Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2588: Cool down

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Your Majesty, you have to teach others tomorrow!" Although Chen Jiu was gone, the demon. Xi's happy and happy laughter echoed in the stone gap, so proud and shy. ====

'Driyo', a little thing was held in the hands of the demon. Shame. Looking at it astringently, she couldn't help but sigh: "Goddess artifact, you really deserve it, although you are not shocking, The ability to break the stars and break the moon, but it can break the mind and body of any goddess, causing them to collapse and collapse, losing any strength! "

"I should hate you for such a bad thing, but it's a strange thing that I can't bear to leave you!" Hate and love, demon. I finally carefully collected the artifact.

"Oh, this rain is too much below me, isn't it?" Looking down, the demon. He is even more difficult for her own body. She can't imagine how her sacred princess, who is pure and clean, has become like this. A wave of goods?

"Huh, the woman pushes the waves backwards, she doesn't wave a bit, how can she take Chen Jiu from the hand of Caidie, today's things are not over!" Thinking of the matter of Caidie, Yao. 娆 soon recognized her own body.

Chen Jiu was gone, which was rather dingy. In the face of such a big beauty, he was not beautiful, but he didn't want to, but he wanted too much!

I missed it but couldn't do it. In this tangled state, Chen Jiuhuan's face turned red, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Hey, Chen Jiu, where have you been, why did you come back, what about the little fox and raccoon?" As soon as Chen Jiu returned, Cai Die was already waiting.

"She hasn't returned yet!" Chen Jiu did not hide.

"What? So you guys really went out together, didn't you do anything?" Caidie doubted seriously.

"Colour butterfly, look at me now, if I do, will my temperature be so high?" Chen Jiu was helpless to explain.

"Yeah, it's hot, are you sick?" Caidie touched her hand, and she was really shocked.

"Yeah, it's a fever, Caidie, hurry back with me to cool down!" Chen Jiu anxious, pulling Caidie into the camp.

"Your Majesty, how do you want me to cool down, what's the matter with you?" Caidie is a little unknown, and she is really worried about Chen Jiu's body.

"Caidie, don't tell me, just now I went out with Demon She, and she was actually in front of me ..." Chen Jiu briefly talked about her experience, but just ignored the goddess artifact.

"What? That fox and raccoon, I knew that she was unstoppable. It turned out that the last few days, was she trying to figure out a way?" After listening, Caidie was still angry.

"Wife, fortunately, I didn't make a big mistake on the cliff at last!" Chen Jiu's noble invitation made a contribution.

"Husband, rest assured, today I will give you a good cooling and cool you back to normal, not just that, I will also!" Caidie is not willing to show weakness, but also eager. Test: "Husband, you Don't move in front, wait for me to be beautiful, but when there is no outbreak, you hurry in, I will make a timely rain for you! "

"Okay, okay, that's what I want!" Chen Jiuda nodded his head. Although his temperature rose, there was no danger to his life.

Women are the most beautiful when they get that kind of happiness. At that time, for men, they also had the greatest temptation. Attracting this is what has been made in heaven, it is already determined in the genes. Chen Jiu was also irresistible.

Next, Cai Die posed, listening to Chen Jiu's explanation, what she did with the demon 娆 is exactly the same!

Although it is a different beauty, at this time it is equally fascinating. Drunk, looking at her self-reliance and comfort, Chen Jiuzhi's body temperature rose again.

"Uh ..." Before the storm came, it was a lightning flash and thunderous alternation. I saw Caidie's face becoming more and more red and moist.

"This ..." Chen Jiu watched carefully, dare not have the slightest indifference, when the lightning flash and thunder suddenly stopped, he rushed forward with the omen of the storm coming!

As a man, at this moment, we must advance in the face of wind and rain, and we must not shrink back at all.

"Ah!" Shouted Jiao. The rainstorm poured down, and the outbreak completely came out, when Chen Jiu was poured into a soup chicken.

Although it turned into a chicken, Chen Jiu at this time was not unhappy. On the contrary, he was like a pedestrian in the desert. He was dying of thirsty, and finally ushered in a rain. That was happiness. . Exhilarated.

"Zi ..." The hot temperature on his body was relieved at this moment, but this was obviously not enough. Chen Jiu then turned into a representative of Li Min and was vying for rain in the sky!

What the people want, Chen Jiu stands for righteousness. He finally touched and moved the heavens and lowered the sweetness and dew for him again and again, effectively alleviating the drought in the world.

When the rain came, the temperature naturally decreased, and Chen Jiu gradually returned to normal, and he felt even happier. "Thank you, Caidie!"

"People are monsters now. How can you forget, no, you have to come again!" Cai Die resentment, but demanded again.

"Okay, then come again!" Chen Jiu was naturally inescapable, and he was beautiful again.

After some love, the sky has changed from night to day. At this time, softly embracing Chen Jiu, Cai Die is a little woman with a happy face.

"Caidie, you are getting more and more beautiful!" Looking at the drunken look of the Jade Ren, Chen Jiu naturally liked it too.

"That is of course, they ca n’t be nourished by you for nothing. Is n’t it?" Said the butterfly proudly, straightforwardly preaching: "Husband, they do n’t hesitate to treat you as a little fox. Do you want to do this with you? Betray our love again! "

"Sure!" Chen Jiu nodded his head solemnly, but in fact he was also embarrassed, because he knew that if he got along with this, something would happen sooner or later, but he was reluctant to drive away the monster.

"Husband, thank you!" Cai Die believed it and took a kiss from Chen Jiu.

"It's getting late, take a break!" Chen Jiu advised kindly.

"It's dawn, don't go to sleep, husband, I have a question, I'm curious!" Caidie was too sleepy.

"What's wrong?" Chen Jiu was puzzled.

"Husband, why did you have such a high body temperature just now, isn't the demon. You can't stand you today?" Caidie asked in confusion.

"This, in fact, this can't blame me!" Chen Jiu sighed, first evading responsibility, and then thinking about preaching: "I'll give you a simple example to explain it, it may be easier to understand!"

"Okay!" Caidie's eyes were bright and she listened respectfully.

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