Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2784: Virgin fruit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Oh? Do you even know me? Then you should also know that my daughter's marriage is always obtained by chance. You have no chance, and kneeling here for 10,000 years is useless!" The old woman said with a look of pride. . *

"Daughter marrying outside?" Chen Jiu was suspicious, and suddenly Luo Yi screamed.

"Ah, this fruit, it ..." Luo Yi opened the jade box curiously, unexpectedly, there was a quietly dignified woman lying inside.

This woman is only the size of a palm, water, tender, transparent, with nothing in her whole body, bathed up and down. Bathed in a holy aroma, it makes people covet.

"The maiden fruit turned out to be a real woman!" Chen Jiu could not help but shocked her eyes, her eyes warming up.

Beauty, the peak rises, the legs are long, the legs are beautiful, the shameful place is faintly visible ... This beautiful woman is just a perfect three-dimensional little model, which can be described as the sacred beauty of the dreamers!

"Smelly man, it really didn't make me feel good about my daughter!" Looking at Chen Jiu's obsession and obsession, the old woman was naturally very repulsive.

"Ma'am, would you rather send your daughter to a woman than marry them to men? You must know that our man is the ultimate destination of your woman. You educate your daughter like this, which is against the rules of human integrity!" Chen Jiu slammed his mouth a few times, and it was a true education.

"Well, nonsense, your men are simply born of evil in the world, and only we women are the source and pillar of the world!" The old lady obviously had a great prejudice against men.

"According to your saying, why did men still rule the house that day? Existence is the truth. Since we men exist, then we are orthodox!" Chen Jiu argued unconvinced.

"Now in the world, it's just that evil has suppressed justice for a while, and one day our women will wake up completely and completely abandon your men!" The old lady was also extremely confident and firm.

"What? You're really stubborn, but let me ask you, Hongzu seems to be a man, why do you still perch in his courtyard?" Chen Jiu stared, can not help but question.

"Hong Zu has already transgressed the gender theory, is it that I can wait for controversy?" When referring to Hong Zu, the old lady was very respectful.

"Go, what a transcendence of sex, obviously a big man, you are actually said to be neither male nor female, if Hongzu heard it, it is estimated that the lungs will irritate you!" Chen Jiu sniffed Says: "It's not that people are too powerful. You can't get people to do it, so you say that. In the final analysis, the fist is the truth in your heart!"

"Different ways are not the same, take your little girlfriend back, I will not allow my daughter to marry you such a arrogant waste!" The old woman no longer said to rush people up.

"Since it's here, I have to marry your daughter!" Chen Jiu's eyes firmly walked towards the old woman again.

"Huh, I don't know how to lift up, you are forcing my saint to punish you!" The wife was annoyed, and she shouted to Tianyi with both hands, "The world of our lady!"

"Zi ..." The sky fell green, and a magical world came down and wrapped Chen Jiu and them in.

Greenness, arrogance, vitality, vigorousness, birds and flowers, this world is like a paradise and a fairyland, it is extremely nostalgic!

"Wow, it's so beautiful ..." Luo Yi sighed, but found that Chen Jiu was smoky, it was like coke, and he wanted to burn out. "What's going on? Chen Jiu, what's wrong with you?"

"Is it really beautiful? Take a closer look at Luo Yi, this world simply violates the common sense of the world!" Chen Jiu smiled helplessly, but the beautiful world in Luo Yi's heart made him feel extremely ugly and disgusted.

"It's against common sense, alas, those fairies, they are like sisters, but they are more like husband and wife. How can that be ... God, those birds that are paired together are also females, and the tree ..." Luo Looking at it carefully, I couldn't help but be shocked. I felt that the goosebumps were full and some could not accept it.

A woman, born naturally, still likes to be attached to a man, just like Luo Yi, she likes the feeling of being petted and manipulated by Chen Jiu. If you change to a woman, it will not be the feeling and taste at all.

It seems that there are many sisters of Luo Yi, but without Chen Jiu, even if they play no matter how they play, they will not be able to raise any interest at all. Men are actually not useless, but they are vital. Yes, there is no substitute!

In the past, Loy never had, and dare not think, what would it be like if a man was lost in the world? At the moment, she finally saw such a world, and was not at all happy, but rather creepy, and very much wanted to escape from here.

"Mother-in-law, husband!" When I spent the flowers, I saw a pair of women who kissed each other so deeply that the next scene made Luo Yi unable to look directly at "Oh, so disgusting. Heart!"

"Good girl, you have been brainwashed by this man. When he is burned by the world, then you will realize what is the true truth!" But the old lady was kindly persuading at this time, and saw her. Refers to the shooting of a divine light, the virgin fruit in the jade box turned into a human form and came out.

"Sister, you are so beautiful ..." The maiden was still in the slightest. Man was wonderful and cuddled by Loy's side, so he would be close to her.

"Ah, how are you ... how did you live?" Luo Yi was startled, naturally repelling.

"Sister, my mother gave me to you. I will be your husband from now on. My sister is her husband. You can spoil it at will. Fortunately, you can eat others ..." The maiden's face was smart and thoughtful.

"This ... you look like this, how else do I eat?" Luo Yi shook his head, feeling like he could never get out of his mouth anymore.

"Then the sister favors. Fortunately, wait for the sister to favor. Fortunately, they will naturally turn into a stream and nourish the sister!" The maid said again, but it was quite direct.

"She's a woman, how do you like it. Fortunately, you?" Chen Jiu stared at the big eyes and felt a little strange, very surprised.

"Hmm ..." The maiden glared at Chen Jiu and seemed unwilling to answer him, but at this time Luo Yi couldn't help showing her curious eyes, which made the maiden say: "Sister , We can connect the vulva, communicate with each other, the beginning of life, nourish the source ... "

"This ... this is great, Yier, if you are interested, you can try ..." Chen Jiu smirked at the beginning.

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