Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2676: For whom

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Innocent. White? If you are innocent, innocent, I will return you innocent, innocent, don't resist now, let me take a look at your little wave bottom ..." Caidie split the demon. The face was fierce and evil, like an old mother in a prostitute. \\. \\

Mother, when she buys a woman, she naturally has to inspect the goods. As a clean and fair woman, how can she be willing to be identified by her? That is a constant resistance!

"Don't, don't ..." The voice was choked, her body was blue and black, and she was demon. At this moment, she couldn't cry any more. She regretted and blame herself. Why did she come out with her?

"Don't cry, you charm. When you get a man, why don't you think of today when you are so happy and dead?" Today, you are your own fault! "Cai Die angrily, looking for legitimate reasons, Gently poke in the past.

"Ah ..." The demon screamed, a trace of blood leaked out, which made Caidie stupid on the spot!

"How is that possible? You are still ..." Cai Die paused, but her hand just couldn't poke any longer.

"I was originally, my Majesty and I are innocent, you will not believe it!" The demon. Aggrieved the grievance, his face full of injustice.

"Well, even if you are a virgin, you are not a good thing. Since it bleeds, I'll wipe it for you!" Cai Die isn't Ziwei. Weijian, that is, he quickly took out a handkerchief for the demon. stand up.

At this moment, Caidie is undoubtedly very surprised, because Chen Jiu didn't betray his promise, he is still worthy of his trust, so the resentment against the demon is not so great!

Huh, this little bit. Man, it ’s a big deal to apologize to her for a while, and she did n’t dare to chew her tongue in front of Chen Jiu, and Caidie did n’t get tangible evidence. This turned into irrationality, naturally. Also thinking about the back road.

Unfortunately, a figure had stepped in at this time, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The demon with a beautiful face and moonlight, sorrow, grief and grief, she was full of body. She was not wearing anything, purple and blue, Judah. ​​Her legs and waist and the sacred mountain were even worse. You must know that these are your favorite. local!

"Zi ..." A bloodstain made Chen Jiu's heart hurt. He resisted the mad urge. He stepped in front of the two women and asked, "Caidie, what are you doing?"

"Ah ... Chen Jiu, why are you here and you want to scare me to death?" Cai Die hasn't dealt with the funeral yet. Chen Jiu came here. Naturally it scared her a lot. Endlessly.

"Your Majesty, save me ..." Demon. I saw Chen Jiu, and even saw a savior. That was the whole person who fell into his arms and complained.

"Chen Jiu, listen to me, this is not what I did. This is a bad person who carried her over. I came here to save her. When I saw her, she was like this. But your benefactor, can you frame me! "The evil butterfly Caidie accused first, and quickly defended himself.

"It's nonsense!" Chen Jiu didn't need to ask at all. He stared at the Luofu celestial sphere and pointed out: "Caidie, what are you sophistry about now, look at your celestial sphere, isn't it used to shock the demons. ? "

"This ... a, this is a misunderstanding. She just didn't know how to lose heart, she couldn't control herself, she had to self-harm, obediently, look at what she has done to herself. If it wasn't for my hand, she would I smashed my little wave bottom. If it turned out to be a rotten product, wouldn't your Majesty have lost a lot of money? "Caidie pleased and hurriedly told the sermon.

"Crazy?" Chen Jiu frowned. He really didn't see the two women fighting for the wind. What he saw was that Caidie was using a handkerchief to wipe the blood for the demon. So he did n’t do anything. Be completely sure.

"Yeah, it's crazy to lose heart. I guess the bad guy gave her some bad medicine. She couldn't control herself. Your Majesty, I'm totally kind!" Cai Die nodded again and again.

"Is that so?" Chen Jiu frowned, looking at the demon in her arms without credulity. He asked: "Queen, what's going on?"

"Ah, Your Majesty, you are so true, I said, do you still not believe it?" Caidie immediately spoiled, trying to fool past.

"Your Majesty, I said, can you believe me?" Nothing at all, covered with bruises, demons. The whole man was still shaking, seeming to be really frightened.

"Of course, I will make the decision for you. Whatever you have to say, feel free to say boldly!" Chen Jiuman comforted with a loving face.

"Queen maiden, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't say anything indiscriminately!" Caidie is still making her last effort, but unfortunately she is greeted with hate.

"Butterfly, things have come to an end now, you are still here and crying and ratting false mercy. Do you have the courage to do it, don't you have the courage to recognize it?" The demon. I can also be considered to be out of the way today. No.

"I did what I did, you don't want to spit people out, I'm your benefactor!" Cai Die anxiously, staring at the demon. I blame it instead. "Oh, I know, it must be you who cooperated with your people and designed to frame me. Isn't it? You want your Majesty to misunderstand me and drive me away, right? "

"What? Caidie, you are still a damsel, can you make a face?" The demon was surprised, really did not think that Caidie was so shameless.

"Why don't I shame? You obviously don't shame, in order to frame me, even at the expense of making yourself like this, do you think that's all right? Our Majesty is wise, his eyes are like a torch, isn't it? Your gangsters will be in the meeting! "Choi's compliment really looked like that.

"Your Majesty, it's her. She is jealous of me, thinking that we have done that kind of thing for men and women. That's why she was jealous and pulled me, forcibly shuddering. Shame, you must be my master!" Demon . Chu Chu's poor complaint, no matter how Caidie quibble, she has to sue for herself.

"This ..." Chen Jiu was dumbfounded, he really hated that he hadn't taken a step early and couldn't see the truth of the matter. Now that they each said a word, it was really hard to judge!

"Your Majesty, the demon. You are not content enough to be a queen, but you can't tolerate my maiden, you have to take charge of it for me!" Caidie also pretended to be sad and cried.

"You ... you lie ..." Anxiously staring at Caidie, Demon. I really feel annoyed.

"Did you lie, and thought that you could force me away with such a bad way? Huh, Your Majesty won't be fooled!" Cai Die retorted, proud of her arrogance.

"Your Majesty ..." The two women were noisy, each accused, and kept asking for help to Chen Jiu. The little grieving appearance was very pitiful. When Chen Jiu looked around, it became bigger and bigger. , Who should decide this? How can we know who they are lying?

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