Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3017: Simple happy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Isn't it enough to favor you these days? Come on, I believe you can be with us!" Chen Jiu made a big red face in Caidie, and never hesitated to enter him. In the soul.

‘Zi ...’ The beauty of the princesses, with their bright, undressed silhouettes, dazzles, as if they were all heaven and earth spirits, all gathered here.

"Love concubines, the souls are in sympathy!" Chen Jiuyi ordered, many emperors, the blue silk on their heads, flew to the void in a stretch.

Hula, thousands of blue silks flew into the void, and they even tangled with Chen Jiu's hair. They were entangled together to form a huge dense net like a sky!

"n; glare flickers, and the crystal-clear, translucent long hair is like the **** waterfall fairy vine, but these appearances are actually nothing. The actual situation made the butterfly suddenly stunned. She didn't understand until then Come, the sympathy in the original soul is so simple and happy.

"Uh ..." In a moment's effort, the girls and Chen Jiujie were drunk, and their hairs were connected, which was actually a kind of true sympathy and fusion of the soul.

At this moment, in the country of thinking, the concubines and Chen Jiu are all communicating and loving each other face to face!

To put it plainly, that is, in the ocean of souls, their spiritual levels have been fully communicated and recognized, and not only that, they are there, they are doing things that have not been completed just now, and their joy continues.

There is no doubt that you can't see the joy in your mind, but it is completely conceivable, because the biggest contact with people's bodies is actually to satisfy the thinking and the soul!

At this time, with her hair as a medium, Chen Jiu suddenly felt sympathetic with the girls, which is actually equivalent to dozens of incarnations of Chen Jiu, and then she was as beautiful as the girls.

"Butterfly, what's wrong with you?" She was surprised to see Caidie, as if a Chen Jiu appeared in front of her.

"Ah, why are you here?" Caidie was still a little bit helpless.

"I love you, naturally coming, Caidie ..." Chen Jiu expresses his emotions. One visit and two visits also make Caidie the whole person feel sweet and happy.

"Fu Jun, I know you're good to me, but there are so many sisters, you take care of them first!" Cai Die moved, still quite thinking for Chen Jiu.

"Caidie, have you forgotten? This is my soul, I am your only one, you don't have to be so generous to share your love with your sisters!" Chen Jiuxiao. 眯. 眯 straight reminded.

"Oh, that's the case, then Chen Jiu, I want to ..." Cai Die then eagerly asked for it, and with her request, the kind of happiness after deep integration directly appeared in She was taken aback by her feelings.

"Don't be surprised. This is the country of thinking. It is infinitely magical. We are here to achieve what we want. We can get endless happiness here!" Chen Jiu's consciousness of thoughts resounded. At the request of Caidie, he could also get promise. Lots of happiness.

"Well, but I prefer to be smashed and hit by you ..." After Caidie understood, Shame made a request, and then she really felt the joy of being hit and hit infinitely.

Most of the same, Chen Jiu and the concubines' thoughts, souls, and mutual feelings all appeared in such a harmonious scene. When they got their last happiness with each other, the anticipated super fusion finally appeared.

‘Booming…’ The soul seemed to be coming to an end, and they exploded, but instead of disappearing, it was chaotic and completely fused together!

‘Zi ...’ Among these fused, chaotic and misty souls, spiral chains are growing and extending. They are the evolution of genes, which are covering the entire universe, and that is God calling them God.

Simple and happy. Although there are many women in Chen Jiu, you need to wait for some time when doing things, but in your soul, there is no such disadvantage at all. He can become many separate individuals here, and fall in love with the concubines. It can also be used as a medium to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the concubines and help everyone to improve and progress together.

Human beings, the pace of growth, is itself a path of ascension and evolution. After reproduction, people continuously absorb the advantages of each other, so as to produce more perfect human beings, evolve human genes for a long time, and strengthen the power of the race.

However, this method is too slow to say, and when it is absorbed, it is easy to absorb even the shortcomings, and it is also difficult to lose the beautiful gene. This situation is very ugly and stupid for some children born to couples In the matter, it manifests to the fullest!

At present, although Chen Jiu's situation is not the same as reproduction, the purpose is the same, and he will not have the disadvantages of losing genes and absorbing shortcomings. Under his leadership, the concubines will only become more amazing and powerful. And he himself absorbs the leaders, and will be even more powerful.

'Zi ...' In the fog of soul, the chain of genes is still growing. In the process of growth, the princesses and Chen Jiu are fused together, and they are experiencing the joy of love with each other, without feeling passing of the times!

Simplicity and happiness coexist, the super fusion is proceeding in an orderly manner, and just when they are happy, the scene in the dean's hall is almost the same, but a bit tragic.

Marriage, this beautiful matter was finally put on the agenda. Although it was a bit unbelievable, Shen Xingyun was still overly surprised and excited. Every time and again, he explained his plan and asked God Meijiao for his opinion.

"Well, just look at it!" Shen Meijiao nodded frequently, but she was a little absent-minded, but fortunately, she no longer objected.

"Mei Jiao, don't worry, I will marry you back in a beautiful scenery. It's getting late today, am I sending you back?" Although Shen Xingyun saw something, he didn't Careful, because as long as Shen Meijiao is willing to marry him, he can care nothing.

"Xing Yun, it's getting late, I don't want to go back, or I'll stay!" Shen Meijiao Jiao Yan halo. Red, suddenly hurt. I preached.

"What? You want to stay, is this ... is this convenient?" Shen Xingyun naturally widened his eyes, shocked and silly.

"If you find it inconvenient, then I'll go!" Shen Meijiao suddenly raised her mouth and raised her mouth, it was really a bit angry, we have talked about this part, this man is not okay?

"Ah, Meijiao, don't, don't go. I'm convenient here, it's very convenient!" Shen Xingyun was excited, holding a small hand holding the beauty, and never wanted to let go.

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