Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2583: The biggest misfortune

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the center of Dashang, the continuous palace city here is very majestic. Within the high-walled building, in the palace compound, the maids are crowded and beautiful. They are dressed in cool clothes with their legs and legs exposed. This is no doubt It is the most beautiful and beautiful scenery in the King's Palace. {3w.

‘Da Da…’ In the atmosphere surrounded by beauties, a tall man walked silently, sacrificing their looks, and envying others.

"I've seen the king ..." Many palace ladies always flirted with charm and charm when they came to this man.

Although the king of heaven is faint and mediocre, after all, he is a generation of emperors and the only man in the palace who can move them. Who would not want to cling to the power and then experience the joy of that woman?

"Oh ..." Wang Tianyi glanced at these maidens casually, as if there was nothing in them, and he left.

"Well ..." These maids were undoubtedly disappointed and walked away.

In this way, one of the maids in rotation changed until one of the waves, and the king of heaven suddenly said, "You come with me!"

"Yes, King!" The palace maid was pure and clean, about 15 years old, very touching. I saw her coming to the rockery with the King of Kings, but she was afraid to look up. .

"What's your name?" Tianxiwang asked a few words casually, and immediately began to be untruthful.

"King, don't do this ..." This maid is obviously different from most maids, at least she knows how to clean herself and does not bend over with power.

"Small hoof, look at what you have grown, what pretend to be, it is your advantage to be a king today, otherwise, I will let you cut it all over the door!" How can the prey in hand be possible? Let it go, intimidating and pulling, the little beauty was wiped out soon.

"King, don't ..." You can't resist, but the little palace girl with tears in her face is undoubtedly extremely reluctant.

"Don't wait for Gulin. Fortunately for you, I'm afraid you want it every day ..." Tian Xie Wang Xie. Evil smiled and said overwhelmed.

"Ah ..." The screaming voice of the little palace girl stopped suddenly, and she suddenly looked at the King of Heaven, very puzzled, a little confused.

"I ..." Wang Tian's face turned red, he glanced down, he was ashamed and wanted to find a river to cast in directly, so damn. Mom, shame, at the critical moment, the Lord was actually not up. It's up!

"Lord, let me go, okay?" The little court girl pityed again.

"You ..." Tian Tianwang stared at Miao Yumei in front of her eyes. The body is really too unwilling. As a man, I am afraid that the biggest misfortune in this life is to watch a peerless girl put on herself In front of him, he was not able to survive. This pain is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than killing them.

"I beg you, lord, will you?" The little palace maid quickly knelt down, hoeing for mercy.

"If you want to keep things secret today, say that you are alone. Fortunately, you understand? Otherwise, you will not be spared!" The King of Heaven, who could not afford this person, had to forcefully order.

"Yes, King Xie!" The little palace girl thanked Xie, quickly dressed, and ran away in a panic.

"Abominable, cheap. You have to wait alone, when the Supreme Master Dan of the Grand Master is released again, you have to play to death!" The King of Heaven is not kind, but he intends to keep Qingshan in, not afraid of Firewood too!

Some were embarrassed, and the King of Heaven also sorted it out and pretended to leave in a spirited manner.

"King, go out and go around. Did you find a new feeling?" As soon as the King of Heaven returned to the palace, a beautician full of love and flutter came over.

"Well, just now I saw a little palace girl who was a little bit attractive, so she just came. Fortunately for her!" Tian Yao Wang said with pride.

"King, you have recovered, that's great, let's hurry up!" Said the demon Ji, who immediately unbuttoned the placket, which was Zhang Kaimei. Legs, waiting for the favor of the King of Heaven.

"This ... Fei, I'm a bit tired!" Looking at this peerless gun rack, as a man, who wouldn't want to go up and fire a few guns, but the King of Heaven is really helpless now.

"King, but they really want it!" Yao Ji's face is full of resentment and unlimited demand. "You haven't touched anyone for three days!"

"Okay, okay, let ’s try it alone ..." The King of Heaven thought for a while, and he really felt sorry for the monster Ji, so he bit his head, and was really ready to fire.

Unfortunately, if it doesn't work, it just won't work, it won't become feasible again because of the beauty in front of you!

"King King, people help you!" Demon Ji obviously needed it, and immediately fell down on her knees and swallowed it. Unfortunately, she worked hard for a long time and was not able to succeed, and she let it go in disappointment.

"Well, don't be in a hurry, concubine, Master Tianshi's elixir can be released soon, and you will be greeted by the solitary goodness!" Tianxiong's kind consolation was also a bit guilt.

"King, but the line on the edge of the desert seems to be broken. I'm afraid that I won't be able to make any magic gods in the future!"

"It's okay. If you stay alone for a few days, you can't believe that without that medicine, you can't do it alone!" Wang Tianzhi was unwilling to be taken lightly.

"Well, you can take a good rest then that King!" The demon Ji said silently, but she had no hope at all.

"Fei Fei, let's rest!" Tian Tian Wang was so affectionate that he just fell asleep while holding the demon Ji, but it was a long night, but the demon Ji couldn't sleep.

Secretly looking at this man, the body that was completely hollowed out by himself, Yao Ji has no love at all, but is full of deep disgust!

Early the next morning, the King of Heaven looked at the jade man in Huai Zhongling, Long Jiao, and Mei, and wanted to be pet. Fortunately, there was no way to achieve it, and he sighed and regretted it.

"No, I ca n’t wait to die. Among the righteous people in the world, there must be someone who can worry about solitude!" The King of Heaven, reluctant, opened an early dynasty, discussed with the ministers, and prepared to fight back to Da Zhou and get through one Barren lifeline.

"King, there is a **** to help God in Da Zhou. When I want to fight back, I must also ask God to be a man!" Tianyi remnants, there are still a lot of loyalty.

"Yes, summon the world, if anyone can defeat the enemy for himself, Gu is willing to meet any of his requirements!"

The imperial city didn't have much boundary, and the imperial order soon spread all over the city. When the king of heaven was extremely disappointed, there was a **** general, a colorful halo guard body, and the world broke into the palace of the king of heaven. In the list!

"Righteous, righteous, are you sent by God to solve the loneliness of the lonely?" The King of Heaven, looking at the coming of the man, was really baba, anxious to kneel to him immediately, as if he were the master.

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