Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2759: Not right

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Why?" Doupan asked curiously, wasn't it for himself?

"Well, unfortunately, I am not a woman. If I am a woman, then I will be able to fascinate you and release your suspicions with you, and become close and close friends!" Fujiwara Yasushi sighed, no doubt its profound meaning is undoubtedly It is said that Chen Jiu is a pervert. There is no principle to see women. +

"You ..." Chen Jiu stared and was ashamed, and hadn't had time to shoot yet. Fujiwara Yasushi's blood atomized beads dripped, and her complete godlike shape disappeared.

"Fu Jun, your heartbeat was very fast!" Fei Xian'er whispered in Chen Jiu's ear to remind him that it really made him a big red face.

Fujiwara Yasushi, he is very similar to a nation that Chen Jiu knows. He naturally can't help but classify them as similar. Although the men of this nation are inferior, some women are really cute and attractive, which makes people sink. . Drunk, especially Chen Jiu had been deeply educated in the night of this ethnic group, and these women have some uncontrollable feelings inside.

Chen Jiu, in fact, like most men, is willing to destroy this nation, but is a woman who wants to leave this nation!

Just now, the reason why the heartbeat accelerated and became anger and shame, in fact, this is just a manifestation of Chen Jiu's guilty conscience, but fortunately no one knows his details here. As long as he doesn't say anything, he won't show anything.

"My lord, forgive me, the seeding was not the first thing we broadcasted. It was broadcasted by Lord Fujiwara, and we only broadcast it later. The seed that was broadcast will certainly not matter!" Looking at Fujiwara! It was a terrible death, and several other people begged pitifully.

"Evil. Heart!" Fei Xianer sneered at it, some couldn't hear it.

"Whoever said that the post-cast is not going to matter, you garbage, you all **** it!" Chen Jiu scolded harshly, Shi Zhongyu they would understand, and finally started.

"Ah ... we're wrong ..." A group of several people, that is, bullying and bullying the girls, is OK. In front of Shi Zhongyu, they are completely side-by-side, and they are cut as vegetables.

"Girl Pan'er, are you okay?" After killing these miscellaneous pieces, Chen Jiu's friendly eyes couldn't help but look at Dou Pan'er and wanted to end this good cause.

"Well, thank you. You killed them, aren't you afraid to trouble yourself?" Dou Paner nodded, thanking Chen Jiufen very much.

"It's okay, Fujiwara and I have their own hatred, and they dare to profane. Blame girls, that's really hard to atone for their sins!" Chen Jiuman said with hate, and of course he never forgot to ask for the credit.

"Chen Jiu, you said something wrong!" Dou Pan'er did not continue to compliment, but suddenly accused.

"What is it?" Chen Jiu didn't understand.

"The time of sowing is not important for the sowing. The most important thing is that they have sowed, then they must die!" Dou Paner blushed and straightened Chen Jiu.

"Ah ... this, I was negligent, girl Paner, thank you for correcting my mistake!" Chen Jiuyi faced in ignorance, admitting his mistake, it just made him wonder, you a girl Everyone, why care so much about the sowing?

"It's okay!" He shook his head, Dou Panmei looked at Chen Jiu with a flash of light, which was also a bit of an accident. "Chen Jiu, I can't think you are different from the rumors!"

"Oh? What do I look like in the rumor?" Chen Jiu smiled, friendly.

"It is rumored that you are a great evil demon, for the people in our magical temple, that is to kill those who see it, and the dust boy is also beheaded by you. Our magical temple is now talking about your discoloration ..." Dou Pan'er Complaining, this is still picking up some good ones to talk about.

"Well, I didn't want to kill people, but on the back of the title of forbidden demon god, you have to kill me as fast as possible. If I don't resist, then you are really dead!" Chen Jiu sighed, looking very sad. Inquired: "Pop girl, I don't understand. I have no complaints with you recently, it is invincible, and my mother is still the pride of your magical temple. Why can't you tolerate me?"

"This ... I heard that the forbidden devil is inherently immune to magic. Once he grows up, it will kill us magic gods. At that time we will not have any ability to resist, so we must kill them in the bud!" Dou Paner hesitated, or preached according to this book.

"My mother is also a magical god. According to what you said, am I going to kill the prostitutes?" Chen Jiuzhi rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Chen Jiu, are you really Yanran's son?" Very interested, Dou Paner asked solemnly.

"It's a fake replacement!" Chen Jiuyi said frankly. "It's boring to pretend to be this, but it will also cause death!"

"I never thought that Yan Ran's destiny for love would be true!" Dou Paner faintly, still a little admired, as a young daughter, how could she not yearn for love.

"Paner, in fact, I'm not telling you that I came to the world of the gods this time to fight for a fair, I want my father and my mother to be together!" Chen Jiu said with a firm face.

"Chen Jiu, although I also sympathize with your affairs, it is really difficult for your father and your mother. I advise you not to waste time, let alone go to a magical temple to get involved, and when you get there, the Lord God also Will take action against you, and then you will have nowhere to go! "Dou Pan'er was suddenly worried.

"Paner, if people are alive without pursuit and dreams, what meaning is there even if they are alive?" Chen Jiu said without giving up: "You can rest assured that I will not affect you, you go. What happened today, we have never happened, and you and I never knew each other. In the future, you can continue to fight against me, I will not blame you! "

"I ..." Dou Pan'er looked at Chen Jiu's resolute look, and knew that she could not persuade her, took a step, and left with intention, but thinking of the life-saving grace of her, she felt very guilty. .

"Well, the boss is so pitiful. He seeks his mother for thousands of miles and fights for love. He has become a demon godless for no reason. He has been suppressed and hopeless!" It is the magic gods who are afraid that they cannot surpass the banned gods. If their magic level is high enough, what fear do they have?

"Fu Jun, rest assured, I will stay with you until I die, and live and die together!" Fei Xianer sincerely expressed her emotions.

"Chen ... Jiu, what can I do for you?" Dou Pan'er moved, but he relented after all.

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