Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2769: Men and women

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Blue is better than blue. My son can have such a powerful achievement, shouldn't I be happy?" Ma Shaji grinned at the horse, instead of being angry, he was extremely comforting and proud.

"Although we are defeated, anyway, it is considered a successor, Shen Xingyun, no matter how hard we are, you are even better than your wife who ca n’t find him, and my son is even better than a bare guy, right?" Drinking, full of joy and joy.

"I ... who said that I can't find my wife!" Shen Xing Yun Qi was settled, and even more determined, he had to chase Shen Mei Jiao, and give them a big fat boy as soon as possible!

"Well, Doudou, just the girl in your family, dare to call yourself a successor?" Ma Shiji looked down, and looked down on Doudou very much.

"What's wrong with the girl? I don't think your son is as good as my daughter!" Doudou is proud.

"Oh, now I know my daughter. I didn't know who was screaming there just now. I want to sever the father-daughter relationship!" Ma killed the chicken and laughed.

"Well, don't you also want to sever the relationship between father and son? Do you still say me?" Duduofu replied unconvinced.

"Duofu, no matter what you say, your girl will still marry someone. After you expect her to pass it to you, I'm afraid it's too much!" Ma Shaji was obviously reluctant to let go. : "Even if she is more powerful, she is just passing it on to others. It's too early for you to be happy!"

"I ..." Doudou Duan was so angry again that he was a little speechless.

"Uncle, I dare not agree with this sentence!" At this time, Dou Paner proudly glared at the horse and killed the chicken to justify it.

"Oh? Any thoughts, uncle is very open-minded!" Ma Xiji laughed broadly, and didn't think Dou Paner could tell what the truth was.

"What happened to the daughter, can't the daughter be a descendant?" Doupaner asked confidently and decisively on the spot.

"Paner, you are a woman. The child you are born of is a seed of someone else. What kind of pass is this!" Ma kills the chicken proudly, and has the upper hand.

"Uncle, my child must have my blood, why not be a posthumous one?" Dou Pan's face was firm, but she sneered, "Uncle, your man's child, but not necessarily you This kind of thing, what is not passed on after transmission, is still to be verified, right? "

"What? This ..." The horse turned green immediately after killing the chicken. He naturally understood the deep meaning of Dou Pan'er and was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Okay, that's too good, the daughter is the true descendant!" Dou Duo Fu reacted and felt that his eyebrows were exasperated. It was exciting and loud.

"I'll be my son right away, and you'll know by looking at your face!" Quite annoyed, the horse killed the chicken and immediately justified himself again.

"The horse kills the chicken, I did not say that he is not your son, but your future grandson may not be your grandson, and your future grandson may not be your grandson. If this does not necessarily continue, then your bloodline can still exist. Doudou smiled happily, and was very proud. "So, it ’s better to have a boy than a daughter, and a boy to be a daughter, you dare to laugh at me and have no son, and I laugh at you So many descendants! "

"Well, I still think my son is good anyway!" Ma Shaji retorted, but his tone was obviously not so strong.

"Daughter is good ..." Ma screamed, killing countless years of resentment, finally venting.

"The son is good, the daughter is good ..." For a time, the dispute between men and women was led by the two deans, and there was a fierce quarrel.

"Hey ... two deans, can you say something to me?" Shen Xingyun looked at the people on both sides so loudly, and just wanted to persuade him.

"You don't have any kind of goods, your wife doesn't have it, you are not qualified to speak!" Well, Shen Xingyun was directly despised and out of the game.

"Well, regardless of your sons and daughters, in the end, we still have to worship under our Chen Jiu!" Shen Xingyun did not taste Chen Jiu and wanted him to have a face.

"Oh, okay, just calm down!" Chen Jiu had sold a face of Shen Xingyun, and came out to persuade him. Sure enough, when he talked, no matter whether it was a beast or a magic temple, it was all Quietness made the heads of the two courts no longer noisy.

"Chen Jiu, in your opinion, is it better to have a daughter or a son?" Although they did not agree with Chen Jiu, at this time they had to admire his deterrent.

"In my opinion, it's just as good to have boys and girls. We don't despise women and don't despise men. Only when men and women are in harmony can the whole human race continue to prosper and prosper!" Chen Jiu's harmoniousness is full of reason sermon.

"Well, aren't you saying nothing!" The heads of both courts were obviously very unconvinced.

"No, on the contrary, I think it is particularly good. Regardless of men and women, as long as they have achieved success, that is the best descendant, such as our Chen Jiu, who is full of emotions. This is the best regardless of his gender! "Xing Xingyun came out, complimented Chen Jiu, and was even more proud of himself.

"If it weren't for our eldest son of the most powerful Xeon missing, it would not be his turn to give orders here!" Doudou was extremely unpleasant.

"Some of the most supreme godsons in our hospital don't seem to have disappeared!" Speaking of this, Shenxing Yun was extremely confused.

"Shi Zhongyu, do you know where they have gone?" Ma Maji asked curiously.

"I don't know. We didn't even enter Feixiangjiao, but they were later teleported out. They may be taken away by Feixiangjiao!" Shi Zhongyu lied, but he didn't dare to say that they were all killed. Things, or else, the main gods of all parties fry the pan all at once, that would be a bad thing!

"This is the case, the tiger is not at home, the fox and the raccoon are called kings, and you should not be too proud of Shen Xingyun. When they return, the Chen Jiu you cultivated is nothing, and he is a demon **** ban. People usually don't live long, so if you have any last words, you should explain them as soon as possible! "Doudou was ridiculed again, very bad.

"Father, don't tell me ..." Dou Pan'er gave a word of persuasion, and finally Du Duofu shut up.

"Good son, we are going back, and Dad will pass the seat to you in the future!"

"Chen Jiu, let's go back, too. I'm going to enlist you, the God of Chaos. This should be the grandest one!" Shen Xingyun looked at more than 2,000 people on his side, and was very satisfied.


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