Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2703: Learn the entrance

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Brother, since that's the case, then I'll start from the beginning. After I came in, I didn't find you, but I found a few stone monuments, which recorded the secrets of the whole world!" There was no hesitation immediately, he started from scratch Began to explain to Chen Jiu what he saw and heard, and his guess.

"What? You mean that there are several empires in this illusion, and they are in a competitive relationship. Whose faith is more, can get the Fei Xian **** key, and then enter the Fei Xian religion, enjoy the supreme honor?" After Chen Jiu heard it, he couldn't help but shake.

"Yes, did you find nothing special when you laid the core of the empire?" He asked immediately.

"Discovery, naturally, there are some discoveries. There are nine altars and countless innate patterns in the ground palace ..." Chen Jiu explained accordingly.

"That's right, these altars, if I guess well, when the faith is reached, you can get the real Feixian God Key!" Immediately added.

"It turned out to be that way, my big week is now extremely unified, the world is full of prosperity, and the people are all in one. Belief is absolutely no problem!" Chen Jiu suddenly couldn't help but smile with joy.

"That being the case, it is not too late, we have to rush to collect the key of God, because, as far as I know, several great gods, they have already learned such secrets, all have plans in various empires. If they had taken one step earlier, it would be too late! "Immediately persuaded again.

"Don't worry, I have passed on to the queen. She is her own person. Besides, I don't think others can have the influence of my queen!" Chen Jiu shook his head, but he was full of trust and demon. confidence.

"Brother, why don't you believe me? I think you've been counted by her. Maybe it's too late to go back!" Immediately persuaded.

"No, she is already my queen ... how could she lie to me?" Chen Jiu still shook her head, her face firm.

"Ah, I hope so, but I think we should go back quickly!" Immediately sighing, it is not good to say more.

"Okay, then look for the color butterfly for two more days, and we'll go back!" Chen Jiu was still assured of color butterfly and insisted on looking for it.

"This ..." Immediately staring at the big eyes, there was nothing he could do about Chen Jiu, so he had to accompany him to continue his search.

After looking for two days, Caidie was not found, but they found the turtles and Shi Zhongyu who came here. They saw Chen Jiu and they were all very guilty!

"What's going on? How did you get here?" Chen Jiu looked at them, naturally very puzzled.

"Brother, Xunzi asked us to come, and Qingdi also came, but we accidentally slipped into the gap of the space and escaped!" Shi Zhongyu preached with shame.

"The emperor fled, let him go, anyway, I want to let him go!" After listening to Chen Jiu, there was no blame.

"Brother, don't you find your entrance?" At this point, Turtle Steal asked again.

"What entrance, the real entrance is on the altar of your big week!" Preached resentment immediately.

"This ... when we came out, the sister-in-law said to be there to retreat ..." The turtle stole their faint feeling that something was wrong.

"Is that so? But don't worry, even if you find the entrance, I will share it with me!" Chen Jiuyou was shocked, but still pretending to be calm, unwilling to actively doubt his lover.

"Brother, then we can take a look at it, right? Enter Feixianjia earlier, don't you get the treasure sooner?" Opened his mouth and persuaded again.

"Well, Caidie can't find it, so go back and look at it!" Chen Jiuzhong nodded with a hint of suspicion and agreed to the request.

However, in order to show his calmness and self-confidence, Chen Jiu did not go fast along the way, but he was anxious immediately, and he was urged repeatedly!

"Immediately, I wonder if you have no confidence in me or my woman?" Chen Jiu questioned this situation with dissatisfaction.

"Brother, you are wise and martial, and you have the grandeur. At the beginning, you gave me the soul of the martial arts, which really made me admire it!" First I was grateful to Chen Jiu, and then immediately said: "I do n’t have to doubt Xunzi, there are legends since ancient times, but a villain and a woman are difficult to raise. From this point of view, this woman is equivalent to a villain. That is an unbelievable task and you can easily believe it! "

"A nonsense, my wife's wife, all bright and clear, how can they equate to a villain!" Chen Jiu rebuked seriously, very angry.

"Big brother is angry, this legend actually has its origins!" Turtle stole the words and persuaded, but added: "It was said that there was a hero who dared to shoot the sun, for the benefit of the people, and rescued one party. I have a god, I want to make it into immortality! "

"Later, the hero's wife swallowed the **** Dan privately, and went away from Fei Xian to meet the Emperor ... Do you think this woman can still believe it?" Shi Zhongyu also added resentment.

"This is the story!" Chen Jiu said dismissively while listening to this seemingly familiar story: "You can't let all women be wronged because of a piece of rat feces, right? At least a shy woman, it won't be so!"

"Brother, I hope so!" The three sighed, and didn't persuade anything.

Seems to be anxious to prove to them, Chen Jiu then speeded up and returned to his Da Zhou palace in a short while.

"Xian Huang, you have finally returned. Your Majesty retreated for a few days and never saw it. We are very worried!" Jiang Taigong and Zhou Fa and other officials gathered in the palace, all worried.

"Are you still retreating?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but look at the throne. In order to help the demon. He, he was willing to act as a nail on it, which made her sit firmly, but now she ignores the political affairs. Is it really something else?

"Brother, hurry up!" Immediately persuaded again.

"Well, I'll wait here, I'll take a look!" Chen Jiu frowned. Although there was a slight hunch, he was still reluctant to believe it.

Would a woman, a holy and only woman, be willing to lose her innocence to deceive her feelings in order to calculate a key?

Leaving the crowd, Chen Jiu came to the harem, and gently opened the entrance to the underground palace. He walked in, worried about disturbing the demon. He, like fear, his pace was very light, very light!

Step by step, when he walked under the palace, he glanced at it, and the whole man couldn't help but stay still.


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