Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2625: Solve your worries

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The Great Shang Emperor Palace is in stark contrast to the happiness of Chen Jiu.The helplessness and indignity that belonged to the King of Heaven did not live well, for an extremely good emperor. Power is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than killing him.

In the early morning, looking at the beautiful demon in the arms, Tian Tianwang was helpless and sighed. "In the previous world, all women were lonely, and as long as they saw which one, they can come anytime. Fortunately, But now, although Gu Gu hasn't lost the world, but he has lost all the women, how can Gu Gu be so sad? Who can solve the worries for Gu Gu? Between the world, is there no talented man? \ "

\ "Dawang, it's still early, why don't you sleep?" The jade man heard the sound and woke up slightly. It was pure and sexual. The demon Ji, who felt that all men wanted to do after watching it. Gorgeous.

\ "Sleeping? Gu looks like this now. Even a woman can't have it. How can Gu sleep?" Tian Tianwang said with great grievance, it was very low.

\ "Dawang, why don't others help you again? \" The demon Ji pleased her, but she stunned her again, but she played for a long time, but she had no effect, so she had no choice but to give up \ "Dawang, maybe you too Tired, take a few more days off! \ "

\ "Ai Fei, do you even give up loneliness? What does it mean to be lonely alive?" Tian Tianwang preached very sadly.

\ "King, don't lose hope, Chen Ye believes that you will get better one day! \" The demon Ji said with persuasion: \ "It's getting late, let's get up! \"

\ "Okay! \" The king of heaven nodded and nodded, and had to go to the early court reluctantly. Dealing with political affairs was not his hobby, but the girl was not able to go. The only thing he could do was to go up !!

In the early dynasty, the ministers discussed the method of breaking the enemy, and there were still a few loyal ministers who wanted to protect the dynasty and continue to rule.

However, when all the ministers put forward various suggestions to the King of Heaven, and waited for his consent, his word was almost to knock down all the ministers!

\ "You Aiqing, don't hide from each other. Gu has recently had some physical problems. Seeing the beauty of the fragrant house is countless, but she must not go deep. She is really sad and unable to sleep at night. Be sure to reap the rewards! \ "The king of heaven is now thinking that he wants to be competent.

Yes, as long as you think about the moment when you are tired. Soft, your favorite demon girl, was actually done by another man, his heart is very uncomfortable!

\ "King, this ... \" All the ministers were filled with indignation, they were all dumbfounded, they are still doing their final efforts, but their master is still thinking about women in a heart, which really makes them Extremely disappointed.

\ "King Tota, do you have a way to solve your worries for the orphan? \" The ministers did not answer, but the King of Heaven was named directly.

\ "King, this minister will be helpless ... \" King Tota bowed his head in shame.

\ "King Dali, how about you? \" Unwillingly, the King of Heaven is looking at another person.

\ "King, the villain is dull, and he is not proficient in medicine!" "King Dali also shook his head and stepped back, afraid to answer.

Then, the king of the king asked several people again, but none of them provided suggestions. It really made the king of the king anxious \ "rice buckets, your group of rice buckets, usually say how loyal, but lonely It ’s difficult, you ca n’t help alone, what are you not a rice bucket? \ "

\ "Master, I'm waiting for guilt ... \" A group of ministers, please plead guilty.

\ "Go, let me go ..." "The king of heaven shouted, and the ministers retreated. He fell down on the dragon's chair alone and sighed." The most sad thing in the world is not Without women, there are countless good women who are willing to separate your legs for you. But you have no ability to have ... \ "

The King of Heaven is here to blame the sky and to worry about the people, and they don't know the demon Ji, that can't help but be lonely, and even go to the west in the palace.

At this point, a head of guard was called by the demon Ji, it was charm.

\ "No way, Master Niang, this is not way. If it is known by the King, this is a great crime of beheading ... \" When the head guard is in such a hug, why dare to ask?

\ "That waste won't work. Why mention him, I want you, you want me to do it ... \" At the request of the demon Ji, the captain of the guard is helpless to fall. But he hasn't had time to go in yet. I was fascinated by the appearance of the demon Ji. Down, it was due to shoot the gun on the spot, leaving a large piece of it, can no longer get it.

\ "You ... You are also a waste thing! \" The demon Ji was so angry that he tried others, but then tried several people for a long time, but he was frightened by the king's Yinwei for years, who dare to move?

\ "Hey, I own the world, and there are countless men who are willing to work for themselves. Even if they let them commit suicide, they don't dare to obey, but it is a pity that at the crucial moment, there is no one thing, their own. Life, why is it so bitter? \ "The demon Ji was extremely disappointed, and also sighed. The two of them were really connected with the disease.

\ "Sister, maybe I can solve your worries? \" Suddenly, with a soft greeting, the other was full of nagging. Na's figure came out and stood in front of the monster Ji, really a pair of sisters Flower-like, sexual.

\ "Who are you? How did you break into the main land of my palace? \" I saw the demon. Alas, in surprise, the demon Ji was full of vigilance.

\ "Rest assured, I have no malicious intentions, otherwise Tongtian Locks City Array will not be able to tolerate me? \" The visitor is just a demon. No doubt, in order to accept the righteous people to resist the week, Tongtian Locks City Array is not as closed as before, It is allowed to enter the strong without malicious, and this is the opportunity of the demon.

\ "Oh? What's your name, can you really help me to worry about it? Look at you too. [,!] Isn't that terrific, do you intend to learn from me and go to charm. Do you want to make the emperor of that big week?" After thinking about it, I asked gently.

\ "Da Zhou got help from heaven, it is already difficult to shake, if the sister recognizes, it is better to persuade the king of heaven to give up the dark !!" demon. 娆 kindly persuaded, but my heart was a bit ashamed.

\ "What? This is absolutely impossible. If your so-called method is only to persuade the surrender, then leave as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for sending off the guest! \" The demon Ji changed her face immediately, without any room for negotiation.

\ "Sister Mo Ji, my name is Demon. Hey, maybe we were the same family in our last life. Even if you do n’t want to surrender, we can think of other ways!" Up.

\ "Other methods? It depends on whether you have it. If not, then don't blame me for not recognizing your sister!" "Yu Ji is still very hostile to the demon of unknown origin. Alas, she is very hostile. Whether or not to stay is really an unknown number!

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