Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2737: Avenue code

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Booming…’ The turbulent avenue cloud, together with the sky punishment, has the same source. Once it appeared, it really produced an extremely magical effect.

There are many ways to intersect and intersect, and they are no longer as violent as they were just now. They seem to have returned to their mother's arms, and they have become extremely peaceful one by one!

After all the silence, Chen Jiu's pressure and crisis also disappeared, and he was relieved.

"Fu Jun, you have surrendered to Wandao, you are really good!" Fei Xianer was beside him, admiring and complimenting, let Chen Jiu's heart, let alone beautiful.

"Haha, these are trivial things. My husband just didn't want to have general knowledge with them. Now when my husband is out of control, they are dragons too!" Bitter knowing.

Although Wan Dao was temporarily silent, he knew that this was because Daoyun's breath had deceived them. Once Daoyun was removed, they would still hang themselves violently!

How to do? Chen Jiu does not have a good solution for the time being, but fortunately, his avenue cloud has been surging for hundreds of kilometers, which is enough to sustain it for a period of time.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Jiu was not idle, he resolutely dived into Daoyun, and began to realize and cultivate these quiet avenues!

The so-called knowing the other is the only way to survive the battle. In the face of so many manifestations of the essence of the road, Chen Jiu naturally will not miss such a good time to understand them.

‘Zizi…’ Wan Dao flashes different lights. They are interspersed with silence in the avenue clouds. The twinkling lights are like a giant bird's nest.

Chen Jiu, like a nest-builder, staying at each ‘base-building’ and studying the origin of ‘base-building’ is simply an impossible task!

It is naturally impossible for a person to deliberately realize Wandao at once. Fortunately, Chen Jiu also knows this. He is not really aware of it, but only has a general understanding and familiarizes with the breath and operation of Wandao Nothing more.

Do not seek manifestation, just obtain their avenue password, and have the right to open them next time, then you are done!

The road code is actually very simple. After all, there are thousands of roads in the world, and each method can correspond to a road. When these methods are practiced to the extreme, this is the code to open the road, Chen Jiuyi. It is impossible for a person to fully practice all the exercises, but as long as he masters this code, which is some of the characteristics of the avenue, he can mobilize some of their power under his active consciousness.

Although it is rare, as long as you master this code, you can practice this avenue over time and eventually achieve unimaginable achievements!

'boom! ’A boulevard suddenly vibrated. It turned out that Chen Jiu was bold. He even touched the avenue directly with his hands, which caused it to have a great rejection.

"Calm down!" Chen Jiu shouted and drew a thicker Daoyun, still squeezing it down and letting it calm down again.

"Uh, this way, it turned out to be just a variant of the way of disaster!" Chen Jiu realized these energies in the end, and in the end, he unexpectedly dissolved it into his own vitality of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

"Zi ..." The supreme vitality of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is extraordinary. It is enough against the sky to simulate the breath of such a disaster according to Chen Jiu's request!

"The door to disaster, open!" Chen Jiu waited for a while. He waved a murky dark breath, forming a portal, which gave people a great awe.

‘Squeak! ’With the opening of the portal, a dark, long, boulevard full of disasters, running across the sky, is full of endless negative breath.

Evil, gloomy, and hopeless. Although this breath makes people feel bad, Chen Jiu laughed particularly brightly under the impact of this breath.

"God help me too. This day ’s disaster did not come to destroy me. Instead, it will become my biggest adventure and help me jump into success!" After confirming the facts in front of him, Chen Jiu was even more arrogant and has endless future. Expectations and longing.

Self-confidence is more sufficient. Chen Jiu is not complacent. He knows that behind strong power, it must be an effort that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The essence of the avenue, with their manifestation, if Chen Jiu, etc. has obtained the shortcut of ten thousand passwords, he is well-known in the realization, and use the vitality of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme to simulate one by one. The right to detect on every avenue.

If you want to know about this, you must know this ability, but it is extremely abnormal. Once you go out publicly, everyone will have to come and ask me one or two!

Under normal circumstances, a person who cultivates one method can only obtain the right to explore one way. If the method is better, it is not unusual to get several ways to use the way. But like Chen, Now, like this, a person can control a million passwords, which is really appalling. I am afraid that only the Xunxian King at that time can have this strength?

The Tao of Heavenly Fire, the Tao of Clear Water, the Tao of Integrity, the Crooked Way ... Chen Jiu was undoubtedly greatly enriching his cognition and understanding of the entire universe.

Many avenues are particularly magical, and some are even more unexpected, but they really exist and affect the entire world, which cannot be ignored.

Multiplication This is not the instinct of everything. Can it? But it is also a avenue, which affects the operation of the world all the time.

Reproductive generations rely on the power of race to strengthen themselves. The greater the population strength, the stronger the ancestral source of this pyramid, and this is the essence of the way of reproduction!

"No wonder I like to do some major reproductions. It turned out that I was affected by this avenue, so I need to practice well!" Chen Jiuman smiled with understanding, apparently for his own good. Seek excuses .

OK. In fact, it is also closely related to the Tao, and has relative feelings ... In short, all things in the world, all things, follow various doctrines and are deeply affected by it. It seems impossible, but it is Things that fit the law!

Sometimes, the power of the evil way reaches the extreme, then the world is dark and gloomy at that time, the people are boring, but after some time, the power of the right way returns, then naturally the evil way is suppressed, and the world is destroyed Everyone is full of positive energy, that is peace in the world, and the weather is smooth.

Wandao is equivalent to the general outline of heaven and earth. Only by controlling it can you get a chance of real detachment!

Chen Jiu was diligent, and he never slept. It took him almost a month to understand all the avenues in the road, but he then made trouble again.

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