Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2786: Given the opportunity

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The martial arts true dragon, bully, and masculinity, it represents martial arts, represents males, and the breath in it is naturally indispensable to dominate women. ;.

Men are with women, males and females are together, and males and males use strong power to conquer them. This kind of scene is originally a matter of heaven and earth, but for the saint, this is undoubtedly the world. The greatest original sin is that it is unbearable!

"Just, madam, look at you with white hair, it doesn't seem to have become a real fairy? You can only be an old virgin. A virgin is useless, can't this explain the problem?" Laughing and scolding, he made the wife even more ashamed.

"Well, I'm about to become immortal, sage, I will let you men, all extinct, and a clear sky in the world!" The sage scolded resentfully.

"Ma'am, I admit that you are more powerful than the average person, but purely overcast, after all, it is impossible to form the most powerful doctrine!" Chen Jiu shook, and even shouted: "Wulong violent!"

‘Roar…’ After a fierce roar, the martial arts dragon stood upright and turned into a hedgehog dragon.

Zhangya dance claws, this hedgehog dragon's power has multiplied several times, for Zhengma Avenue, it has formed an extinct blow.

'boom! ‘Wulong broke through the defense of Zhengmu Avenue with a single claw, and‘ hila ’, it even tore it out of a big mouth, and bit it into it fiercely.

‘Booming…’ The violent explosion, Zhengmu Avenue was defeated by Zhenlong ’s body, and it exploded layer by layer. As a result, the saint ’s face changed drastically, and she retreated in fear.

"Ma'am, don't be in a hurry!" Chen Jiu reprimanded him, but he did not show mercy, it was driving the dragon against the saint, never let it go.

‘Roar…’ The martial arts true dragon devoured violently, a few tails swung their heads, fiercely and smashed the Zhengmu Avenue, and lingered around to the saintly wife!

"Ah ..." At this moment, the saint felt the approaching of the Sun Dragon body, and could not help screaming. He was so frightened that he fell down on the ground!

Although the saint is powerful, it is like a flower in a greenhouse. It has not experienced any major battles. How could it be as skilled as Chen Jiu.

"Hey, I'm afraid that I won't hurt you!" Chen Jiuguai smiled, stopped Zhenlong in a timely manner, and came to the holy wife with no good intentions.

"You ..." Sheng Po fell and looked at the overbearing Chen Jiu, but couldn't help it for a while.

"Ma'am, it's cold on the ground. What's the matter, stand up and talk about it!" Chen Jiu went on with a kind heart, and even pulled up the saint himself.

"Well, I'm all up, why are you still holding me? Couldn't you have thoughts about my wife!" The sacred wife couldn't help but annoy Chen Chen for a while.

"I ... this, aren't you worried that you will fall again?" Chen Jiuyi was embarrassed, but she let go. The reason why she kept holding on was that she was sneaking away!

"Boy, I admit that you are better than me, but if you want to marry my daughter by force, then I will never agree to death. Even if Hongzu came here in person, it was not discussed!" It's really firm.

"I know, I won't marry your daughter in vain. Look here, I've got all the gifts!" Chen Jiuzhang's hands, he just released a small mountain, although it is just a hairy hair of the huge mountain. Shocking.

You know, Daoshan was almost unavailable in his lifetime, and it was Hongzu who paid special attention to it, not to mention the sacred wife who urgently needed to worship her own way!

"This ... The mountain composed of Dao Shi, my God ..." The Holy Woman saw Dao Shan, and she was really dumbfounded. In her blinkless eyes, she was full of greed, greed and expectation.

However, there is no free lunch in this world. She knows that it is not easy to get this Daoshan. It is necessary to act against her Taoism. She is extremely reluctant!

"Ma'am, is my sincerity enough?" Chen Jiu smiled, but woke up the saint.

"You ... you stinky boy, don't think you can buy my daughter with a few stinky money, I tell you, my daughters are all beautiful and fragrant, and they are by no means stinky money that can be bought and sold. They are in me. In my heart, that's all priceless! "Immediately, the sage reacted with a proud statement.

"I know that if your daughter has inherited your fine virtues and traditions, it is not rare for me to look at it. You see that you are all old, your body is so beautiful, your skin is so tender. If an excellent gene like yours is not passed down, wouldn't it be a great loss between heaven and earth? "Chen Jiuyi flattered, and exaggerated the holy wife as her mother-in-law.

In life, although the inheritance is true temperament, sometimes there is a need to talk about politeness. Even if it is known to be false, it is also a step, and it will make people feel a certain sense of joy!

"Smelly man, she was born with rhetoric. She likes to deceive our women. Fortunately, I am old. Otherwise, I will be scourged by you!" The mother-in-law was so embarrassed that she couldn't help laughing.

"Ma'am, do you agree with that?" Chen Jiuyi was so excited, even more excited.

"Why are you calling my aunt?"

"Ah, my mother-in-law is on, please worship my son-in-law!" Chen Jiu really got his old face in order to get these fruits. Is there any selfishness in it?

"Okay, don't worship so early. It's unclear if you can become my son-in-law!" The elder princess proudly forgot about her defeat.

"Oh, my mother-in-law, I don't know how do you test me?" Chen Jiu was a bit unhappy, and beaten, Daoshan gave it. Don't you be greedy? I thought I could n’t get up with a few daughters.

"Smelly man, don't be that complexion. My saint is not a person without self-knowledge. It will not be priceless!" The saint seemed to see Chen Jiu's worry and explained it directly.

"That mother-in-law, you mean ..." Chen Jiu was puzzled, and looked at it in the past.

"Boy, since I'm defeated, I can't say anything about keeping the promise. I can give you a chance to get close to my daughter, but you can't use them strong, you can only use their charm to convince them, and finally let them Willing to go with you willingly, if not, you can not take any of them! "The wife immediately told Chen Jiuyan his rules and requirements.

Although harsh, somehow the saint agreed, and agreed to a man approaching his daughter, which is very difficult in itself. Chen Jiu can enjoy this honor, and the credit of that mountain is not to be humiliated!

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