Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2663: Bad pollution

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

That night, as always, Caidie and Chen Jiu came to the demon again. 娆 Here ‘mix’ and sleep, if this man ’s ‘women’ sleep together, it is inevitable that something will happen.

Different from the past, today's demon 娆 seems to be particularly quiet. She turned silently and fell asleep there, and she turned a blind eye to the scene of the colorful butterflies.

Eating alone, although it's delicious, but after eating for a while, Caidie is inevitably a little curious, and still can't help but kick the kick monster. He asked: "Hey, why don't you ask me to eat today? "

"Begging is also begging, it's better not to look at it and worry about it!" Looking back angrily, demon. Where can I sleep?

"This ... don't you want to go back so much?" Cai Die was startled, really did not expect the demon. Ye really so determined.

"Everyone should have a dream to persist. Although there are a lot of 'temptations' and 'confusions' on the road, we must not shake our minds because of foreign objects!" Suddenly, "I am determined now" To atone for my sister, then I must make Da Zhou more beautiful! "

"You little bitch. If you can really think that way, I would despise you!" Cai Die listened to such grand words, and could not help but admire it, but she admired it, and she had a dream, That is to insist on getting rid of the monsters, and not let her grow up!

The dream of the two just happened to run into each other. This naturally did not wipe out some blood ‘flowers’, that was an oath.

"If you can do it for Da Zhou, then don't make‘ chaos ’here, okay?” The demon. 娆 turned around again, and he was earnestly begging.

"Okay, you don't have to blame me and wear a hat. For the big week, I will do something practical today, lest you always say that I have nothing to do!" Caidie suddenly made up her mind.

"Oh? What can you do for real?" This time, it was the demon's turn. He wondered 'confuse'.

"Queen, you repair the canal for the people of the world, but your own canal is unmanned, the sewage is blocked, and even the turbid gas rises, and the disease is overwhelming. I will repair the canal for you today, drain the filth, and give you a healthy one. Is n’t it better for the body to allow you to devote yourself to your work? ”Cai Die then preached in utter solitude.

"What? You have to repair the canal for me, what can I do ..." Demon. I thought she had something good to do. When I heard it was this, it was a pinch. It was embarrassing to tighten the beautiful 'legs'. died.

"Queen maiden, don't you think about being so beautiful. I am a natural fairy like me, repairing the sewer. Is that something I can do? I won't do it myself. There is a man here. He repairs your sewer. Just the smelly ditch of yours, it smells stinky to me, so I won't go to repair it! "Cai Die said proudly, degrading the demon.

"Really, do you really want me to come down and repair the ditch for me?" In the past, Yao Yao may have hit a few words, but now her sewer is blocked for a long time, and urgently needs to be repaired, and this repair People are still the man she is most looking forward to. She is instantly rejoicing.

"Of course, now, don't you say that I haven't done anything right? At least the worker I led was extremely capable!" Caidie asked proudly.

"The job is done well, the leader's face is naturally bright, but I don't know if your worker has that ability!" Demon. Surely, naturally also looked to Chen Jiu, looking forward to it.

"Mother Queen, is there any ability to do this, you will know if you try it?" Chen Jiu smiled, he was looking forward to this day for a long time.

"Also, look at Caidie, if you want to build a career for Da Zhou so much, I will give you a chance to see if your workers can repair my canals!" Yao. 娆 Although I really want to jump directly, but Taking into account the colorful butterflies here, there is still enough work to do.

"Chen Jiu, you have to work hard, don't embarrass me!" Nodded with satisfaction, Cai Die patted Chen Jiu's shoulder, and entrusted her with heavy responsibility.

"My mother is relieved, I ’m used to snacking, and I ’m not afraid of anything that is dirty and tired, let alone the smelly ditch, I just drank the big dung and dross, it ’s nothing!” Chen Jiubai Those with 'breasts' are full of confidence.

"Okay, then you can go and comb the smelly ditch well!" Originally, I was a little bit reluctant, but listening to Chen Jiu said, Caidie also smiled happily, when it wasn't, no Shamelessly forgotten, and even more happy.

"I ..." Demon. Aggrieved, where did he smell? But at this time, when she really didn't care, as long as she could let Chen Jiu come over, she would be satisfied.

Chen Jiu did not disappoint the demon. He really came, but in the face of her expectation of admiration, his first sentence almost did not embarrass her to death!

"Queen, **** you, this polluted‘ very ’is terrible. You ca n’t even survive the river prawns. It ’s really difficult to manage it!” Chen Jiu laughed at the beautiful scenery.

"If there is no difficulty, how can you reflect the performance of your worker?" A glaring glance, the demon. Can only cooperate with him, can not let Caidie doubt it.

"Ah, such a large pollution, at least ten 'waves' of water can be washed away!" Chen Jiu sighed, and just turned the small switch gently.

‘Zi ...’ It ’s an exaggeration to say that it ’s a switch. Because Chen Jiu pressed it like this, there was really a flood of water there. Seeing that might, it meant to drown the whole tent.

"Sure enough, the water is so big that it almost washed me away." It's so stupid to die ... "Cai Die looked at it all, and couldn't help ridiculing and laughing.

It ’s beautiful, it ’s too beautiful to be beautiful, but listening to the butterfly, the demon is really annoyed. She wants to die ashamed, she wants to show her purity, but unfortunately she has no control over it, so even She was scolded and had to bear it very helplessly!

"Well, the shallow sewage is almost discharged, and now it is all deep sewage. I still have to **** it down!" Chen Jiu was completely disregarding the two women, and he was just a dedicated and dedicated practitioner. Drain workers, as soon as they work, they are full of channels!

Then, he pierced his head, it was to repair the canal with all his heart, and this time, the demon was really comfortable to be repaired, and the butterfly looked at him, and when he was ridiculed, he was actually in his heart. It is inevitable that there will be some bitterness and envy, because her family knows her own affairs and the sewer is blocked.

After another dredging, Chen Jiu proudly raised his head. "Queen, mother, the pollution has been cured, don't you know if your canal has been cleared? If it doesn't, I can clear it for you!" --28850 + dsuaahhh + 24589041->

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