Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2775: Learn from her

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Isn't it like this? All the fairies were originally high-ranking nine-day fairies. If the emperor had not served you, why would you be here?" Chen Jiu deliberately pretended not to explain. {3w.

"No, it's not like that!" Chen Jiu didn't explain, but anxious the concubines.

"Oh? Why isn't it like this?" Chen Jiuguai smiled and teased everyone intentionally.

"Your Majesty, we were not served by you, so we came here to accompany you. We admire your ability, admire your courage, and adore your pride. We are infected by you and have produced you. The feeling is like this ... "Mu Lan explained, really scared that Chen Jiu went astray because of this, and seeing a woman not thinking about pursuing and messing around, wouldn't she be a real animal?

"Oh, I haven't lived to death and enjoyed the bliss of the world, so I admire and admire me?" Chen Jiu said in a self-righteous manner, and even made the concubines dumbfounded.

This kid doesn't really think so, right? Suddenly, Mu Lan explained again, but at this time, Chen Jiu walked towards her again, making her speechless.

"Fairy, you don't eat the fireworks on the earth, it looks quite pure, but you are actually a fake, if you do n’t believe me, you will understand as soon as you do it!" Chen Jiu teased, what kind of chastity. Unable to bear it, Mu Lan was mad and finally had to confess that he was a fake.

In the end, when that sentence was spoken, Mu Lan was ashamed and felt that she had no face to see people again!

In this way, Chen Jiu's fairies loved each other, not only shot them down for nine days, but also marked them with fake labels, listening to them shouting and yelling, Fei Xianer looked silly. Eyed.

Well, who made you guys so embarrassing me just now, now know that the retribution is coming? Fei Xian'er's heart also appeared faintly.

"Ah, Chen Jiu, what are you doing here for me?" Fei Xianer looked at the man's figure worried in the end, and he couldn't help showing a slight fear. He wouldn't want to be a fake, too?

"Xian Er, don't be afraid, the game is over, how do you feel now? Are you still angry?" Chen Jiu persuade, after all, let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time anger.

"Game? So, did you just show it to me on purpose?" Fei Xian'er stared, but couldn't help but be grateful.

"Your Majesty, you are eccentric. For a flying fairy, you actually treat us all as fakes, we don't follow it ..." A group of concubines yelled at each other.

"Who made you distrust you, wouldn't you be the kind of reckless man who casually goes to women?" Chen Jiu is quite reasonable.

"Your Majesty, we are not all doing this for your sake!" The concubines were also aggrieved.

"Xianer, come, I hug you to sleep!" Chen Jiu was very considerate, afraid that Fei Xianer could hardly adapt to the concubines at once, he was hugging her and fell asleep as usual.

As soon as I fell asleep, and looked at the appearance of Fei Xianer cat crawling in Chen Jiuhuai, the concubines thought about what happened to Chen Jiu yesterday, and could not help turning their hatred to Fei Xianer.

Looking at each other, Mu Lan took the lead, the princesses got up and surrounded Feixianer and Chen Jiu, forming a circle, all of them were weird and laughed.

"Giggle ... hehe ... hehe ..." The scene was a bit scary. Upon waking up, a group of fairy-like jade people, no wonder laughing around you, absolutely test people's will!

"This ... concubines, are you okay?" Chen Jiu was also awakened, without a sense of incense. Yan, but a goose hider.

"Sisters, what's wrong with you?" Fei Xian'er looked up and was very worried and puzzled.

"It's okay, we're all puppets. Except for buns, what can we do?" Mu Lan explained, obviously with a hint of resentment in his tone.

"Mu Lan, do you still cherish resentment? I said yesterday, don't take it seriously!" Chen Jiu quickly explained.

"No, Your Majesty, you are right, we are one by one, in your eyes, only Fei Xianer is the best, isn't it? We are going to learn from her, how can we be good? Mu Lan acknowledged it and expressed a look to learn.

"Yeah, we have to learn from Xianer!" The princesses expressed their opinions for a while and complained: "We don't want to be always treated as husband by the husband!"

"What ... what are you doing?" Fei Xian'er stared with wide eyes, feeling a hint of bad premonition.

"Sister Xianer, oh, you can really be serious. I slept yesterday, and I'm not idle below. We can't learn this serious skill!" Gan Xiangyi lowered her head and launched a total attack.

"I ..." Fei Xianer was immediately ashamed and flushed. Some of them could not be faced. At first glance into this strange environment, only by getting it can she fill her heart. Really settle down!

"Xian Er is still bad. Shame, let us help her!" The princesses intentionally retaliated, and immediately rushed up.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Fei Xianer screamed, despite her reluctance, she was really miserable!

"Fu Jun, I'm going to die, let them let me go ..." Fei Xianer was finally tired. He was paralyzed on Chen Jiu's body, and he lost any strength.

"Okay, okay, it's almost OK!" Although Chen Jiu was used as a tool in this process, he was actually the biggest beneficiary. Seeing Fei Xianer couldn't get up, he couldn't help but get up She also left her temporarily to keep her from being so beautiful.

"Fu Jun, look at it like this, it's so happy that it's heartbreaking and it's no different from us. Why are we shy, isn't she?" Pointing at the appearance of Fei Xianer, Mu Lan Duan has raised opinions again.

"It's over, isn't it? Xianer is new here, you have to take care of her emotions!" Chen Jiu screamed, and the princesses closed their mouths, but still a little unhappy.

"Okay, don't be angry, I got so many Daoshan this time. Chaos Daoguo will ripen right away. When the fruit ripens, you will be sent one by one to make you a real fairy. "Is this the head office?" Chen Jiu said well, again comfortingly.

"Fu Jun, then you have to hurry up to us!" The concubines begged one after another. To be honest, they were not polite to Chen Jiu, and they were smiling again.

"Yi'er, please dress up and walk with me first. Let's go to Hongzu. Some things should be settled!" Chen Jiu glanced at Luo Yi, and couldn't help but think of Qing Emperor's affairs again!

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