfortunately that the demon inside him was even unexpected, and it was rude to meet someone.

With an exclamation, she covered her chest, her legs, and the enchantress had just removed all her clothes at this time, and was preparing to wear little shy pants. She was rushed in, and she was too surprised to mention her little pants.

It ’s beautiful, tempting, confusing, demon, stunned at this time. The legs are covered with chests and hips. The position of the buttocks is straightforward. No, she has a complexion like jade, white through. With panic and persecution. Alas, the mysterious and crowded people's mountains and rivers, and the hint of pale golden scenery in the hinterland, are filled with some exotic winds. Feelings, make people nostalgic!

'Guru ...' Chen Jiu was outside, big. Full of eyes, I couldn't help but swallowed the water. Although the key point was not seen, this woman was almost complete. The light appeared to him In front of him, he could not help but be excited.

What a seductive little demon. Alas, Chen Jiu didn't expect that she had just met this woman, and she almost saw all her spring and light. Thank you so much for this kind of welfare!

Thank you, Chen Jiu would like to thank Caidie, I'm afraid it's still behind, because after the initial shock, Caidie didn't plan to let the demon.

"What a little fox. Beaver, it really looks pretty, but you come here so stingy. Lead my man, do your adults know?" Cai Die looked at the demon. She was so seductive. The beauty of the person was even more beautiful. Angry.

"I'm not, I don't have one, don't get me wrong, I don't have any thoughts on your Majesty!" Demon. Shame is extremely resentful, is she the victim? But the one who had left him had to endure the grievances and explain to Caidie.

"No idea? Do you think I'm blind? Cover and shy pants are off, but dare to say no idea?" Cai Die pointed at the trousers between the enchanting legs and questioned seriously.

"I ... I'm going to put on this, please go out!" The demon. Blush was blushing and hurt. I pinched her legs and didn't dare to move randomly.

"Well, you shit. Goods, thousands of people ride thousands of people across, it's too bad to be bad anymore, and actually came to us to pretend to be pure, you think those men are cheating, my dignified mother, Is it so confusing? "Cai Dieyi was taming and taming, and felt that the woman in front of her was a huge threat.

"I'm not. Don't stigmatize me. I'm out of clothes, and I'm changing clothes!" The enchanting member was wronged, and his tears popped.

"Oh, the outer clothes are torn, do you have to change the inner ones? Well, look, what kind of material is this? Is there any difference between wearing this thing and not wearing it? I don't think you should wear it "Caidie still has every reason to doubt, especially to see the thin, transparent pants, it made her very convinced that this is a fox.

"Please go out!" The demon. Yan bit her cherry's lips tightly, and she couldn't stand it.

"Mother-in-law, you can't spare her lightly, I think she's here to fight for the motherland!" The little beauty is also uncomfortable, adding jealousy.

"No, I'm not, you must be rude, Your Majesty, please save me ..." Demon. I was really scared. Although reluctant, I had to look straight outside. Gogo looked at Chen Jiu himself. .

"Ah, Caidie, have something to say, the demon 娆 is really here to help us!" Chen Jiu was embarrassed and had to kindly persuade.

"Really? Your Majesty, then I can help you verify if she is a virgin. This proves that you are really sincerely behind her!" Caidie uttered an astonishment and suddenly decided to preach again.

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