Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2751: Invincible

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Eternal Epic!" Eternal and Bai Qi, Lian Jue shot, and their words were blended together for a while, and it was at the foot of Chen Jiu. !.

The death of Li Ming caused the two to let go of their prejudices, and they were wholehearted, that is, to kill Chen Jiu!

'Booming and rumbling ...' Affecting time and the ancient epic avenue, once fused, the more expansive Bomberg does not say, and the impact on time is more powerful, and the turbulent waves are like ocean waves. Once To bury people in, I'm afraid it will never happen again in this life.

The figure of Chen Jiu did not seem to be able to stop this kind of attack. He carried the figure of Fei Xianer and disappeared into the waves instantly, without a trace.

"Huh, you fell into our eternal epic, you have nothing to lose in this life, but it's a pity that little fairy!" Eternity succeeded, and when she was happy, she remembered the beauty and fairy spirit of Fei Xianer, but she could bear it. Can't help but feel sorry.

"Don't be careless, this is by no means idle!" Bai Qi shook his hand, and the image that appeared in the mirror surprised both of them severely.

'Zi ...' It was expected that Chen Jiu was trapped, and his endangered death did not happen. I saw him carrying a beautiful fairy and walking on a golden avenue, which was walked by Xinting, admiring the rough waves above his head, Turns out to be very timid and at ease!

"Uh, it was discovered, let's go out!" Chen Jiu seemed to have a feeling, glanced at the sky, the golden avenue was interspersed with waves, Wanlang didn't touch his body, he dominated the world, and walked out intact.

"You ... you're fine!" Eternally stared at Chen Jiu, no doubt extremely shocked.

"Why should I have something? It's you, it's something to do!" Chen Jiuyi smiled, took a hand and sucked, and the stone ball of the Supreme Man of the World could not help but return to his hands, and instantly made him become The central point of the galaxy universe, dominates the world.

"Hey, who do you want to smash next?" Fei Xianer yelled proudly again, but at this time the two of them had somber faces that really made her complain. "Hey, boring, you are not fun at all, Brother Nine is better! "

"Bai Qi, don't you say he can't control the stone ball?" Eternal didn't have the time to joke. Looking at the stone ball at this time, he was completely sure that Chen Jiu could control the long-range attack of this stone ball. That was definitely not wrong!

"That was indeed the case last time!" Bai Qi was also a little bit ashamed. With shame on his face, it was his calculation error that caused Li Ming to die tragically, and he certainly did not want to mention such a thing.

"Then do you still have the confidence to hold him? It would be difficult to deal with it if you give him more power!" Eternal also felt very tricky.

"It should be okay, it's not a problem to set a few breaths!" Bai Qidian nodded, not thinking that Chen Jiuzhen could be completely immune.

"Okay, you hold him, I'll slaughter him!" During the eternal consultation, he held up the crystals, sending out the dazzling gods.

"Epic Seal!" Bai Qi then shot, looking like a laser cannon in the mirror between the hands, and shot a ray of turbulence towards Chen Jiu, whose energy was obviously stronger than last time!

"Same way, do you want to use it a second time?" Chen Jiu faced the light source and threw Thousands of Supreme Masters out again.

‘Boom ...’ The powerful magnetic field, which absorbs and absorbs the beam, completely receives the light of the divine mirror, and it is still approaching the epic divine mirror quickly!

"Eternal wears the universe!" The eternal arrow was on the string and had to be sent. He had already ignored so many, and threw his **** crystal with all his strength.

'call out! ‘This is an eternal light. It cuts through time and space and leaves a wormhole. It ’s as if it was the case. It ’s not healing.

"Stop!" It was not a problem that such a light passed through the world to create a wormhole that did not exist, and opened the shortcut to the universe, but a bling **** suddenly rushed forward, that was blocking it. Road through the light of the universe.

‘Boom! ‘I saw this god, carrying a fairy. He roared and drank, his body was glittering, his hands used the power of Hercules, and hugged the source of God ’s light. It was a fierce stop!

"You ... how can you block my Taoism with your bare hands!" Looking at Chen Jiuda's divine power, Eternity was a little dumbfounded.

"Let's take it!" Chen Jiu shook it vigorously, and then flew Shen Jing away, then stepped on the golden light, and reached the eternal in an instant, hitting his head with a domineering punch.

"Do you dare!" Eternally unwilling to fight back, but his proud power, at this time in front of Chen Jiu, was very weak and ridiculous.

'boom! 'Suddenly, his arm was not blocked, and Chen Jiu was hit **** the forehead by this fist. The original round head was directly opened out of a large scoop and sunken deeply in. See It was extremely embarrassing. Intimidating.

"Eternity, you ..." Bai Qi was shocked on the other side, before he had time to say anything, the Master of Wandao also severely hit the ancient mirror.

'clang! 'Sound, like the sound of a bell, and the power of the Lord of Thousands is invincible. If it is not really the ancient mirror, it must be broken into powder, but even so, Bai Qi also retreated with the mirror, again and again. Hemoptysis.

Invincible, at this time the two looked at each other in horror, both of them had a retreat idea, because Chen Jiu's momentum is like a rainbow, like a bamboo shoot, it is simply too powerful!

Shake the Tao with bare hands, once the stone ball comes out, there is nothing to stop, how can such a fight be fought?

"How? Two **** sons, I heard that you are all Tianjiao cultivated by the Lord God, wouldn't you just use some means?" Chen Jiu was standing there with her back, though it was tepid. A kind of divine pressure.

"Chen Jiu, you are really extraordinary. We admit that this time may not be as good as you, but we advise you not to do it completely. After all, we have no life or death. How about we stop?" Eternal obviously has lost faith in the battle.

"There is no vengeance? It's funny, you robbed me of my treasure and killed my brother. Isn't this vengeance?" Chen Jiuyi smiled, with contempt in his face.

"Chen Jiu, Luo Fu Tianqiu, I can give it back to you. As for robbing your baby, we also admit that you did it wrong. When it comes to killing you, it is their idea. It has nothing to do with us. Bai Qi explained, also waiting if he bowed his head to Chen Jiu.

"What? You two **** things, are you just so courageous?" Fang Liang and Mu Dongxi just heard this, it was almost dead.

‘Boom! ’Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Zhongyu attacked the two of them even more. Chen Jiu didn't stop, they wouldn't stop.

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