Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2779: Ningyo Sen

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Fu Jun, how can we treat that little Qiankun like this? If the master knows, will we blame us?" Luo Yi followed Chen Jiu while he was worried. $ ..

"What's the blame? I kindly taught Xiaodao Tong for him. If he doesn't know how to be grateful, if he still blame us, then there must be something wrong with this Master's character!" Chen Jiuman's kindness.

"This ..." Loy was also speechless. "Do you feel so good about yourself?"

"Well, Yier, look over there, there is an elixir in the chaos practicing the essence of Hongmeng!" Chen Jiu's eyes flashed, and then he stared into the distance again suddenly.

"Fu Jun, don't you think about it again?" Lowy doubted it.

"Oh, naturally, I do n’t have a lot of elixir, but I have n’t cultivated it yet. I just took a look at it and made friends with him!" Chen Jiu explained, and everyone heard that he was uneasy. Kindness.

The rolling stone roads and clouds can only see the distance of tens of meters. Around this, the thicker humongous chaos is filled with faintly visible a humanoid elixir. How can this not be exciting?

"Fu Jun, don't be reckless!" Luo Yi advised, but it was too late.

'Boom ...' Chen Jiu's big hand grabbed the humanoid elixir under the waterfall. This is a young-looking ginseng, and the top of his head is obviously a ginseng form, which has not completely evolved into an adult. .

"Who dares to come here to wanton!" The young man reacted quickly, glaring at the palm of Chen Jiu with anger and glances, and then greeted him with a single palm, a powerful vitality emerged, terrifying.

'boom! ‘With a single blow, Chen Jiu was naturally strong, but to his surprise, this young ginseng turned out to be very powerful.

"It's only a little bit able to consolidate the godhead!" Chen Jiu's eyes flashed, and his friend said, "The brothers of the fairy ginseng must not be nervous. I just want to make a friend with you and shake hands!"

"Well, I will be better than you in a thousand years!" The young man gave an unwilling glare, then turned into light and shadow, and plunged into the ground.

"It's been too long for a thousand years, I can't wait!" Chen Jiu anxious, grabbed his palm, but when he hit the ground, he was blocked by its hard character and couldn't be broken.

'Zi ...' With the increasing strength of Chen Jiu, the entire waterfall was more dazzling and the ground was more condensed. Obviously, there is a large array of guardians here, even the general **** is afraid. It ’s hard to shake!

"Hey, it's really disappointing. I just want to make friends. Why are the people here so unfriendly?" Looking at the ground, Chen Jiu did not do anything useless, and then sighed in sorrow.

"Fu Jun, according to your method of making friends, I'm afraid no one dares to make friends with you!" Luo Yi smiled, and was a bit gloating.

"That's not necessarily true. This young man isn't funny. I believe that I will make a good friend next!" Chen Jiu looked around, and the thief walked forward.

"Fu Jun ..." Luo Yi could not help but follow up.

"Yi'er, what kind of expression do you have, don't I just want to make friends? There is a way to be friends all over the world, and to rely on friends when going out. This is not a fox friend, how can you stop me from making friends? Jiu casually looked at Luo Yi, and was quite dissatisfied.

"Fu Jun, I'm worried that you can't make friends!" Luo Yi was blamed, but his eyes turned and changed his strategy.

"What? You are too young to see your husband, who will show you a friend!" Chen Jiu was surprised, and looked around.

"Well, husband, look there, beauties, aren't you your favorite?" This time, Luo Yi discovered it first. With the chaos rolling in, it can be seen vaguely that a figure is extremely sloppy. Na, The woman's green hair, which is completely out of proportion, hangs from a vine of God, and **** the essence of the sun and the moon.

"Oh my dear, this chest is too big, and behind this, I rely on, should I be so exaggerated?" Chen Jiuyi couldn't help but look a little dumbfounded.

"Fu Jun, isn't this just for your appetite? Don't you guys like the bigger the chest, the better, the bigger the fart?" Luo Yi laughed kindly.

"A fallacy, this is absolutely not in line with our aesthetics!" Chen Jiu rebuked seriously, which was a firm expression of his disgust.

Woman, although the chest is big and the fart is uplifted, but there is a standard to withstand it. Like the woman in front of her, the look of '婀. 娜' is like a gourd-like exaggeration. How can this ordinary person be affected? Come on?

Unable to bear it, Chen Jiu looked at the so-called 'beauty' in front of him, and accidentally thought of the time on the earth, what was foreign at that time. Competitions such as hip competitions, players of that kind of competition were simply exaggerated To some extent, there are some women who hesitate to grow themselves into two big pockets. The most shameful of these women is that they can even win the championship!

The judges are blind. Chen Jiu always sniffs at such game news. He is very scowling. Naturally, he also dislikes the women in front of him.

"Fu Jun, just make a friend, maybe you're used to it?" Chen Jiuyue didn't like it, and Luo Yi was even more coquettish.

"Okay, I'll try it!" Chen Jiu was not reckless this time, but shouted out loudly: "Hey, beauties, here, come over and make friends?"

"Hum, go and play!" The beauty opened her eyes and gave a dismissive glance, very contempt.

"What? I'm a kid?" Chen Jiu stared at the spot, and my things came out to scare you!

"Your body is obviously not yet developed. It ’s not a child?" The beauty is also very reasonable.

"I ... make a friend, do you think I'm young?" Chen Jiuqi said, but he didn't care about the beauty.

"No interest!" The beauty gave a scornful glance, and immediately began to spit the essence of the sun and the moon, completely ignoring Chen Jiu and them.

"Give me down!" Chen Jiu was angry and decided to give the beauty a look. Otherwise, she would always look down on herself, so how could she make friends?

"Do you dare ..." the beauty reprimanded, her body shining with radiance, and she hit Chen Jiu fiercely.

‘Boom ...’ With a severe blow, the beauty no longer had the pride and arrogance she had just, and she looked at the man in front of her in horror. Did she think he was so powerful?

"The godheads are not united, what kind of spectrum do you have with me? Can you make friends now?" Chen Jiu grasped a ball of light and shadow, and her powerful power prevented her from moving.

"You, can you let go of me first? If you let go of me and don't take advantage of me, I will make friends with you!" The light and shadow shrank, and the beauty looked so pitiful that Chen Jiu was shocked.

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