Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2802: Loss of self

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Boy, seriously, haven't you married a daughter or just got to know their name? But don't worry, you only have one chance. Since you missed it, it means that you have no fate, or leave early Come on! "Until then, Sheng Sheng still didn't think Chen Jiu could marry her daughter.

"Isn't one of them married? Boy, you are a man, but there are 3,000 bright women. You have to talk about one, don't you?" Yes, this paid such a large price, if a woman didn't get it, they would think he was a loss.

"I'm sorry, everyone disappointed!" Chen Jiu first gave a modest glance at everyone, and then spoke out amazingly: "I haven't married one, but I have married all three thousand!"

"What? It's time, you're still bragging ..." Naturally, everyone is still unbelieving.

"Boy, I don't care if you are bragging or not, anyway, we don't matter anymore in the future!" The prince feared that Jiu Jiu would ask her to ask Daoshan, but he was very afraid of his cultivation.

"Well, sage, then can you tell me how to make them illusions again?" Having said that, Chen Jiu actually wanted to leave and leave this mess to the sage, but He was really reluctant to have their tenderness and affection, and needed a way to re-inflate them.

"Sorry, this is the secret of my saint, please forgive me for no comment!" The saint rejected it firmly, and coldly, there was no room for relaxation.

"This ... that's okay!" Although Chen Jiu was a little disappointed, he thought of going to see Hongzu right away, and asked him to ask, he should be able to work out a method, instead of always lowering the prince in front of him. Four!

"Fu Jun, since my daughter doesn't recognize her anymore, and she still doesn't welcome us, let's go!" Luo Yi took the reassurance pill, and smiled slyly, apparently trying to play Saint Seiya a big difficulty. .

"Well, let's go!" Chen Jiu nodded, but left with Luo Yi.

"Hey, boy, cow. It's blown out. How about letting us see the maiden fruit ..." A group of spirits yelled, but listening to their words was more like mocking.

"My daughters are extremely noble, and they can't just get any chickens and cats!" The elder wife laughed with arrogance.

It ’s a big money, and a lot of money. From the point of view of the saint, this time she not only got a Daoshan for nothing, but also earned a million years of Daoxing. She believes that her daughter ultimately lost less than ten. Such a sale She really wants to do more times in the future!

Selling women for glory, some people will lose themselves in the face of great wealth. This time, it is fortunate that Chen Jiu married and took away 3,000 daughters in advance. Otherwise, they have to let the mother-in-law, a mother who is dazzled by money. Not good!

In reality, there are still many such mothers who are blindly asking for money, but they don't know how to pay attention to their daughter's opinions and feelings, and do things based on their own preferences, which is greatly undesirable.

As a mother, when she planted the evil fruit herself, she will have to eat the evil fruit herself, and no one can replace it!

Right now, due to Chen Jiu, the time for maturity is undoubtedly greatly advanced. When the saint continued to brag with everyone and was preparing to have a blind date in the future, the ladder was shaking again that day.

"How? Heroes, did they get what they wished to marry my daughter?" The wife looked at the people and asked in a good voice.

It is a pity that in the face of the good voice of the saint, these hundreds of people hate it. The appearance of gnashing their teeth can not wait to eat the saint on the spot!

The fierce spirit and evil spirits were clearly felt by everyone, and they felt a little big for a moment, feeling bad.

"You ..." The wife then felt something, but she was like a miser, and immediately said, "Hey, you guys, anyway, are all elites in the same hospital, but it ’s okay to speak. If my daughter is n’t Fancy you, you can't look back. If you can do it, I will give you a chance anyway! "

"Sir, you are so despicable and sinister, aren't you afraid of retribution?" The youngest poplar who offered the Dao could not help but scold him. "If you repay our deeds today, it ’s fine, but if you refuse No return, then don't blame us for leaving you nowhere in this hospital! "

"What? Bai Yang, we can be kind people, can't be so shameless, aren't you? You don't have the ability to win the favor of my daughter, what is it about me?" The screaming of the sorrow innocently seemed to be special rational.

"That is, you guys can't go against each other, can't you afford to lose this, right?" Many spooks felt that the saint was pathetic.

"You're old, but you can't face it, right?" Old Rong Shujing couldn't stand and called out: "Sir, if we fail, we have nothing to say, but in the world of your Virgin, a daughter None of them. We have been madly searching for hundreds of months and found nothing. What do you say is not deception? "

"Yeah, sir, you must give us a statement!" More than a hundred people were aggressive, and their faces were full of anger, no doubt they were all suffocating.

It's as if the matchmaker had been introduced at a high price, but he didn't even see the other person's face, and the matchmaker wasn't ready to refund the money. Isn't that a fraud?

"No, this is impossible. My three thousand daughters are all in the world of the Virgin. How can you not find them? Are you all blind?" At the beginning, the saint was naturally unacceptable.

"Holy wife, are we all blind? Are we all blind? We dare to swear that there is no one of your daughters in your virgin world!" More than a hundred people have approached the holy wife, killing them.

"You guys ... don't be angry first, I'll take a look and say, if the daughter is really gone, then I will give you a statement!" I want to understand the underlying reasons.

Did he really hit his kid? The saint's biggest worry now is Chen Jiu's cynical smile!

"Okay, the monk ca n’t run the temple, and you do n’t dare to fool us!" Hundreds of people also gave the saint a chance.

In this way, the mother-in-law glanced at everyone, and immediately turned into light and shadow and disappeared in place. After she shot into the world of the Virgin, she glanced away and couldn't help but panic.

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