Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2660: Sun happiness

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

2660 silly pacote range build

"Your Majesty, please draw another picture while others still have time?" Cai Die's expression pleased, and she demanded again.

"What ghost idea are you going to fight today?" Chen Jiu was very helpless, but he didn't reject anything, because he was the biggest beneficiary between the two 'females', and his helpless appearance was only to the butterfly A compromise of 'character' character!

"Your Majesty, of course, you want to demonize that demon. Hey, I don't believe she won't go back with us!" Caidie said in a bad smile, "Straight, straight," chest, and said, "Long drought, urgency The hillsides of other people have been deserted for a long time. Please ask for some rain and show pity to the mountain people here! "

"This ..." Looking down, Chen Jiu couldn't help but feel a little moved, and he couldn't help but also cooperated: "If you want rain, you have to show a little sincerity. Otherwise, the old dragon king won't rain. of!"

"Naturally, there is a beautiful 'woman' here dedicated to the Dragon King to play. 'Long', just asking the Lord King for rainfall and drought relief, don't you know it?" Caidie Baba dedicated her again.

"If you can't succeed, you have to watch this beautiful 'woman', who can't stand the dragon king!" Chen Jiu smiled proudly and was looking forward to it.

"Master Dragon King, as long as you can relieve the rain and drought and save the world's Li Min, you can play whatever you want today ..." Caidie is also a kind of embarrassment, Lingyi Dayi.

"It's so good. Let the Dragon King taste your fresh" meat "first ..." Chen Jiu pretended to be evil and evil, and he bit it up at once.

"Ah ..." Cai Die screamed, and Duan was destroyed, but she finally got a rush of rain as she wished, and it fell down two mountain peaks, which filled the entire mountain peak. Reiki, life is booming!

"Your Majesty, draw, or it won't be beautiful any time soon!" Taking advantage of the last breath, Caidie quickly reminded.

"Okay!" Chen Jiu nodded, drawing with a pen, and these are two sacred mountains. Even if there is no decoration, they are beautiful and beautiful.

But nowadays, the mountain raining in the rain has added a different style to it, as if life is to be born there, it is simply a miracle!

In one go, when Chen Jiu's face was painted, of course, he was painted as a demon again. It made him look afterwards, and he couldn't help but blame himself. Habit is a terrible thing. Feeling right and left thinking!

"Wow, that's great, I want this effect!" Caidie is very satisfied, and her face is filled with happiness. "If this looks to the demon, I do n’t want to die, she wants it. What I eat is to nourish my body. How extravagant is this? "

"Caidie, do you want to beat her, do you want me to draw you directly next time?" Chen Jiu is a good young man, and he doesn't want to frame people's monsters like this.

"Don't, I will draw her in the portraits later, so that when she scolds me, I can't talk back!" Cai Die demanded strongly, and it turned out to have ulterior motives.

"This ..." Chen Jiu was speechless and had to admire Caidie's consideration.

"Oh, Your Majesty, you are too cruel, let you play casually, and everyone is hurting, you do n’t know that Lianxiang Xi's 'Jade'!" Cai Die stood up, but fell back, Naturally for a while complaining.

"I ..." Chen Jiu was 'very' aggrieved. You were so crazy when you were playing, but you blame yourself after playing. Are you ‘female’ right?

This kind of thing is really too careless. Caidie is just a few complaints. In fact, men can not only get angry when they hear such complaints, but they should also be more proud!

After a few words of consolation, the butterfly passed, and after getting dressed, she went out cheerfully, looked at the appearance, and went to make trouble again.

Sure enough, the demon 娆 gathered with several foremen. She was negotiating the scheduling and arrangement of the workers. When she saw the butterflies coming over, she immediately became nervous.

"Well, wait a minute, I have something here, I'll talk about it later!" I didn't dare to wait for Caidie to come over directly, Demon. I took the initiative to welcome her.

"Oh, queen queen mother, how dare you let you meet in person?" Caidie grotesquely smiled very proudly.

"Caidie, what are you going to do?" The demon asked, naturally feeling her bad intentions.

"Nothing, I drew another picture, please appreciate it!" Said Cai Die, and she was going to get her painting in her arms.

"Are there any paintings that you can no longer appreciate at night? I have something to do now!" Yao. 娆 quickly grabbed Caidie's arm.

"Mother Queen, this blueprint has been drawn for three days. You must take a look, please, please?" At this time, Cai Die suddenly called out loud, and suddenly attracted many people's attention.

"You ..." Demon. Sigh of annoyance can't be stopped, and can only pretend to reply: "Well, hurry up!"

"Thank queen queen mother!" So dignified, Caidie handed out the painting, it was really demon at first glance. I looked at it for a while, swallowed unconsciously, but also resentment, this little cheap. People, it's really becoming more and more ridiculous, so it's too 'wave'!

In the face painting, Jiao. Red is a ‘woman’ who is really tortured, but her face has no hatred, no grievances, and some are just endless intoxication and happiness!

'Zi ...' Jade 'is very beautiful, but the classics that really stand out are the two beautiful mountains, which are drenched in thin light. Under the break of the light, the end is like a god's medicine. , It is exuding a taste of mouth-watering 'desire'.

"Well, just why there is such a smell in a painting, does it have hallucinations?" Looking at the painting in mysteriously, the demon 娆 was surprised to himself.

"It's not an illusion. The smell came from me. I haven't washed it yet!" Caidie even boldly approached the front and gently pulled the neckline, and it turned out to be more intense.

"You ... you shameless!" Looking at this scene, the demon is so angry that he gritted his teeth and resentful, how can he let himself meet such a superb opponent!

"Queen maiden, what you said is wrong. This painting is obviously you. Why do you say I don't want to face?" Cai Die pointed to the painting, and the evidence was as strong as a mountain.

"Caidie, what on earth do you want to do?" The demon felt that she was going to be mad, and didn't want to hang around with her like this.

"Why don't you just share your circle of friends and be happy in the sun. If you are busy, please continue, I will go first!" Said the butterfly, put away the painting and left.

"Huh, tanning happiness dies quickly, don't you want to share it? See how I share your man!" It's not a curse of sorrow, demon. The eyes flicker, it will never stop at this step! --28850 + dsuaahhh + 24569374->

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