Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2942: Meijiao saves people

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? Meijiao, what are you talking about? I didn't hear you clearly, you said ... keke ..." Shenxing Yunji. He coughed all of a sudden, knowing that he had waited for this day for countless years Already.

"Xing Yun, I will save you!" Biting Sakura. Lips, Shen Mei Jiao Wan. Extremely preached again, solemnly preach.

"Mei Jiao, don't embarrass yourself like this, I don't want your life to be any bad!" Although Shen Xingyun was inexplicable, he tried to persuade him.

"I'm not like that, would you let other women come to your rescue?" Shen Meijiao complained at once, displeasedly, how the man was mother-in-law.

"Meijiao, it's better to let me die than that!" Shen Xingyun naturally couldn't agree.

"It won't matter. Other people can't come. Only I can come. Can I watch you die?" Besides, you're so good to me, I'm not iron-hearted! "Shen Meijiao said with a small mouth, Very blameful preaching.

"Meijiao, I ..." Shen Xingyun wanted something to persuade, but was interrupted by Shen Meijiao.

"Okay, don't say anything, it's important to detoxify right now, otherwise you will be late for nothing!" Shen Meijiao didn't want to explain anything anymore, because she didn't accept it all at once. For a man, she just wants to save people.

"Okay, Meijiao, I can't hold it anymore!" Shen Xingyun, as a man, was poisoned with silver at this time, and it was impossible to not want a woman. He couldn't help looking down and looked at it, naturally Hope God Meijiao does something for him.

"This ..." Although Shen Meijiao agreed, she couldn't help being shy for a while, because she had never seen a man so closely!

"Mei Jiao, even if you are in a difficult situation, it is not my pity that I can live with you all these years. In fact, I have been content!" Shen Xingyun persuades, and undoubtedly makes Shen Meijiao retreat. .

"Xing Yun, you ... are getting old these years!" Shen Meijiao couldn't help but look at Shen Xingyun, and found that the young man, the ambitious master, was born and died countless times with himself. It has also turned white and turned into a middle-aged person.

Childish, tender and frivolous are no longer, some are just a weathered vicissitudes, but this temperament still makes him look very handsome!

This appearance, this status, if he wants, countless students and teachers are willing to be his subordinates, but he is not, just when the other dean is the third wife and the next child, he has children But as a lonely person in the end, there has never been any scandal.

I still remember when I was young, Shen Meijiao once asked Shen Xingyun if there was anything wrong with him, why he did n’t look for his wife. At that time, he just smiled and said that he had n’t encountered the right one and faced his own. I didn't care about making fun of it. Now think about it, I was so stupid at that time!

"Yeah, I'm old, Meijiao, you are still as beautiful as I was then, and I really don't deserve you!" Shen Xingyun sighed, but also showed a strong inferiority complex.

"Xing Yun, you will not be able to say such things in the future. You are not worthy of me. Your status and achievements have already surpassed me. If you are not worthy, then I am not worthy of you! "Shen Meijiao preached seriously.

"No, Meijiao, I don't deserve you ..." Shen Xingyun just recognized it. Like Chen Jiu, it was a hanging thought. Even if it was successful, he thought he had done nothing. Yes, there is not enough confidence in love.

This kind of person is more suitable for generalization with a low EQ, but Shen Meijiao is undoubtedly not free to discuss this kind of problem with him at present, because she hesitated, after all, she has to start, she has to use actual actions to show that This man is worthy of himself!

"Ah ..." In unison, Shen Xingyun and Shen Meijiao screamed at the same time, both looked at the poisonous source there, and saw it purple like a pillar, like a bomb, which could explode at any time. open.

"Why is it so big?" It was the same voice, but the mood of the two was different. Shen Xingyun was a man. At this time, he was naturally very proud, but Shen Meijiao was pouting, feeling a bit. Embarrassed not to bite!

"Mei Jiao, I ..." Shen Xingyun still wanted to say something, but soon he couldn't say it, because the grasp of a pair of jade hands finally made him beautiful for nine days.

Shen Meijiao, her face rose. She was red and had a very uncomfortable feeling all over her. It was undoubtedly the first time she did this kind of thing, but after all, she was not young. After all, she had a clear and thorough understanding of things here. Yes, although it was a bit rusty at first, but after training, it naturally became more and more proficient!

"Well, Mei Jiao ... you are so nice to me, I want to die happily, Mei Jiao ... I ... get up and drive ... why don't you get up ... sorry ..." Then, Shen Xingyun was naturally Beauty is in heaven, it was alive, it is simply enjoying the greatest happiness of this life.

Shen Meijiao, this is the goddess that Shen Xingyun has been expecting for countless years. At this moment, she watched the goddess willingly to be in front of her, willingly being defiled by herself. Defiled, in this world, there is nothing Things are even happier than this!

"Well ..." After a while, Shen Meijiao couldn't help but feel a little bit full, and some couldn't bear to complain: "Are you all right now? I can't eat anymore!"

"Mei Jiao, there are still some poisons. If you can't eat it, then spit it out!" Shen Xingyun was embarrassed, no doubt there wasn't enough enjoyment.

"You are so sudden, how can people have time to vomit?" Shen Meijiao blame, she is actually a little hurt. Puzzling, shouldn't this thing be very disgusting? Why don't you feel sick? Did he really accept him in his heart?

"Mei Jiao, if you really ca n’t eat, then I ..." After detoxification, Shen Xingyun has restored his ability to act. At this time, he was bold and couldn't help but caressed him. Snow monster legs.

"Ah, what are you doing? You old bastard, I'm not enough to save you like this, you really want to be stupefied. Stained my body?" Shen Meijiao was shocked, and quickly pushed away the **** of clouds, Very unhappy.

"I'm sorry, Meijiao, I shouldn't have such unreasonable thoughts, would you please forgive me?" Shenxing Yun suddenly felt very depressed again.

"Ah, you ..." Shen Meijiao looked at Shen Xingyun like this, but also couldn't bear to persuade him: "Okay, don't look like this, in fact, what you want to do to me is also your normal need, There is nothing wrong with this! "

"That Meijiao, do you agree to me?" Shen Xingyun asked with great anticipation again.

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