Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2771: Pleased

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Oh, my head isn't combed yet, is my face clean, my silk. I'm wearing my stockings ... \" I heard Chen Jiu's voice, and every woman in the hall couldn't help rushing again He sorted out his appearance, lest it be imperfect.

In fact, the girls are totally worried. For Chen Jiu, who loves them, they are the most beautiful wives in his heart even if they are not dressed!

\ "I'm back, do you miss me? \" Chen Jiu finally got rid of the pursuit of the classmates, and returned to the Jiuwu Peak for the first time. I could not help feeling very kind.

\ "Boss, we want to die for you ... \" Zhang Xinran's four brothers ran over for the first time, hugging Chen Jiu and crying.

\ "Well, why is the big man crying? Isn't it shameful? \" Chen Jiu finally advised, it was very moving.

\ "Boss, I heard that this event is very dangerous. We are really worried that you will not be able to come back ... \" The four people said with deep affection.

\ "It's okay, your boss is lucky and lucky, which one is not a fortune?" Chen Jiu's face didn't care, but this time he really experienced a life and death disaster.

\ "Boss, since you are okay, are there any treasures brought back? \" Zhang Xinran's big fat face was greedy and greedy.

\ "Dead fat man, I think you care more about things, but I'm not free now, after I've finished watching your sister-in-law, in the future-long-wind-literature The benefits of Chen! \ "Chen Jiu scolded him for a reason, leaving a few people behind and walking towards the main hall.

\ "Boss, you are a heavy friend and a light friend!" "No matter what Zhang Xinran shouted, Chen Jiu was very firm.

Although the home country is important, brothers are important, but they are not a family after all. For a man, his wife and children are the most important, because this is a woman who entrusts his life, and all to a man. As a man, he is naturally right. They can afford it.

Along the way, with the familiar members of the Dragon Blood family and the brothers, Chen Jiuyi walked into the main hall without looking back, where he had the biggest trouble in his heart.

\ "Your Majesty, your husband ... \" As soon as you entered the main hall, Chen Jiuli immediately felt a little dazzled. Nearly thirty women, who were dressed in fine makeup and with unique characteristics, were simply perfect. No flaws at all.

婀. Na ’s body, fragrance, face, muscles, beauty, long legs, light. Most of them are wearing silk. Stockings, the black and white look is the perfect gun. Shelf In general, as a gunner, Chen Jiu saw an impulse to fire when he saw it.

\ "My concubines, I'm back ... \" Chen Jiu couldn't bear it, and walked directly to the girls with open arms. He really wanted to squeeze them down and take a good look at the suffering of Acacia.

\ "Hey, Chen Jiu, don't come over first!" Mu Lan took the lead, and the consorts responded, but prevented Chen Jiu from approaching.

\ "Uh? Love concubines, you are so beautifully dressed, don't you want to get pampered by your grandma? Fortunately?" Chen Jiu was very confused.

\ "Your Majesty, who do we think is the most beautiful now? \" Qian Xiangyi's ancient spirit is simply flickering with big eyes and black eyes. Silky buttocks have the right to explain what **** is. Feeling and naive hybrid.

\ "Your Majesty ... \" With Gan Xiangyi's, the other women are unwilling to show their beauty, trying to attract Chen Jiu's attention.

\ "This ... Lianer, Hanxue, Peony, you ..." Chen Jiu looked at the past one by one, it was just staring.

Beautiful, so beautiful, Zhao Lian'er turned around in an empty spirit, like a white and holy Tianshan Snow Lotus, making people want to pick.

Chen Hanxue is still a blue dress, but this time, very short, she didn't wear silk. Stockings, the glittering **, shining blue light, is also very dazzling.

The name of peony and fairy is not white. She is rich, fragrant, and looks like the most beautiful and pure flower in the world.

Recalling dreams, Lisa ... each woman is perfect and unparalleled, with the charm and temperament that moved Chen Jiu, he looked at it again, and it was difficult to distinguish and difficult to choose.

\ "Your Majesty, do you speak, who is the most beautiful of us? \" Mr. Chen Jiu's Mu Ran, although the girls are very timid, but they still want to be higher.

\ "Very beautiful! \" Chen Jiu's reaction was naturally not good.

\ "Your Majesty, we are all dressed for a long time. You are so beautiful that you want to send us all? \" The girls are undoubtedly a bit unhappy.

\ "Dress up? I think you are just busy working, no matter what you look like, you still have to get rid of me for a while. Light!" "Chen Jiuxie. Evil, just laughed. .

\ "Oh, Your Majesty, you're necrotic, people don't want it! \" The princesses are coquettish. Shameless, they can't help lowering their heads and dare not face them.

\ "My concubines, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't you want to 朕? 朕 Here, it's about to explode! \" It's all my wife and wife, and Chen Jiu showed himself politely. Mighty, hum, you won't let me go, see if I don't catch you up!

\ "This ... Your Majesty, how can you do this!" The girls murmured, but stared at Chen Jiu's place, but they couldn't move.

\ "Love concubines, 朕 here is a reminiscent foot, don't you want to try to fire a few cannons? \" Chen Jiu was full of temptation.

\ "This ... \" The girls were hesitating, no doubt they were moving. [,! ] Small steps, want to fire.

\ "Mu Lan, don't go so fast, don't forget our bet! \" Gan Xiangyi was dissatisfied that Mu Lan surpassed her, and it was inappropriate to remind.

\ "Huh, look at the husband like this, he must not be looking for a woman outside! \" Mu Lan actually can't help but can't help but think about it. Regardless of what he finds, he must come first Cannon say.

\ "That's not necessarily, Fu Jun is not an ordinary person, this can't find a woman, nor can I see it with my naked eyes! \" Qian Xiangyi did not agree, just looked at Chen Jiu and asked : \ "Fu Jun, have you brought us a new sister this time? \"

\ "This, I did bring one! \" Speaking of this matter, Chen Jiu was a little embarrassed, but he didn't lie.

\ "What? You ... you really snoring outside again. The flowers are messing with you, you big color. Wolf, how did you forget to guarantee us? \" Mu Lan was angry and immediately beeped. Small mouth.

\ "Eh, I promise not to bring a new woman here, but this woman, she is not a new woman! \" Chen Jiu also appeared to be very unjustly complaining, he looks like this, but let the girls hold back, Does he have any good looks?

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