Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2724: identifying

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Why are you gagging them? Do you have any secrets to tell you! \" Fei Xianer was in a ball of light and shadow, her eyes shrouded the turtle stealing sharply, and she questioned harshly.

\ "I ... I have nothing to hide! \" The turtle stole nervously and couldn't help but stutter.

\ "Speak out, in the presence of God, do you still want to conceal your sins? \" Fei Xianer jade hands waved, a group of light and shadow fans trembled, and it just made the turtle's stealing consciousness go bad.

\ "Teacher, it ’s like this ... \" Mechanically, the turtle steals completely without consciousness. He begins to explain in one fifteen to ten, worrying about the point he just made, and worrying that Fei Xianer will do bad things to Chen Jiu, and It is said that some women like the thing of dead objects, and explain everything without saying a word.

The extended meaning of this sentence actually means that Fei Xianer may like dead objects and have a bad idea about Chen Jiu.Now I told the Fei Xian leader in person and watched it all, Shi Zhongyu They had a feeling of despair.

\ "My God, the Lord Lord is angry, his mouth is rotten by nature, and he likes nonsense, you must not listen to him!" "I was also nervous and sweating immediately, and I hurried to persuade Fei Xianer stand up.

\ "Huh! \" Jiao scolded, Fei Xianer was annoyed, and couldn't help but feel dizzy. She was very red, she didn't mean to ask this, but listening to others saying this, but thinking about what she was going to do The thing literature \ "// cfwx \" target = \ "_ blank \"> cfwx is also not forbidden. I want to find a place to drill into!

At this time, if these people were not the brothers that Jiu Jiu rescued and died, Fei Xianer really wanted to kill them, and felt her cold killing intention, Shi Zhongyu they were even more frightened to beg for mercy It's not important to say whether you live or die, you must save your brother and the like.

\ "I would like to ask you again, your elder brother, who is your last name? \" Fei Xianer was annoyed, but she was more concerned about the identity of this man.

\ "Master, my elder brother is called Chen Jiu, he is a student of Yuanli Shrine ... \" I dare not have anything to hide, Shi Zhongyu told them honestly.

\ "You said all this, is it true? \" Confirmation, Fei Xianer's voice was full of confusion. Asked again in confusion.

\ "Yes, it's true! \" Spiritual, Shi Zhongyu stayed like a chicken, and didn't know they were hypnotized invisibly.

It turned out that he was really, and he did not read wrong, such a big thing, even if he died, there is no rest, except that he may not have anyone else. After it is determined, Fei Xianer's heart is undoubtedly very surprised.

The reason why I came to Fei Xianjiao is for oneself, but more, Fei Xianer wants to find a treasure for Chen Jiu in order to help him rise quickly.

After so many days of separation, Fei Xianer also misses Chen Jiu.Although he is injured now, he has come to his side, and it is not completely incurable. I think the two will be reunited immediately. In her heart, in fact, she was slowly bubbly.

Hmm, this shirt man is really not a good thing.Every one is a bad idea.Finxian glanced at these three men, and he couldn't help turning around and entering the hall again.

\ "Uh, what happened? \" After the turtle stole, he shook his head, unknown.

\ "You, you almost killed us, do you know? How did you just say everything! \" Shi Zhongyu looked at the turtle stealing bitterly, and really hated him.

\ "I said everything, then we are not dead yet? \" The turtle stealing is also afraid, and the cold sweat is full of brains.

\ "Yeah, it is said that we will discuss the Feixian leader so that she will kill us angrily, but she finally left again? \" Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but feel a little grateful and suspicious.

\ "Do you still remember, this leader seems to be particularly interested in the identity of our elder brother, maybe she knows our elder brother? \" Impatiently guessed.

\ "Just a joke, people are the masters of Feixian, that is the big man before eternity. How old is our big brother, in fact, really, if you look at his age, we should n’t be as real as we are! '' Nose is not accepted.

\ "But if you don't know it, why are you so interested in our boss? \" It's not too sure right away.

\ "Maybe the charm of the boss is big, you have to know, his wives are in groups, and they are all beautiful and beautiful, like a fairy! \" Turtle preached quite enviously.

\ "Hey, if the boss really can win this fairy, it would be a happy marriage, but just afraid, this is not peach blossom, but peach calamity! \" Shi Zhongyu sighed, and can only replace Chen Jiu in his heart. Prayed.

The return of the Jade Man, the light disappeared, and the unique and holy beauty of the flying fairy was once again revealed. After revealing it, she looked at the figure on the ground affectionately, and after confirming his identity, she was finally able to completely Let go of your emotions!

\ "Chen Jiu, do you still remember your overbearing figure in the sky disaster? At that time, you dared to fight against the king of immortals, it was really admirable ... \" Squatting beside Chen Jiu, the flying fairy was gentle His lower body fell lightly against him, and the tears opened unconsciously.

The man he loves has become what he is today.Which woman can not feel bad?

Complaining about love, Fei Xianer looked at the uncle there inadvertently, and she suddenly blushed and complained: \ "Chen Jiu, you are a big liar. When you saw others first, you also deceived them. Body ... \ "

\ "But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is that you did not disappoint the family, you really love others, and that's enough! \" Blame it, Fei Xianer's face. [,! ], But it is gradually filled with a happy smile.

\ "Chen Jiu, you can rest assured that although you are self-defeating, it may take a long time to recover, but you don't have to worry. People have already got most of the **** body of the year, as long as it is dedicated to you You recover, only within three days! \ "Fei Xianer's eyes were firm, and he gradually made a great determination.

The beloved has become like this, can she not save?

\ "Unfortunately, you are so beautiful, but you ca n’t appreciate it for the first time. When you wake up, you will be extremely sorry, right? \" Fei Xianer got up and turned narcissistically, she jade Raising her hand slightly, she began to remove the white fairy clothes on her body.

Everyone knows, as the seamless sky slips down, a beautiful body of white powder, tender, and linglong appears!

Standing out like a fairy, her figure is standing there, she is just a master of photo editing, and she has been exfoliating her whole body. There are no wrinkles and no pores ... Some are just impeccable perfection.

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