Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2743: Cotai Strip

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'Wowa la ...' The golden origin fluid flowed down from the sky, and fell on Chen Jiu's body. He bathed in this magic light fluid, the whole person is even more brilliant, just like King Kong Lohan, Zunyao boundless.

The original liquid of the avenue, this is the foundation of the avenue formation, which is equivalent to the kind of energy that this avenue grows after the conversion of the road stones!

To put it simply, the main source of the avenue is like a person's blood. It is of vital importance. If Chen Jiu had survived such a robbery, how would the main source not be willing to come down.

Now that the source fluid has fallen, it is equivalent to recognizing some of Chen Jiu's achievements, allowing him to inherit the inheritance of natural punishment, and has opened a good start.

Bathing in golden liquid, Chen Jiu's entire body not only filled his body and body, received great nourishment and care, but also his strength and realm gradually stabilized at this time.

Before he was just a mythical god, now he has achieved the godhead, but has entered the highest level of life, and has a noble temperament on his body. Even if he is clothed and undressed, it makes him look like an aristocracy. .

"Ah, it's wasted, husband!" Fei Xian'er looked at Chen Jiu and let it be rinsed by Baoye. She couldn't absorb it all, and it was all over the ground. She couldn't help but feel bad.

"Xianer, are you interested in taking a bath with your husband?" Chen Jiu sent an invitation at this time.

"Is this ... can I really do that? Will it affect your progress?" Fei Xianer was obviously very emotional, knowing that the punishment on this day was extremely extraordinary for her, especially the kind of breath of heaven and earth. It is what she is very desperate for.

"Come on!" Chen Jiu beckoned again, Fei Xianer could not help but ran over, was drenched by the golden liquid, she could not help seeing through as soon as she hit white clothes.

Gao Tiao, Nao Na, Fei Xianer was an astonishing fairy with a graceful and graceful look. At this moment, under the treasure liquid, a kind of beauty was dimly revealed, which made Chen Jiu on the spot. Eyes straight!

Yes, it's so beautiful. Not only is her figure peerless, but the face of melon seeds, clever features, exquisite looks, coupled with the greasy muscles. Skin, gold liquid dripping, falling, make her Jin Li white , The whole is noble many times.

Gold is a symbol of nobility. Chen Jiu was born on the earth. He is not immune to this color. Looking at Fei Xianer's body full of gold, but ticking. He can feel that she is the supreme woman now. Fairy King!

"Fu Jun, your eyes are terrible, do you want to eat people?" Fei Xianer was scrutinized by Chen Jiu boldly, and he also uncomfortably revealed his shameful face.

"This ... I just want to eat people!" Chen Jiu couldn't help it. The fairy king moved because of him. He just hugged him and wanted to feel the beauty of the fairy king.

"Oh, husband, you wouldn't want to ask for someone at this time, right?" Fei Xianer could naturally feel the excitement of Chen Jiu. She couldn't help but grab it and didn't know what it meant?

"Isn't it possible?" Chen Jiu's eyes fixed on Fei Xian'er, it seemed impossible to refuse.

"Fu Jun, the other person can be the first to be strong, they must eat you first!" Blazing fire, that's all there is to it!

"Xianer ..." Chen Jiu bowed her head, feeling that life was too wonderful. Such a golden fairy prince, who was willing to surrender in front of herself, was something that was only possible in a dream.

Once the beautiful scene begins, it can't stop anymore. Chen Jiu used to think that some women's prices were too high, and it felt that they were more expensive than gold. Now, he really feels a golden feeling. At that moment, I felt tall and tall!

"Ah ..." In the end, the results are conceivable. I saw a jade man lying weakly in a shallow golden lake. His beautiful body and posture. The color is full. I do not know, closed my eyes, full of happiness and peace.

"Xianer, are you okay? I still want it!" Looking at the glittering gold, white and red. Miaoyu. Musyuren, Chen Jiu could not help it, because he had just finished the robbery, this blood It is extraordinary powerful!

"Oh, husband, no, people really can't, you just save a little bit of energy and keep your pets in the future. Fortunately, the real Feixian is the master!" Feixianer was unable to persuade him.

"The real Feixian Goddess, does she really exist?" Chen Jiu asked curiously.

"Fu Jun, you still really want her, don't you?" Fei Xianer immediately resentment.

"I ... I just feel surprised!" Chen Jiu shook his head, naturally he would not admit it.

"Fu Jun, if I haven't guessed wrong, she should be in the Xianxian battle chart and wait for it to be opened in the future, so it is just around the corner to own her!" Fei Xianer broke the news actively.

"Is it a battle map of Xianxian? I believe it can be started soon!" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be full of confidence.

"Fu Jun, don't you collect the essence of this avenue?" Fei Xian'er looked sideways and relented.

"Of course, they won't be wasted. If you don't believe it, look carefully, there is a path growing!" Chen Jiu nodded, pointing with a finger, the gold liquid was divided, and there was a golden thick rope inside it. The avenue crosses there.

"Is this ... your way of heaven punishment?" Fei Xian'er understood, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, I will use these remaining days of punishment to forge a golden light avenue to help me climb to the top of the gods space and stand in an unparalleled position!" Chen Jiu said inspiringly, that day of punishment It is just like a sponge, growing rapidly in absorption and swelling.

"Oh, this avenue, how can it be like you ..." Fei Xian'er was so beautiful, it made Chen Jiu's eyes greedy and greedy again.

"Fu Jun, people are really dead!" Fei Xianer begged for mercy, it didn't seem to be a fake.

"Then don't hook it. Introduce me!" Chen Jiu scolded. For some women, he really didn't understand. He obviously likes windy and shy people, but he doesn't let people get on her. This What's going on?

‘Zi ...’ A golden avenue, which is getting bigger and bigger, and it finally absorbs all the source of the natural punishment, which is presented at the feet of Chen Jiu.

Three feet wide and kilometers long, although it is not big to look at, it is glittering, full of the breath of Shengyao, as if you set foot on it, then you can be favored by the heavens, and you can look forward to it. Extremely!

"Four-eyed chicken, are you anxious?" Chen Jiuli was on the Golden Avenue, just like the emperor. He smiled coldly, making the space and time cold for dozens of degrees for no reason.

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