Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2998: Ripening Daoguo

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Huh, of course I know, you don't need to worry about it!" A dissatisfied glance in the heart, unexpectedly, she pointed hard at Chaos Tao.

"Ah, Master, do you want to destroy it?" Cai Die screamed again, and it was Chen Jiu who couldn't help but startled suddenly. If it was really ruined, how could I go back and deal with my wife?

"Bang", the chaos Taoguo is naturally unspoiled, but the pot beneath it is torn apart, and as the sacred soil of Guanghua Liuli explodes, I can see that the roots under the Taoguo are all stretched out. It was presented in the void and covered a large area.

"Zi ..." These roots are simply greedy and greedy demons. They opened a huge net and absorbed all the Daoshan energy in the heart in no time!

"Huh, this is the case, it scared me!" Chen Jiu looked at the situation and finally felt relieved, feeling that what Jingxin is doing now is a kind of soilless cultivation, which can indeed accelerate the absorption of nutrients. .

‘咚咚 ……’ Next, the frequency of heartbeats has accelerated again, but after a brief adjustment on both sides, the end is in a balance, that is no longer a waste of energy, or the speed is reduced!

'Zi ...' Chaos Tao tree, the biggest change at this time, I saw it shaking. Dragging, it is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the Tao fruit above it is also shining, the countless energy is transformed The savings went into it.

At this moment, Wan is a fool and can see that this chaos Tao fruit is being ripened, everything is developing on the good side. If it is not unexpected, Chen Jiu will go back in a few days, and it will greatly Fang Fang took Dao Guo to find his wife!

"Fu Jun, idle is also idle. Why don't we do something to make everyone happy?" After a while, Caidie was a bit boring, and she was ambiguous. She turned to Chen Jiu with obvious meaning. .

"This ... Butterfly, the maturity of chaos is very important. If there is any change in the meantime, then it is impossible to prevent it!" Chen Jiu was a little hesitant, but did not want to affect the business with a moment of joy.

"Fu Jun, you don't understand this. While we are happy, we guard the chaos Tao fruit, let it feel the change of yin and yang, bliss on earth, it will help it grow more!" Caidie persuaded Chen Jiu instead. As a little girl, how much does she want?

"Caidie, hasn't the maiden fruit just been eaten?" Chen Jiu didn't understand. How can this girl not be full?

"What's more, that the core was not eaten by Master, not much else!" Cai Die muttered quietly, it turned out to be unwilling!

"This ... well, then come and try and see if I can give you a little more!" Looking at the beautiful little girl with a poor mouth, Chen Jiu, as a man, wouldn't you want to nurture her?

As the saying goes, a man who does not want to nurture a woman is not a good man. As a good man, Chen Jiu cannot of course make her wife hungry. Otherwise, if she is looking for someone else to eat, would n’t she Let him be so angry!

"Fu Jun, I know you're the best for me!" Cai Die smiled timidly, and couldn't help but kneel in front of Chen Jiu, holding his big things, beautiful. .

"Huh!" At this time, with the sound of a heartbeat, a sound of reprimand still sounded, it was clear that Jingxin discovered this behavior, and Duan was very annoyed.

"Yeah, it's delicious ..." As if intentionally irritating, Caidie ignored the mood of Jingxin and was very proud to show off there.

This looks like two kids, one got a new toy, and intentionally showed it to another person, but she was not allowed to play in general, it was very annoying!

Caidie's efforts were not in vain. At her request, Chen Jiu finally gifted her, but this was obviously not finished, and she had other requirements.

In the end, the two of them simply entangled. They were entangled together, and you came and went, if no one's love was entangled.

"Basic!" The pure heart in her heart also couldn't help scolding her, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit resentful in her face, and asked her to ripen the fruit for him, but they did well, regardless of their feelings. Is it true that you are beautiful there? Is it true that you do not exist?

"Ah, I can't do it. The husband is too terrible. I'm going to die. I'm dead ... forgive me!" Caidie, she was playing with fire and self-immolation. She can't play anymore!

"I'll spare you? How easy is that? The husband hasn't enjoyed it yet!" Chen Jiu is different. The more he wants to play, the more he can't play enough.

"Ah, no, Master save me, save your life ..." In despair, Caidie saw the pure heart in her heart and could not help crying for help.

"Huh, take care of yourself!" Jing Xin ignored her at this moment, and let her scream there.

"Ah, I'm dead!" In the end, she lost her rescued butterfly, but ushered in her doomsday. Her eyes were black and she was so beautiful.

"Butterfly!" At this time, Chen Jiu was finally tired and panting, and fell on Xue's white belly.

"Fu Jun, are you tired?" Just before Chen Jiu was relieved, a faint female voice rang from behind him.

"Ah, Jingxin, why did you come down?" Chen Jiu turned her head suddenly, very puzzled.

"You guys are so messing around here, why are they so quiet?" There is a bit of detached and holy temperament in Jingxin's faint grudges.

In fact, I have bitter consciousness. Since I have tasted the benefits of this man, my heart and mind have been served by him countless times, and now they are looking at them happily. In her own body, there are hundreds of millions of ants in her body. It ’s crawling, if it ’s not forbearing, I would have come down to this man to kill the ants, which is too uncomfortable!

"Jingxin, I know, so I'm not going to stun her. Now she's clean. Go back to preside over the team and ripen the fruit!" Chen Jiu was also a little ashamed and quickly explained.

"Well, you don't have to. Now the formation method runs autonomously, you just have to wait for a while. I don't have to stay there forever!" Jingxin nodded, and her face flushed suddenly.

"Oh, don't have to keep it, that's good, that's good!" Chen Jiu said with good intentions: "Jingxin, you're tired too, just take a break!"

"I'm not tired!" Jingxin retorted.

"Not tired, then tell me about this chaotic Tao fruit thing, you see how many days it can be achieved?" Chen Jiu asked with interest again.

"I don't know, don't want to say!" Jing Xin shook his head, and secretly bit his shell teeth.

"Jingxin, what's the matter with you?" Chen Jiu was surprised and lamented that she hadn't messed with her. What kind of sigh did she hold on to herself?

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