Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2652: Born Toothless

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Hey, Chen Jiu, do n’t you open your eyes and talk nonsense? Who asked you to draw me completely as her? I just let you put your face into her. You see my body, at least More than half, okay? "Caidie is quite reasonable, but she still counts Chen Jiu.

"Your bodies are also roughly the same. For such a painting, don't others think she's her?" Chen Jiuqi said.

"Chen Jiu, do you still plan to show it to others, just the three of us, do you still want others?" Cai Die was seriously skeptical, but Chen Jiu was relieved.

Yeah, it ’s a bit nasty to do this, but it ’s not for anyone to see, it ’s just for fun, should n’t it hurt? Chen Jiu seriously, he couldn't help evil. Disgusting!

"Chen Jiu, when you paint people and scenes, they are often reflected in contrast. Don't you think that this level is too low? The real masters are painting by the mind, because reality cannot be perfect, but thought can shape perfection, do you understand? As long as you listen to me, you will definitely create a beautiful artistic photo! "Seeing Chen Jiu stopped talking, Caidie tried her best to persuade her again.

"Caidie, aren't you going to compare with her? How can you make me look like her? Don't you want to win her?" When Chen Jiuyi moved, he asked inexplicably.

"Of course I want to win, we compare them, and there is no stipulation that it must be me, the demon. Aunt, and there are other people, if no one else, can she be so beautiful?" To be eloquent, this sentence is about ideas.

"This ..." In the mind, Chen Jiu had to be convinced of this reason, because it was true.

"Your Majesty, shouldn't you intentionally let me lose, and you don't want to improve your artistic accomplishments any more?" Caidie said silently, but pitifully.

"But if you paint like this, wouldn't it be too good." Chen Jiu still hesitated, because at this moment, he thought of the star Yan once seen on the Internet.

At that time, the technology of retouching was developed. Although the famous stars did not leave. Light, but after modification and spread, they have all become light and light people, but also one by one. It is extremely extreme, and its image is completely Does not match.

Of course, Chen Jiu's first look at that time was naturally exciting, but he later knew that it was fake, but this did not affect people to think of them!

Men, in fact, are like this. On the one hand, they are indignant at this kind of profane behavior, but on the other hand, they want to profane the beauty, to meet their physical and mental needs.

Right now, Chen Jiu is not shameful, but he has a vicious taste of profanity, which is really difficult to decide!

"How can you do it? Your Majesty, look at the demon. You have a big mouth, and she has no teeth under her. Isn't it natural that she doesn't have teeth? If you want to say something, she's shameless. "Baidie said good words and persuaded, pointing directly to the center of the picture, and said something to make Chen Jiuhuo.

"Really toothless?" Chen Jiu stared with wide eyes and couldn't get in on the spot.

"Your Majesty, since you all said she was shameless, then there should be no problem with painting like this?" Cai Die groaned, holding the winning ticket.

"I ... I don't seem to have any inspiration at this time!" Chen Jiuyu said, shaking his head in his heart even more.

"Your Majesty, if you want inspiration, people can help you find inspiration!" Caidie smiled sweetly, kneeling directly in front of Chen Jiu, and opened the door for his inspiration. Draw it up.

A pair of peerless heavenly works, just in one go, Chen Jiu finally looked at the perfect demon. He looks like he can't help it anymore, it's beautiful!

"Your Majesty, look at you so excited. This picture must be beautiful, right?" When Cai Die was used, she couldn't help turning her head to look at it. She looked so embarrassed and flushed immediately when she saw it.

"Well, Caidie, I have drawn the picture. I'm afraid I won't know if I can win that picture!" Chen Jiu nodded, and some were afraid to draw conclusions, because the paintings of different artistic conceptions Only when put together can we distinguish ourselves.

"Your Majesty, thank you, you worked hard, no matter whether you can win or not, people will not blame you!" Cai Die very satisfied withdrawing the painting, Meimei snuggled past Chen Jiu.

"Hey, demon. Hey, I hope you don't blame me when you see it!" Chen Jiu sighed, but it was an unbearable hesitation. If it was really a demon, he would be done like this by himself.

Men, like a woman, in fact, do not want to wear her imperial clothes, although she has been restraining herself, but Chen Jiu will inevitably have such a thought of virtuousness, which is also human nature!

The next day, Chen Jiu felt ashamed, so she deliberately avoided the demon. He did not touch her too much, but Caidie was different. Instead, she was looking for an opportunity. Minato.

Finally, while the demon 娆 inspected the construction progress of the river canal, Caidie hurriedly compacted up and preached loudly: "Queen maiden, the nanny has drawn the progress picture. You only need to see it at a glance. Walk around again! "

"Oh?" With a skeptical look, Yao. 娆 has made 10,000 preparations in her heart, but when she really saw this picture, she couldn't help but want to explode, her heart was crazy. Even more want to kill people and vent their anger. Thanks to her being prepared, otherwise, she will have to lose her image in front of the public.

"Why? Queen queen, isn't the naughty drawing bad? Or let everyone see how?" Holding a picture shaking in front of the demon. Aya looked at the one who had her teeth gritted, 甭Titus is happy!

"No need, I just have to look at it!" The hate is infinite, but the demon 娆 must pretend to be normal, that is, grabbing the picture in the hand, and want to destroy it on the spot.

"Mother-in-law, the picture is not clean, you just have to look at it. As for holding it, let's just hold it!" Of course, Caidie refused to give it to the demon. I'm mad at her, and she has to compare it at night, she won't be stupid until now!

"Caidie, you have no shame!" I didn't get a picture, but I got closer, and the demon whispered, still cursing.

"Queen, look here. This is your toothless right? Hey, others eat meat, you can only drink soup, and the soup is still flowing out, you are the real shameless. "Cai Die doesn't want to be outdone. Pointing at the picture with any intention, it makes the demon. Almost vomit blood.

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