Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2777: Visit blocked

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Without the ability to use Hong Zuling's direct contact, Chen Jiu felt that it was better to visit Hong Zu formally this time, but he really did not expect that it would not be as easy as imagined to want to see Hong Zu.

Men, in fact, this is how they are. They are good to their juniors. After this fishing, they can't help but show off to their mothers. Chen Jiu's current behavior actually means the same.

During this trip to Feixiangjiao, Chen Jiu not only succeeded in being promoted to the **** of chaos, but also harvested hundreds of Daoshan. Even such a wealth was shocked, so he dared to come in this time, and Very encouraging!

Coming with full confidence, Chen Jiu really didn't expect to be blocked by evil slaves, which made him immediately scolded in anger \ "You scumbag ..."

\ "What? Your kid dare to call me a scumbag? \" The middle-aged man immediately turned black.

\ "Why? It looks like a man who is five big and three thick, but it looks like a man underneath, but can it still be a man? \" Chen Jiuyi laughed, and said rudely.

\ "What nonsense are you talking about, who told you that I'm gone? \" The middle-aged man was angry and could not help but look up. Red.

\ "If you have, will the sound become like this? \" Chen Jiuyi looks like I know, even more annoying.

\ "I ... My voice is the result of practicing {Long} {Wind} Literature {cf] [wx} !!" The middle-aged man couldn't help but explain with annoyance and was unwilling to be misunderstood.

\ "Okay, stingy, it doesn't matter if you are not stingy or not, now let go and let me in!" "Chen Jiu despised, but was impatient again.

\ "I said, the ancestor has been closed, no one is allowed to go in! \" The middle-aged man's voice was cold, and no doubt he did not intend to let Chen Jiu go in.

\ "You ... Fu Jun is angry! \" As Chen Jiu was so angry, Luo Yi hurriedly greeted him, listening to the two men's scolding, she just stayed for a long time and didn't respond.

\ "Yi'er, this uncle is just missing, I can't see him beating, he won't be honest!" "Chen Jiu was caught by Luo Yi, still very unpleasant.

\ "Okay! \" Luo Yi counseled, and looked kindly at the middle-aged man: \ "I don't know what this adult is calling? \"

\ "You don't even know me, but you still want to break through Hongmengyuan? \" The middle-aged man stared with pride, preaching proudly: "" I'm Xiao Qiankun, one of the four avenue children of the ancestor! "

\ "Ah, my aunt, the little Dao boy, dare to stop us? Believe it or not, when I see Hongzu, let him shut you down for 100,000 years of confinement! \" Chen Jiu just couldn't help laughing. stand up.

\ "Well, what's wrong with Dao Tong? Being a Dao Tong in Hongmeng Academy, I don't know how many people dream of the opportunity! \" Middle-aged men are quite proud of it.

\ "Disgusting, all the grandfathers who are half-footed into the ground, they still call themselves Xiao Qiankun, is this face still wanting? At this age, it is just a Taoist boy. If I were you, I would have been Shame is here! \ "Chen Jiu couldn't bear the irony.

Scolding again and again, the shortcomings are short. Chen Jiu is actually not such a person, but he came to Hongmengyuan with full confidence today. He wanted to have a long face and play majestic in front of Luo Yi. But unexpectedly, he encountered a big nail directly at the door, even the door was not allowed to enter, naturally made him extremely annoyed and dissatisfied!

Suppression. If such a watchdog is not good at suppressing the lessons, Chen Jiu feels that he will not take the woman back to his mother's house in the future.

\ "Fu Jun, don't yell at me!" Luo Yi said arrogantly, and finally persuaded Chen Jiu, but at this time the middle-aged man Xiao Qiankun's face was already blue.

\ "Small Qiankun, I don't want to hide it. We were invited by Master Hongzu here, and please ask for your convenience and let us in, okay?" Luo Yi then looked at the middle-aged man with good voice. Request it.

\ "The ancestor has been closed, idle people and so on, no one sees it! \" The middle-aged man has a depressed face, there is no meaning at all.

\ "Small Qiankun, this is Hongzu's order, do you also violate it? \" Luo Yi frowned, and was a little unhappy.

\ "Then I can't control it, anyway, if I want to pass through our hospital, I must get my consent! \" The middle-aged man is standing in front of him, like a giant mountain, cannot be climbed.

\ "You ... \" Luo Yi stared, but couldn't help being taken a few steps back by this momentum shock, and stumbled into Chen Jiu's arms.

\ "Evil slave, evil slave, Yier, do you think I can take a shot now? \" When Chen Jiufu was correcting Luo Yi, he couldn't help glaring at the past.

\ "Fu Jun, even if you learn it, don't hurt it!" Luo Yi nodded, knowing that it was deliberately made difficult.

\ "Haha, little girl, let's worry about your handsome little friend. Since I was born, my little Qiankun has been in the world, called Wang Baidi, who can help him all the way, no one can beat him! \" Middle-aged man Laughing, the momentum was rolling like a wave like the sea.

\ "Hey, Fuyao is invincible, and he has actually become a Taoist boy, Xiao Qiankun. I think you are really drunk without being dizzy. You can also tell such a dream story, aren't you shameful? \" Chen Jiumai step The forward, breaking the waves, it was even more ridiculous to the middle-aged man who was ridiculed.

\ "Miscellaneous account! \" I can't help it anymore. The middle-aged man shot at Chen Jiu. If he continues like this, he feels that he will be furious.

‘Boom ...’ As soon as the connoisseur took the shot, he knew if it was. A middle-aged man struck the air with a blow, and it was like a pangu **** who opened the sky and split the ground. It was playing the world and creating the world!

. [,! ] \ "Huh, do you want to split the sky? \" Chen Jiu Ning Ning, couldn't help but sigh secretly, because of this promotion, otherwise, if you come to Hongmengyuan in advance to display it, then You can't eat it.

'boom! ‘Courageous, Chen Jiu was unwilling to serve the weak, and took the same shot, facing the middle-aged man ’s Lingli offensive fiercely!

\ "Looking for death! \" The middle-aged man was pleasantly surprised. He had the confidence to shake back Chen Jiu and let him retreat, but the development of things is often beyond human control and anticipation.

‘Long! ‘Two palms struck each other, a dramatic shock, and Chen Jiuqiang ’s powerful force, like the anger of the heavens, severely repelled the middle-aged man.

\ "What? It's impossible, you young, how could you have great power like a boulevard! \" The middle-aged man could not help but be stunned.

\ "Ah, Dao Tong is Dao Tong, and he ca n’t even look at the door. If you go on like this, you are destined to be abandoned by the world!" Chen Jiu sighed and sighed.

\ "You ... reverse the chaos! \" Middle-aged manly, shot again. At this time, only speaking with strength is the biggest truth.

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