Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2528: This mess

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Monster, sorrow girl, I'm sorry, I blame me for being too disciplined, so that she can't be lawless, and nobody even looks at her. Today, I have done such a desolate thing to you, I'm really sorry! "Cai Die is gone, Chen Jiu has to apologize, but she can't always say that she is bad, so she has to put her blame on Cai Die. /

"呲 呲 ..." In the tent, red and red body, lying there motionlessly, the demon 娆 sobbed softly, as if he could not listen at all, without any response.

"Dark girl, what's the matter with you? Why don't you talk? Sorry, don't think about it for a while!" Chen Jiu was very worried, watching at the account, and caring to persuade him.

"Woohoo ..." Suddenly, the demon. 娆 cried even more painfully in the room.

"Demon girl, you don't cry, I will rehabilitate the butterflies and take revenge for you, you must have a good life, you know?" Chen Jiu persuaded, a little behind the scenes, more like a big one Gray wolf.

"If you really want to help me, why didn't you come in just now?" Suddenly, the demon's cold and cold eyes stared at Chen Jiuzhi.

"I ... it wasn't a difference between men and women just now, I'm not convenient to go in!" Chen Jiu's guilty conscience, she really blamed herself for the evil and evil thoughts in her heart just now.

Hey, it's not that she hasn't seen a woman, she just is more beautiful. As for those who can't hold her back, have to take the opportunity to see her!

"Well, there is a difference between a man and a woman. I think you are a hypocrite. If you want to see it, you will come to see it brightly, and you will just hide it outside. What kind of skill is it?" Chen Jiuyi got up.

"Is this really okay?" Chen Jiu's instinct responded by swallowing.

"You really are not a good thing!" Yao Yao glared in disgust, of course, not to let him really come in.

"You demon girl, I'm really sorry, you are too beautiful, I admit that I have no immunity to you, but this can't blame me all, if it's not so beautiful, you wouldn't let Caidie be jealous. If it is not so beautiful, I am afraid that you will not be intimidated by the King of Kings that day? "Chen Jiu apologized and persuaded in a different way. He felt that he could not be so passive and should take the initiative.

"If I say that, I still suffer for all the sins I have suffered today?" Said the demon, resentfully, naturally unconvinced.

"You know I didn't mean it that way. I was ashamed of something like this today, but no matter how I say it, I saved your life. It's worth the effort, or just forget it?" It is also an invitation to persuade.

"What? Just because you saved me, you can be so humiliating and insulting me?" The demon was so angry that he sat up all of a sudden, glaring at Chen Jiu.

"Monster, girl, I promise that there will be no next time. This time, the butterfly has really done a little, but you should not be broken below, you don't care about her!" Solemnly assure.

"You don't want to mess around!" The demon 娆 is sitting by itself. At this moment, the jade door there is wide open, so that Chen Jiu has some gazes, and she can really see that she is harmless. Hold tight.

"Okay, I don't have to look at it, demon girl. You don't want to worry about it. There are more women I've met, and it's not worse than you!" Chen Jiu took the initiative to put himself in the body. Twisted.

"Because of this, all the women in the next day will be left for you to watch?" The demon Woo questioned, still very dissatisfied.

"It's not the same, just rest assured that everything I see today will not be said in the future, and this will not affect your future marriage!" Chen Jiuzheng preached.

"Do you think I would forgive you if I said that?" Said the demon.

"Demon. Alas, I admit that it was caused by me, but after all, it wasn't me who was violent to you. The color butterfly made a noise, I have already saved her mother-in-law, and you will lose your breath. Things will still pass. Yes! "Chen Jiuyi preached again.

"How did you get there? You know a woman who was stripped, lighted, and humiliated by a light?"

"I know how uncomfortable this is. If it's a big deal, I'll let you peel it again. You can be optimistic about her once?" Chen Jiu suggested.

"I'm not that thick. Lu!" The demon Yan Yan refused.

"Then what do you say, you wo n’t let the cricket kill them because of this? They are all as good as they are, and they are afraid of another fox. Lao Lu, I hope you understand their hard work for the sake of the world! "Chen Jiu was helpless to preach.

"Although I am the sister of Yao Ji, I am not the same as her!" The demon.

"I know that you are different, but they don't know that they are misunderstood. Can't you forgive them?" Chen Jiu said bitterly.

"They ... but you also watched me!" Demon. Gritted his teeth and was looked at by a woman. It was not so uncomfortable in her heart, but a man in front of her had watched all her secrets, which seemed to be her. Where the real heart is.

"I was worried about you, so I just looked at it, but demon. Alas, wouldn't you just let Aya dig out his eyes and make amends? You know that I still have to save the world, this is not possible without eyes!" Chen Jiufaxu quickly explained to himself.

"It's not necessary to dig, you ... haven't you thought about being responsible?" The face of the demon's blush turned red, and suddenly became extremely bad.

"What? Responsible, demon. What do you mean? Could you marry me?" Chen Jiu was suddenly surprised.

"Huh, it's not, you don't want to be so beautiful!" The demon snorted, and immediately denied it.

"Demon. Aunt, haven't you always wanted to save Cangsheng? A Aunt promised you that you must remove the King of Heaven and return a bright and prosperous world to Limin. Otherwise, you will be exposed to thunder and thunder that day. Isn't it? "Chen Jiu's voice was fierce, and he vowed again.

"You go!" Demon. Suddenly drove people up again.

"Demon. Hey, what do you want to do? You tell him that He must find a way to make up for you, but you must not think about it. Right now, we still need your leadership to remove the Tianhe rebels. If you have any The three are long and the two are short. Is n’t King Wang going to escape again that day? ”Chen Jiu did not leave in a hurry, but talked to Caidie again, telling the current situation of King Tian Wang and his helplessness. Speak it out.

"Okay, you can rest assured, I haven't been so stupid to find short-sightedness, I want to be quiet now, I won't leave, you go first!" Demon. Auntie also gave Chen Jiu a peace of mind, will He sent away, but only her expression, so there was a big turn. If Chen Jiuzai was, it would be unbelievable.

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