Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2706: Awakening

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘招 ……’ This trick seems to be slow, but it ’s too fast. The speed of light is inestimable, and the world ’s martial arts are fast. . ].

Killing at the speed of light, Fang Liang's move swept through the army, not knowing how many rivals he had defeated. At this time, he used force to cut Chen Jiu, and he was full of confidence.

"Wu Ba heaven and earth!" Chen Jiu instantly reacted, his figure seemed to be faster than the speed of light for a moment, and just so hard to stand, Wu Xue's light waves oscillated within him. Divine Great Light.

Use light to light and light to light. These two lights, one is pure light, the other is the glory of martial arts. Their collision is colorful at the end, disintegrating a void!

‘Booming…’ is full of sacred earth palaces, and it ’s broken down and spread to the harem palaces, and there ’s also a curious cave that is striking.

"What's the matter!" The turtle stole them around with great anxiety, and at a glance, couldn't help but be shocked.

"The emperor is in trouble, Da Zhou's warriors, we swear to defend the emperor!" Jiang Taigong was even more enthusiastic at this time and wanted to resist the disaster for Chen Jiu.

"Shut up, a bunch of junk stuff. Hugh is here to prevent me from talking with Daoyou. I'll wait for you. Da Zhou needs to re-select a Majesty. Chen Jiu growled and did not want to let these people come to death.

"Xian Huang, this can't be ..." Zhou Fa was flattered and quickly knelt down.

"Well, you want **** keys, don't embarrass them, let's go to the desert and fight again!" Chen Jiu glanced at five people and was about to leave.

"Very well, you can't escape the palm of our hands!" The five were all heaven and earth heroes. At this time, one person was besieged, and he was naturally confident to trap him.

Did not embarrass Da Zhou, because the goal of these people is Fei Xian Shen Key, some phantoms, they have no interest at all!

‘咻咻…’ Between words, the six turned into light and shadow, disappeared on the altar, and only the soldiers moved by the Manchu dynasty remained.

"The emperor is in trouble. Should I wait and ignore it?" Liang Yan was very unwilling to stand up and follow, but he was caught by the three-cut sister.

"How can you, a woman-in-law, do this ..." Liang Yan was naturally very dissatisfied with the three women.

"Liang Mo is anxious ..." Zhou Fa immediately persuaded the past and comforted him with a bit of good reason, which only allowed him to stabilize.

The Manchu dynasty soldier was actually more convinced by Zhou Fa. After all, he followed the Chen Jiu uprising.

"What shall we do?" It was undoubtedly a bit embarrassing to ask the other two immediately, because he thought he was not an opponent of those people. At this time, he is likely to suffer great danger.

"Is it a brother?" Shi Zhongyu's eyes were burning, very pressing.

"It's brother!" He immediately gritted his teeth and preached fiercely.

"Since you are brothers, live and die together!" Shi Zhongyu looked square-headed and square-brained, but at the critical moment, she was really moral.

"Let's go and take a look!" Turtle stealing didn't want to leave, very worried. Although getting along briefly, he thought Chen Jiu was a good person.

The edge of the desert, the light and shadow flashed, Chen Jiu first came down, and around him, five figures and shadows locked him firmly, not giving him any chance to escape!

"Chen Jiu, hand over the **** key and let you live for a while!" Fang Liang shouted, forcing again and again.

"No more nonsense, let me meet you, the Light Awakener, what extraordinary powers can you have?" Chen Jiuyi laughed and provoked the past. "Looking at you like a funeral star, it looks like the death of the whole family. If I were You have long been ashamed and died! "

"What do you know? I didn't get thunder and nourishment and nourishment!" Fang Liang was unwilling to accept this injustice and immediately explained.

"Oh? God doesn't give you thunder and liquid, it seems that you are really damned!" Chen Jiu continued to scorn, showing no mercy.

"The second type of awakening, I dominate the light!" Furious, Fang Liang was too lazy to say anything else, it was a direct attack by Ling Li, and it was a world of destruction.

‘Long Rong ...’ With this blow, Fang Liang's incarnation became the great engine that dominates the light. Around him, countless light factors have turned into light spirits, surrounding him, bowing down to the court!

"Go!" Fang Liang scolded softly. All these light elves converged towards his awakening lightsaber, making it instantly sacred countless times.

'brake! ’Then, Fang Liang cut it with a sword, it was just like the creation **** created the world, it was full of epic and vast power.

"Exclusive martial arts!" Chen Jiu proudly raised his right palm and turned into a martial arts master. He is a master of martial arts. He is more like a pillar of heaven and earth, holding up one side of space and time.

‘Boom ...’ The giant sword struck and hit him on the palm, but it was unmoved and could not shake his figure!

"The third form of awakening, heaven and earth, only I am bright!" Fang Liang hit two unsuccessful, angry from the heart, raised his sword to the sky, and shot a beam of light like a firework.

‘Boom ...’ This beam of light exploded directly in the sky, while illuminating one side of time and space, I saw a bright avenue, hovering above Fang Liang ’s head, so holy and glorious!

"Oh? Do you wake up? It seems too weak!" Although Chen Jiu was shocked, she still expressed her relentlessness.

"Then accept the light guide!" Fang Liang guided the light path sacredly and dragged him straight to Chen Jiu, making him simply unresponsive and shrouded in it.

'Zizi ...' was trapped in the light path, and Chen Jiu ’s actions seemed to be completely lost, and his figure was rising rapidly along the light path. The more it rises, the more disturbing he becomes. a feeling of!

"Haha, Chen Jiu, let's go up. The kingdom of heaven is on it. When you really arrive in the kingdom of heaven, your sins will be eliminated!" Fang Liang could not help but smile very proudly.

"What good is the Kingdom of Heaven, I'd better stay here!" Chen Jiu laughed, no longer hiding his awkward arm, martial arts.

‘Roar ...’ The essence of martial arts, which roared out like a dragon, ran for a while and rushed to the sky above the light path, which Fang Liang called the kingdom of heaven.

"You're looking for death!" Ling Ran drank, but Fang Liang's eyebrows were also hard to hide!

"Take me a punch!" Chen Jiuzhuo took off, and martial arts battled with it, but he punched Fang Liang again and broke the ground.

"Crazy!" Fang Liang waved his sword to meet him, but Li Xun was overwhelmed by Chen Jiu, and under his successive wave of fists, it became increasingly difficult to fight.

'boom! ‘Sound, pinpoint an empty one, Chen Jiu punched Fang Liang ’s eyeball with a punch, and ended up hitting him into a panda ’s eye, and it was about to explode!

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