Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2767: Do nothing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Get filial son under the stick, right now, don't blame Dad for being cruel, but you do n’t fight for three days, and you want to go to the house to uncover the tiles!" Immediately, let him admit his mistake, otherwise, this face would not be able to come down.

As the pride of his academy, he went to Jiuli Chenyuan as the younger brother, and still died without repentance. Isn't this just a fight?

‘Boom bang’. It was a mess, the students were stunned for a moment, and they could n’t think of it. Their dean actually taught his children in public, which was ruthless.

It's all about their own family. Students naturally don't dare to arbitrarily control things. If they are far away, they should be watching the show!

Yuanli Shrine is different from the big hits on both sides. In front of Chen Jiu, Shen Xingyun is ashamed with a look of face, a little speechless.

"Chen Jiu, how are you? Why ask Mei Jiao?" Speaking of Shen Mei Jiao, Shen Xingyun is indeed a mixed flavor.

"In fact, it's nothing. Suddenly thought of Meijiao, she felt very beautiful, and wanted to take time to meet her!" Chen Jiuyi looked forward, but let the turtle next to him smile.

"What? Chen Jiu, you have so many wives, all of whom are as beautiful as flowers. Why do you have any thoughts on my sister Meijiao? This is not possible!" Shen Xingyun flatly rejected it, but he liked it and had it. How can a woman tolerate following Chen Jiu again.

"Dean, look at my current results, and subvert the pride in the second hospital, let them turn their heads at the director, is it so great that you can't find another wife?" Is to publicize his achievements.

"This ... Chen Jiu, I have to say that your selection of the Chaos Godson is so surprising that it is really surprising, but the matter of finding a wife is emotional, not that you have merit, and you can give one. Then, that woman is not something! "Shen Xingyun was surprised, and she just persuaded.

"Dean, how dare you say that Meijiao isn't something?" Chen Jiu stared and smiled severely. "Furthermore, my sister and Meijiao met at first sight. I think we can talk very well. How could there be no emotion!" "

"I ... I'm not saying she's not a thing, Chen Jiu, your sister Meijiao is not too young, just let her go, okay?" Explaining vigorously, Shen Xingyun couldn't help but beg for love, because Chen Jiu was looking for The woman's ability is really particularly evil, especially the last time Shen Meijiao felt very unusual to him, so he was really scared.

"It's okay, I like my older wife, so I will take care of people!" Chen Jiuyi preached indifferently.

"Chen Jiu, you can't look at my face and let Mei Jiao go!" Shen Xingyun was really about to explode.

"Dean, this is yours, isn't it? Sister Meijiao is such a big woman, and there is no man yet. It's been a hard day. I took her, and that was also for her. How can you let it go? "Chen Jiu said very logically, as if doing a good deed.

"Who said she didn't have a man, she's long been impure, this doesn't meet your appetite!" Anxious, Shen Xingyun couldn't help but broke the news.

"Dean, has she ever had a man? Who is it?" Chen Jiu asked very gossip.

"I don't know, anyway!" Shen Xingyun preached with guilty conscience.

"You don't know? It must have been apart for a long time, although this woman is not pure, but she can't be killed with a stick, I think we can still try it!" Chen Jiu still didn't give up.

"Chen Jiu, when did you start to pick up someone's broken shoes and wear them?" Shen Xingyun scorned seriously.

"Dean, I'm afraid you misunderstood me. Chen Jiu likes women and hasn't stated that the woman must be pure and unparalleled, but the women I met have kept pure, do you understand?" Chen Jiu spoke very enlightened and behaved very generously.

"That won't work, no matter what, you can't have an idea about the beauty demon, otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face down and ignoring people!" Shen Xingyun was grim and determined.

"Dean, this is yours, isn't it? How can you be so unreasonable!" Chen Jiu was very resentful.

"I'm like this, I won't agree with you and hit me!" Shen Xingyun's chest was up, and 250 people came up.

"Dean, shouldn't you like Meijiao?" Chen Jiu felt almost the same, and asked with suspicion.

"What? What are you talking about, how can I ..." Shen Xingyun's face was immediately flustered and difficult to adapt.

"Dean, you don't like it that way? If you don't like it, then I'll chase it ..." Chen Jiu continued to test, looking very determined.

"Don't ... don't chase, she's my woman!" Unable to bear it, after all, Shen Xingyun still told the truth.

Some things may be left indifferent, but once someone scrambles, you will find her important, and you will care about her for nothing!

"Your woman? Dean, why did Mei Meijiao become your woman?" Chen Jiupao. Well-planned, asked curiously.

Although I have long known the good things between the two, if asked directly, it will definitely make Shenxingyun difficult. It is unfavorable and not conducive to his enthusiasm, so Chen Jiuhua thought about this one, if he really loves her If you do, then you can't help it.

At the moment, it seems so. In order to love others, Shen Xingyun still couldn't help telling the secret that had been buried in his heart for many years.

"I love her. I really love her very much, but I'm afraid she will refuse. I was in a coma while she was in a coma, and I couldn't help but pounce on it ..." Shen Xingyun was actually uncomfortable in her heart. With this opportunity at the moment, he finally revealed his palpitations, his face full of self-blame and remorse. "Chen Jiu, do you think I am despicable, I am shameless, and I am not even as good as a beast. Right?" ? "

"Dean, how can you tell me how to say hello?" Chen Jiu looked at Shen Xingyun in a complex way, and was very sympathetic.

"Chen Jiu, just scold if you want to scold. You scold me for anything, but I hope you don't fight with Meijiao's idea. I really love her and love her!" Shen Xingyun's sad face said .

"Dean, in fact, I don't want to scold you, but I feel that you are very pathetic, do you understand?" Chen Jiu said in a word, so that Shen Xingyun was confused.

"I did such a thing, and you didn't scold me, but you still feel sorry for me?" Shen Xingyun stared with big eyes, he couldn't figure it out! --3533 + d6su9h + 10318336->

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