Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2690: Abdicate

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Emperor Zhou Tian abdicated, and the new emperor ascended the throne. This is a national matter. It should not have been so rushed, but Chen Jiu had already arranged it. It just needs to start the original prepared program. It is not a big deal. thing.

Hundreds of officials gathered, and the guard of honor dedicated to the court filled the entire royal family, all with solemn expressions, which made people dare not mess up!

The mountain behind the palace, towering into the clouds, Chen Jiu led the team, sacrificed to the heavens, and prayed for the blessing of the world. He also requested the heavens to continue to shelter the Great Zhou and Guotai Min'an.

The mother took over and became a generation of female emperors. This is undoubtedly a historic moment. To say that the happiest ones are also those who built the canal with the demons. They are all cheerful and 10,000 safeguards.

Under the support of these people, a terrific female emperor came from the foot of the mountain. It was Chen Jiu who saw her figure and couldn't help but stunned. Some couldn't believe it was yesterday. Akira, let the jade people invade.

Yingzi is so cool and stunning, she wears a set of women's dragon robes. He is full of majesty, demon, and demon. There is no shortage of holiness. At first glance, it looks like a goddess alive, awesome and inexplicable!

Noble, beautiful, generous, prestige, compassion ... Demon. 娆 At this moment, there is a generation of emperor's prestige and bodhisattva-like compassion. When she first appeared, she convinced everyone and let those who were dissatisfied before, They kept silent.

"Meet Your Majesty ..." The demon. Ma's figure was excellent, but when she came to Chen Jiu, she knelt on both legs and gave him infinite respect.

"Xie Tiandi's grace!" Of course, all the ministers who followed the demon, were also grateful.

"Yao. You, you are the queen of You, the mother of a country, you know the things that make the world a blessing for the people in the world ..." "I recently received an order from Heaven to do something big, and the Dazhou Empire will give it to you. Can you share your concerns?"

"Your Majesty is assured, Majesty is deeply favored by the Emperor. He will not disappoint His Majesty's trust. He will do his best to make blessings for the big week!" Demon. He worshiped the entire predecessor, his face was sincere and firm.

"Okay, you come here to take the sacrifice to the sky, take over the whole empire's prosperity and disgrace!" Chen Jiu nodded, calling the demon. Xun went to the front.

Ceremony of offering to heaven, although this thing is ethereal, but some things are real in the meditation!

With the worship of the demon 娆 and the transfer of Chen Jiu, the Grand Canal between the whole world and the national movement of a country seems to be suddenly transferred. It is the body of the demon ,, passive and bright, and dazzling. It is impossible to look straight.

"Ah, meet the Emperor ..." The ministers kneeled down, and they knew it was a demon. I won the recognition of heaven and earth, but they dare not resist at all!

"People are flat, and they inherit Da Zhou Tianyun. In the future, they will use up the last drop of essence and blood for Da Zhou. I hope everyone will be honest for the officials and benefit the people, and work with me to make Da Zhou even better!" Demon.娆 Although he was the emperor for the first time, he was pretending to look like it.

"My emperor rest assured that I will not insult the emperor's great gratitude!" The ministers paid homage, but more of them looked at Chen Jiu and had an inseparable feeling for him.

"Jiang Taigong, please hurry up, you are the first hero of my founding, and I will see you later, no need to pay homage!" The demon. Xun stepped forward and pulled Jiang Taigong personally.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible!" Mrs. Jiang was very grateful for her tears.

"Anyway, this is my pardon for you. If you don't implement it, then you won't give me face!" Yao. You insisted on seeing, it really touched Jiang Taigong's heart.

"Thank Your Majesty!" Jiang Taigong finally bowed in sincere worship, no doubt convinced.

"Zhou Fa, your Zhou Jiajun was not afraid of the annihilation of the clan at first, and it was an act of righteousness to dare to revolt with the emperor. I am now enclosing your Zhou clan as a royal family, and will be glorious in future generations!" The soldiers are Zhou Fa.

"Xie Your Majesty Emperor, Zhou Fa has given you a **** on behalf of your compatriots ..." Zhou Fa said to be on his knees again, but was pulled by the monster.

Then, the flash electron, the fire child, the three-cut girl, Liang Yan, the twin beauties ... all the founding fathers, the demon. Yan are all in mind, and gave them a separate, just the right reward.

Originally, these people missed Chen Jiu's kindness and had to obey his orders, but now after such a booklet of demon 娆, everyone began to be extremely loyal!

If a person, especially an official, can have a place in the emperor's heart and let him remember himself, it will undoubtedly give them a sense of accomplishment.

People, in fact, sometimes live in a sense of existence. It is as if some people can work in a company for many years without being bored. The main reason for this is not the salary, but the fact that they can In the eyes of the boss, get recognition and get this sense of presence!

Conversely, as a boss, if you want all of your employees to be loyal to the company and not to jump around so often, you will undoubtedly give them this kind of presence and treat them individually.

Watching the demon. I just joined the ministers as soon as he got to the throne, not only coaxing the old ministers with a smile, but also let the new confidantes get effective appointments. This is what Chen Jiu looked at. Admire it!

"This little shit. She's actually showing off the wind. It's on these courtiers. I'll wait for us to go. She might not know what the silver chaos court is!" Caidie didn't show her taste, she dressed up again today A sacrificial priest.

"Caidie, what nonsense, how can a monster. You be such a person!" Chen Jiu couldn't help but glared at it, and educated him in earnest.

"Why not, you just didn't see her, the ministers pulled them over, how many men's hands were pulled in this time, you need to know that the parents are so big, it seems that they have only pulled you a man!" Caidie muttered. , Very dissatisfied.

"Let ’s pull the handle, what's the big deal!" Although Chen Jiu's face didn't seem to care, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, it is a woman she likes, even if it is not the kind of relationship, casually pulling other men, this will still make him somewhat repulsive.

"No big deal? Think about it, she pulls another man's hand, and then grabs your big thing, don't you feel disgusting. Heart?" Cai Die whispered, straightly persuading stand up.

"Okay, don't talk about this, it's time to end the sacrifice!" Chen Jiuyi thought of this, and naturally, some goosebumps were born abruptly, which was very unbearable.

The sacrifice to heaven was over, and the demon 娆 was amnesty to the world, and nine graces were promulgated, which really made the officials happy and the people gain great recognition.

In the evening, hundreds of officials in the imperial palace retired, leaving Chen Jiu with a big head, that is, two women, big eyes and small eyes, tit-for-tat!


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