Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2731: Great cause

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Then ... that's okay, you try again, if it doesn't work, don't force yourself!" Chen Jiu persuade kindly, I am afraid no one will refuse the beauty here, just let him think I do n’t understand, why is she suddenly doing this now?

"Fu Jun, people are actually just a little woman!" Fei Xianer explained, kneeling in front of Chen Jiu loyally, giving him the highest enjoyment and respect.

"Little woman?" Chen Jiu was surprised, and hadn't had time to understand what, then drunk in!

Yes, she is the best, most glamorous and noblest woman in the world. She is like the most shining star in the galaxy, and she can't be overstated.

But such a stunning woman, who is so difficult to come out of the world, she actually willingly kneels in front of her and accepts her favor. As a man, how happy should it be?

Beauty, beauty is dead. After seeing the beauty rejoicing and accepting his own contamination, he is even more ignorant of beauty!

"Ahem ... Fujun, your taste really is very good!" It seems to be satisfied, Fei Xianer stood up again, it is bright in the heavens, shining the world, that kind of innate immortality, It also put pressure on Chen Jiudu.

"Fu Jun, people are your wife, no matter what your status, this will not change, so you don't have to be too polite to others, you can give orders to others!" Fei Xianer advised, nothing at all Miss shelf.

"This ... you meant it originally, thank you, Xianer, I didn't expect you to be so considerate of me!" Chen Jiuzhan finally understood that, and he couldn't help being grateful to Fei Xianer for a while.

Why did you choose this to do it? Chen Jiugang just started to care about the United States and didn't quite understand it, but at this time, he finally realized it. The reason why she did this was actually to fight for his face!

Although people are equal, because of their different status and wealth, this has created some grades for people. Although there is nothing on the surface, people are undoubtedly graded.

At this time, the situation of Chen Jiu was like looking for a lady who not only brought him infinite wealth, but also was strong enough by herself, that she could outperform him, and she was better than him in all aspects. As a man, how could there be no pressure on such a strong woman?

It was because he was afraid that Chen Jiu ’s pressure was too great, which caused him to feel uncomfortable, so Fei Xianer knelt in front of him. That was to give him the greatest respect and face, so as to dispel his heart. Those pressures!

"Where is the husband, what else is yours, and what else is not yours?" Fei Xianer's expression on the face of the little woman.

"Well, if that's the case, husband Jun is welcome, I will repay you in the future!" Chen Jiu nodded, very grateful.

Some men thought it would be great to find a rich wife. As everyone knows, even if they are extravagant, they are only a subsidiary, and they will not be said to be drunk. If they are slightly soft at night, they have to be scolded. Sometimes even a subordinate is really not as good!

At the moment, although he has married the rich and powerful Fei Xian Taoist, this family is still the master of his own. As a man, he is naturally very happy.

"Fu Jun went out with people again, and they gave you these, but they didn't try to repay you!" Fei Xianer beaked, but still a little dissatisfied.

"Xian'er, the husband repays hard, don't you want it?" Chen Jiu was bad and straightened up.

"Ouch, husband Jun, you're necrotic, and they won't talk to you anymore!" Fei Xian'er was so ashamed that his face turned red, and he ran away.

"Xianer, you wait for me!" Chen Jiu strode down to Fei Xianer, and the two soon came to the end of a continuous Dao Mountain, where the Dao mist seemed to be substantial and more condensed.

"Fu Jun, there are too many people's trusts here. When you conquer the mountain, will you leave one here?" Fei Xian'er suddenly begged.

"Eh? You mean, these fogs will eventually float out and then form those false worlds?" Chen Jiu came to his senses at once too.

"Yes, although those are false, after all, they are evolved from the real soul!" Fei Xianer nodded silently, very unbearable.

"Xian'er, rest assured, I will leave them a Daoshan!" Chen Jiu comforted, naturally it was not willing to disappear and die.

Daowu indirectly nourishes the outside world of dreams, because they have bred infinite possibilities, and they have also bred infinite magic pills. Chen Jiu was deeply affected by his welfare, and it is impossible to eliminate the root cause!

"Fu Jun, this Daoshan is closest to the exit, so leave it!" Fei Xianer looked at Chen Jiu gratefully and was very pleased.

"Well, then I'll go inside and collect the mountains!" Chen Jiu nodded, but also couldn't wait.

Changing stars, Chen Jiu was no longer polite, and came to another Daoshan. The lion opened his mouth and suddenly made a black hole, like a tengu moon, and swallowed the huge Daoshan fiercely. !!

"Wow, I'm rich, I'm finally rich. The world of the gods, you wait and wait for me to go out, and you will make you tremble for me!" Chen Jiu laughed happily, no doubt very satisfied.

‘Booming ...’ Chen Jiuyi breathed away, even collecting ten Daoshan mountains, and even he himself could not estimate how much such a huge wealth was?

Without stopping, looking at the continuous mountains, Chen Jiu really wondered if this was the evacuated treasure house of the King of Wong, how could there be so many stones?

Ten, one hundred, and nearly a thousand, Chen Jiu finally stopped with a smile and stopped, except that the mountain at the door was confiscated, and he found that he had collected 999 Daoshan.

The great cause, the number of Daoshan here is exactly one thousand Jiji. This should be the thing that Qixian Wang suppressed the luck, but this time it is cheaper.

"Master, master ..." When Chen Jiu smirked, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart, it was the dragon.

"This old greedy dragon can't see anyone else having a little money. I want it so quickly. It's more appropriate for you to be greedy for snakes!"

The **** talked, Chen Jiu had been addicted, this time he was actually very grateful to the dragon, and came to Jiulong Jiuzhong to meet with it the first time.

"What makes me so anxious? Seeing you look like a pug, how can there be a little majesty of the dragon?" Chen Jiu was noisy, and no doubt wanted to raise his eyebrows and exhale in front of the dragon.


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