Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2632: Breakthrough direction

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Your Majesty, if you have any questions, Ji'er must know everything, and he can't stop talking! \" The demon Ji is full of flattering, nodded again and again.

\ "What is your purpose of approaching the King of Heaven? Who sent you there? \" Chen Jiu was a little curious and asked first.

\ "Ji Er was originally a spirit fox in the wild. One day, he was enlightened by the eternal master of heaven. This turned into an adult form. Later, he entered the palace of the emperor by chance, and according to the instructions of the master, he urged the king to find medicine! \ "The demon Ji dare not neglect, preaching fifteen to ten.

\ "Oh? Since you have been assigned to Master Changsheng, what do you know about him?" "Chen Jiu asked in detail.

\ "Your Majesty, Master Changsheng is unfathomable. He is not something I can understand. If the King of Kings is dying today, it would be useless for me to stay there, so I have to escape! \" The fear of Yao Ji's face, In fact, it is also worried that Changsheng Tianshi finds the post-account.

\ "You demon, people will let you assist the King of Heaven, you can do a good job, and it will directly mess up an empire. If I were you, I would not dare to stay any longer! \" The bitterness, the color butterfly contempt.

\ "If you say that, Changsheng Tianshi attaches great importance to herbs! \" Chen Jiu frowned, but still heard a little doorway, he felt that there was a breakthrough direction to kill Changsheng Tianshi.

\ "Yes, although I'm not sure, Changsheng Tianshi is planning a big event and needs a lot of herbs as a guide!" "Yu Jiman answered with affirmation.

\ "Then he can't resist these elixir at all? \" Chen Jiu laughed, and beckoned to offer a tripod of elixir, Fen. Fang was intoxicating.

\ "Ah ... so many immortals!" Yao Ji looked dumbfounded and very greedy. She was greedy.

\ "Xiu Ji, now I need you to cooperate with me in a major event. If I can succeed, then I can spare you a life!" "Chen Jiugui laughed and already had an idea.

\ "Your Majesty, Ji'er must do his utmost to be loyal to you, don't say that you let me be the officer, you are the one you want to do. I have no problem! \" The demon Ji bowed down, knowing that she would not die for a while, and began to frown. Look up.

\ "Alas, fox. The raccoon essence can't change the nature of silver! \" Cai Die is severely scowling, standing tightly beside Chen Jiu, proclaiming her sovereignty!

In the Dashang Palace, rags and leaves are dancing in the wind, calling for a luxurious scene. Gone are the sights of a figure with a beard and stubble walking in this chaotic scene.

Suddenly, this sorrowful figure stopped, and he even smiled a bit disappointingly. "" Be flat, you come here with Gu, there is something to tell you! "

Imagine the day before yesterday, giant. Numerous beautiful girls are countless, but unfortunately today, the fallen leaves and yellow flowers are dying, and the life of the king of heaven is just to fall from heaven to **** all of a sudden.

\ "I'm gone, I'm all gone, I'm alone, I'm still alone!" "The King of Heaven, who was awake a little soberly, couldn't help tearing up his face and was very sad.

\ "No, King, you are not alone, at least you still have me! \" Suddenly, a sloppy figure came from a distance, she was beautiful and beautiful, she was just like a fairy, and made Xiao Suo here. And rundown, instantly added countless brilliance.

It doesn't matter whether the scenery is good or bad, as long as people's mood is good, then the ruined scenery is also unique and beautiful. With the advent of the demon. The eyes of the king of heaven, it really shines again!

\ "Monster. Alas, you ... you didn't even go with your sister? \" The king of heaven, looking at this figure, was quite unbelievable.

\ "Sister is ungrateful, can I be like her? \" The demon. My face is grateful: \ "We are deeply affected by the King's affection, how can we leave the King at this time of trouble? \"

\ "Hey, you ... you ca n’t think of the most sensible person, it will be you. Gu ’s eyes were really blind before. Sorry, Gu will love you in the future. The whole palace will be yours in the future! \ "Tian Tianwang was moved by that, and immediately stepped forward, wanting to hug the beauties, and be grateful.

\ "King, they don't want the palace, they just want to spend the rest of your time with you! \" Yao. 娆 naturally escaped, and did not give the king of heaven any chance to approach.

With Chen Jiujian, she can arrogantly. She is crazy and mad, but with the King of Heaven, she is always unwilling to let go, and he does not want to take any advantage from him!

\ "娆 儿, you ... Are you still abandoning me? \" Tianxi Wangmei couldn't help but was a little disappointed.

\ "Master, don't you think about it, now that you are sick, you should not kiss. Close to a girl. It's still important to have a healthy body! \" Monster. 娆 Kindly persuade.

\ "娆 儿, I can't think that only you are the best to me! \" The King of Tian 纣 was grateful again, but then he was sorry: \ "Lost the elixir and minister, I am afraid that this body is also Nothing better! \ "

\ "Dawang, don't be discouraged. According to people's news, isn't the Master Changsheng omnipotent? You can ask him for a quick recovery! \" The demon. I took the opportunity and began to explore.

\ "Tiansheng Changshi, he ... has been closed recently, and it is difficult to see him alone!" "Tianwang Wang was very helpless to preach.

\ "Dawang, you are the true emperor. Who do you want to meet and who dare not see? \" Yao. 娆 is very preaching.

\ "Hey, don't make a mistake. The eternal master is the real pillar of my dynasty. At that time, my mother died, and it was he who took away my mother's belly and brought me back to life! \" Mentioned the elder master, The awe and gratitude of the King of Heaven, "In fact, as long as he is there, my Da Shang Dynasty will come back one day sooner or later!"

\ "So? Isn't there a way to communicate with him? Now that all the big businessmen are ruined, why can't he come forward to maintain it? \" Yao. I am quite complaining.

. [,! ] \ "In the past, Gu only occasionally went to seek celestial masters when he was offering herbs. Now the herbs are gone, and Gu really has no face to pass by!" Tian Tianwang seemed to preach a little in fear.

\ "Herbs? King, what if I still have some? \" Demon. I smiled, and actually took out some herbs, although not the top ones, but already very good.

\ "Wow, although there are not many of these herbs, they should be enough to refine some Optimus Dan! \" After seeing the herbs, the king of heaven immediately jumped. When you got up, the silver evil eyes could not wait to put the demon on the spot.娆 Press it down and have fun.

\ "Dawang, these herbs can be given to you, but I just ask you to let people go with you to see the style of the Master, okay? \" Yao. 娆 naturally has his own intention.

\ "This? Although Master Tian Shi forbids me to take anyone there, but this is the situation now ... Well, when you get there, you must not speak loudly!" "Heaven King, hesitated, really wanted it Demon. Hey, so I agreed .-- 3533 + 0935-&

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