Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2793: A wonderful work

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"He is not a strange thing. He is a man, and he is the same person as us, but the breed is different!" Faced with the inquiries of the nine sisters, Guo Er also explained kindly. -

"Oh? Different breeds, but this man's courage is too small, we look blushed when we look at it, what a strange look, what's the use? Guoer, where did you find this? A strange stunner? "The nine sisters stunned, not only did they not hurt at all, but also opened him up.

"He was born like this. I think it's okay. He's called Adam, and it's really a wonderful work!" Guoer recognized it, and he was very happy.

"Guo Er, you are so close to him. What is so magical about him that actually makes you so good to him?" Watching Guo Er's movements, the sisters became more curious.

"Adam he is the messenger sent by the creation **** to eliminate boring emotions for us. He is strangely in this place. Do you see that, this is ..." Guoer then took Xiao Chen Jiu and started to replace them. Introduced by the girl, this was used as a teaching model, and Chen Jiu's face turned red for a while.

Hey, this fake Adam is really not easy. I lamented in my heart that Chen Jiu was completely cheap and sold well!

At this moment, whoever doesn't want to be the Adam in the past, it is a pity that in the face of these thousands of 'females', not any man can do the job of Adam.

"What? Guoer, what joke are you playing? With this small object, we can actually open the door to our happiness, let us be truly happy, and completely eliminate the negative boredom. How is this possible?" After listening to Guo Er's description for the first time, the 'girls' were naturally very unbelieving.

"Is this thing still small?" Guo Er first glanced, and then said, "I know you can't believe it all at once. I did the same at first, but as long as you have the courage to try it, you will definitely change yourself. The idea now becomes as beautiful and happy as I am! "

With pride, Guo'er's self-confidence, the familiar style, the charm, and even the nine 'girls' staying awake, can not help but envy.

"Guo'er seems to be more beautiful and fascinated. People, is it all due to its credit? But can this small thing have such a big effect?" Nine 'girls' still hesitated Yes, but the curiosity of the eyes is getting stronger and stronger, there are already a few people who can't help but "What on earth can we do to get rid of boredom?"

"This, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to open your own 'door' of happiness, then you must bear the price of some pain ..." Guo Er then did not hide, telling the things between men and women A moment.

"What? How is this possible? It's impossible. How can we tolerate it?" At first hearing, the 'girls' naturally refused and refused to accept it.

"Sisters, the reason you say this is because you do n’t understand yourself yet. In fact, we 'woman' have a huge defect in their lives. Adam is here to help us make up for this defect. Will be more beautiful, will be more happy ... "Guo Er spared no effort to speak good words for Chen Jiu, can meet such a good partner, Chen Jiu is really beautiful and drunk!

"Just kidding, we have no flaws ..." The ‘women’ are still unbelievable, thinking that this is a fallacy.

"Hey, why don't you just believe me?" Guoer finally looked helpless and lost.

"Guo Er, have you been brainwashed by him, did this man named Adam intimidate you?" The 'girls' doubted Chen Jiu instead.

"I ..." Chen Jiu could not explain, and had to preach: "So, Guoer, let's give them a try and let them really understand it, okay?"

"Well, Adam, you want to be thoughtful!" Guoer nodded, then entangled with Chen Jiuchi, and seeing their love, the 'girls' are really a little dumbfounded. "This ... this It is really possible to go in, how can there be such a big flaw below the fruit? Do we have it? "

"Ah ..." In the end, Guoer fell, and the sisters hurriedly pushed Chen Jiu anxiously, and Xuan helped her care: "Guer, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm very happy, sisters, do you still think I'm panicking?" Guoer, with a happy smile, came out and said.

"Are you really happy? But Guoer, we just saw that you seemed to be in great pain just now, and are still shouting!" The sisters have not encountered this battle, and they were really shocked just now, if they did not react, You have to push Chen Jiu away in advance.

"You read it wrong, I was so happy, I was so sad!" Guo Er explained it vigorously, and finally swore: "Sisters, I brought Adam, just for everyone to enjoy the joy, If there is a half-spoken word, it will keep me dead! "

"This ..." Listening to Guo'er said that Jiu's girl looked at Chen Jiu and was still hesitant, unable to make up her mind.

"Hey, if you want to continue to be bored like this, I will not force you. Anyway, I am happy to share with you, you love to enjoy or not, if you do n’t want to be happy, I will take Adam away and give the need Sisters sent, so that those in need get real happiness! "Guoer sighed, but could not wait to change the target. For thousands of sisters, she didn't believe a few could not move.

"Guoer, let's go!" Chen Jiu also cooperated very well, and once again came up, pulling Guoer and leaving.

"Hey, Guoer, Adam, wait a minute, I'm willing to try it!" Finally, one of the nine 'girls' couldn't help it first.

"Taoer, you ..." The other eight 'girls' looked at this promised 'girl', all very surprised.

"Sisters, I believe that Guoer will not lie to us. Let me try this kind of thing. If it is true, then we cannot let go of this happiness. If it is false, I will try it. But you know, you don't have to be involved in danger anymore! "Taoer's face was generous and selfless.

"Thank you, Taoer!" Listening to this reason, the other eight 'girls' were all grateful.

"Are you called Adam? I am Taoer. If you lie to me, you will be dead. Do you want to repent now?" Taoer then came to Chen Jiu, and said ugly words in front.

"Girl Taoer, you are so tender!" Chen Jiu looked greedily at Taoer, how could she regret it? His bold, cannibalistic gaze was so intimidating that Taoer also instinctively lowered his head, Jiao. Shameless dare to look straight! --28850 + dsuaahhh + 25707844->




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