Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2741: Fight the fairy king again

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"King Fairy King, he even appeared again!" Seeing this figure, Fei Xianer is also instinct. Someone who is a little scared in his ability is screaming.

"What?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but startled a bit, he was now in the critical period of metamorphosis. If it was destroyed, he would have done his best.

God shape, not too early, too late to fix it, although knowing that the day of the calamity is not over, but it is really unexpected, it will be the advent of the king of immortals again!

The handsome figure, the shawl with long hair, and the light and shadow of young people and animals are harmless. If you don't know it, you would never expect him to be the only peerless master to be recognized by everyone.

‘Oh! ‘King Xianxian suddenly stared, staring straight at Chen Jiu, like a laser beam.

"Fu Jun, be careful, quickly sacrifice Xianling, and drag him on for a while!" Fei Xian'er nervously hurried to remind him.

"Okay!" Chen Jiu's state at this time was really not suitable for battle. Xixian Ling was unsealed. It was sacrificed for the first time, blocking the beam of light, and the body of Jiuxian Wang was also choked.

Finally, the King of the Immortals no longer attacked, Chen Jiu was relieved, and quickly raised his mind to accelerate the concentration of the gods.

‘Zizi ...’ After the godhead was broken, it was like a piece of porcelain was shattered. Wanting to reshape it was a very difficult process.

Fortunately, Chen Jiu's deity has not yet been finalized, and it is still soft in some places, which has brought Chen Jiu to reshape a possibility.

One by one, Chen Jiu combined it, and it is close to the respect of Wandao, that is the kind of breath that simulates it from the inside to the outside, so that the two breaths are sympathetic and transformed!

After a few days like this, the light of the Supreme Master suddenly burst out. That was a threefold increase. Fei Xianer smiled with relief, wearing a dazzling light.

"Haha ..." It succeeded, and Chen Jiu laughed wildly, contented.

Venerable Lord, this amazing stone ball has now been successfully copied by Chen Jiu, and has been refined into a godhead.

Although this little godhead can still not be compared with this stone, but the two can be fused and can also induce, this is Chen Jiu's long-range attack ability!

Of course, the long-distance attack is only one aspect. The most important Chen Jiulian has become a million-person godhead. This kind of godhead has never been heard before. Once born, he must be respected as the king of godheads. No one can. Transcend and compare.

Nowadays, the deity of Wandao has a cross-induction with the godhead. Its power has tripled, and Chen Jiu's godhead can be fused with the deity of Wandao, which almost gives him an immortality. Even if the general Lord God can overcome him, it is undoubtedly more difficult to kill him!

"Receive!" Chen Jiuyi's idea, the Supreme Man of God and his godhead, entered his eyebrows at the same time. He was full of light and strength, and he was never stronger than before. With confidence.

"Xianxian Wang, you came just right, maybe you are the strongest in the world, but I will be stronger than you!" Chen Jiu was so confident that he put away the Xuanxian Ling and met that vision, ready to fight the Xuanxian King , Test your own cultivation results!

"Huh, a glance at all ages!" Wu Xianwang gave a cold cry, forming two substantial beams of light in his eyes, and once again shot at Chen Jiu, it was dizzying.

"What's this?" Chen Jiu was surprised. He didn't know about this weird method and didn't have the defense method, but he was a bold man, but he had the intention to see what was strange about this light!

‘Zi ...’ was hit by the eyes of King Xian Xian, and Chen Jiu suddenly felt that he was countless times older. What he could n’t think of was that King Xian ’s eyes represented the power of time.

The power of time, this is the supreme ability that eternal pursuit has never been able to obtain, but at the moment, the vision of the king of immortals can make people pass through the ages. It is old and weak, and the power of the king of immortals is absolutely beyond doubt. It's up!

"Fu Jun, you're getting old so soon, but why are you so big under you?" Fei Xian'er looked weird beside him, and I didn't know if I was really worried.

Bent over his hump, his skin was dry and wrinkled. After Chen Jiu remodeled his body, he never wore clothes. At this time, he faced the calamity calmly. The whole scene was naturally watched by Fei Xianer!

"A good look at all ages, but I'm sorry, I also touched on the way of time a little!" Chen Jiu was surprised, but it was not a panic. "Time exclusion!"

‘Oh! ‘Chen Jiu ’s body is shining and shining, and the wrinkled humpback looks strong and unaffected.

"One glance back to the source!" Wang Xianxian was expressionless. He was just a temporary painting of heaven and earth, and Ben could only act.

‘Zi ...’ is another look. This time, even more powerful time has brought Chen Jiu's youth into a childlike appearance!

"Well, it looks like this when I was young, so it doesn't seem to be that big? Husband, when did you start to make a gene mutation and become so big?" Fei Xianer inquired about this instead.

"Xian'er, isn't this the only one in your eyes?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but roll his eyes and couldn't explain.

Regarding this thing, the life itself is not small, but after the stabbing of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme and the blood of the dragon, it will take it to a higher level and complete beyond the limits of humanity. If it is not a woman's natural endurance, it will be great , Really can't stand this extra large thing!

"Yeah!" The King of Immortals suddenly moved, just as Chen Jiu became a child, and when his strength was lost, he struck Qiankun with one palm, and came with infinite force, and the mountains and rivers overturned and the visions were full of visions.

"Good time!" Chen Jiu looked like a child, his face was immature and tender, but the boxing pharaoh greeted him!

‘Boom! ”What shocked Chen Jiu was that he was beaten and flew out. Incredibly, he took a look at himself. Many of his powerful genetic origins were blinded by time.

The gene was blinded, the spirit was bewildered. The muscles were relatively weakened. At this time, the power of time was extremely overbearing, making his combat power drop by dozens of times.

"Well, I am a king of magpies, I despise you!" Chen Jiu sighed, her body glowed, and the Nineth Five-Year Supreme vitality operation room quickly recovered to its peak.

"Just a still!" Wang Xianxian stared again. This time, Chen Jiu's consciousness stopped working.

Yes, this time it was completely stopped, because Chen Jiu's last consciousness was that gaze. Other than that, he couldn't think about anything else.

'boom! ‘When recovering again, Chen Jiu only felt that he was slammed **** his chest, and that was because his chest collapsed and old spots were breeding.


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