Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3030: Emperor threat

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Uh, to be honest, your kid's wife is shocked, and I've taken all of them!" Inoue really didn't take Chen Jiu as an outsider, and tuned his wife in front of him.

"So, it seems that Elder Inoue only prepared a gift, right?" When the girls were worried, Chen Jiu was awkward again.

"Yeah, I don't have any artifacts at hand for this moment. The water drop of the source of chaos was obtained in my early years. Now its attributes are very good with those of your little cute wife. I will give it to her kindly. Okay? "Inoue talked and looked directly at Mengmeng, making her look ugly.

"Okay, this is really great!" Chen Jiubu agreed, and shouted, "Mengmeng, don't hurry up and thank you, Elder Inoue!"

"Ah, I ... I don't want it!" Mengmeng was so pale, how dare he pick it up?

"Oh, what are you polite to inoue inoue? We must know that inoue is our own!" Chen Jiu also shouted at the disgusting suit: "Meng Meng, sorry, let me thank her on her behalf, Inoue Thank you, Elder!

"Uh? Is your kid just going to thank me verbally? If you take the time, take your little adorable wife to sit in my yard first, and I have a gift for each other!" Inoue's Lord was rather dissatisfied and preached .

"It's good to say, it's good to say that I will take Mengmeng by then!" Chen Jiu agreed without any hesitation.

"Well, sister-in-law can teach you. Don't worry, talk to my officer well. I'll cover you in the future is not a problem!" Inoue nodded with satisfaction, and then disappeared.

"Fu Jun, I won't go, people won't go!" Meng Meng, who immediately beaked her mouth and was full of love, was grieving and crying.

"Yes, husband, don't you give Meng Meng out for the old **** to play with. Take a look, look at such a cute Meng girl, are you willing to give her out?" The concubines also disagreed.

"Of course I do n’t want to, Meng Meng is good, do n’t cry. I said that just now, isn't it to relax Inoue's vigilance? This old **** thing, I will kill him sooner or later!" Chen Jiu held Meng Meng to coax Coaxing made her happy again soon.

"Fu Jun, thank you, people will know that you are the best to others!" Meng Meng gratefully, straightened her little mouth.

"My obedient cute, come here to give you this gift!" Chen Jiu could not help but kissed him, and just handed out the water drops of the source of chaos.

"I don't want that old bastard!" Meng Meng shook her head and refused.

"Hey, although Inoue is not a good person, his luck looks good. If it weren't for his chaos, this time, we wouldn't have had such a great improvement!" Chen Jiu sighed, and kindly advised again Rise "This thing is not made by Inoue, it's just the chance of heaven and earth he got. What can't I get?"

"But this ... Fujun, don't you worry that he's doing something on this thing?" Mengmeng was in a dilemma, or just awoke everyone.

"This ... this is really possible, but you can hold it safely!" Chen Jiu naturally thought of it, and then he looked at the other side and asked: "Xian Er, there should be a way to solve it. ? "

"Well, don't use it before you hold it. I will help you to obliterate these spiritual imprints at the right time, so that they cannot threaten us!" Fei Xianer nodded, this little thing still stumped her.

"So, we will soon have Chaos Artifacts available?" After listening to Fei Xianer, all the emperors and concubines were energetic and looked forward to it.

"It looks like this. Let's take a look at what this thing is?" Chen Jiu took her daughters and looked at another bright place with satisfaction.

‘咻咻…’ This is a ribbon that stays in the void. If you look closely, it ’s like a streamer used by Jiu Tian Xuan Nu. It ’s sacred.

"Huh!" When Chen Jiu touched the ribbon, the ribbon shook, and a majestic figure appeared.

Gold glittering, this figure is almost like an emperor on earth, overlooking the world, he has a kind of domineering with him, like the supreme kind of Jin Ge iron horse, he can tear up his enemy at any time!

"Uh, this elder veteran, I wonder if you are?" Chen Jiu retreated, or stepped forward with courage and asked.

"People of the Emperor!" The middle-aged figure echoed with a motion of his lips.

It really can show off, Chen Jiu's heart is not wrong, but he was indeed touched by the name of the other party. Dare to call it such a name, it must have great excellence, but how have you never heard of it before?

"You may not know me, but boy, I warn you that Xunxian has a very strong relationship. That is not something you can save as a junior. If you have imagery, donate it to our imperial court as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will suffer endlessly. At that time, if the killing is incurred, it will be worth the loss! "The Emperor went cold, and, unlike other main gods, threatened Chen Jiu directly.

"Oh, Lord Emperor, although I haven't heard of you, you must know that my relationship with Hongzu is extraordinary, and my magpie order is half his, and he will save it for me at a critical moment. Chen Jiu had no choice but to lift up Hongzu again, trying to contain the emperor in front of him, because he looked too fearless, too powerful.

"I naturally know that without Hongzu, do you think you can still stand up and talk to me now?" The emperor sneered relentlessly, just treating Chen Jiu as an ant.

"You ..." Chen Jiu called a hate, and anxious to tear up the man in front of him, but he knew that at this time he couldn't do it, even if he added Fei Xianer, he was not sure!

"Why are you? Little hybrid, the opportunity is given to you. If you don't grasp it, Hongzu won't be able to save you in the future!" The Emperor then warned abruptly.

"Men, if you came to scare me, it would undoubtedly disappoint you, because I was scared when I was a child, and I have already set aside life and death!" Chen Jiu was angry, but also bumped against him.

"Oh? Do you want to die? Don't you worry about your beautiful wife falling into the hands of Inoue?" Rendi suddenly played. Wei smiled.

"You ... 枉 You call yourself Emperor, and you won't be so despicable or shameful!" Chen Jiu immediately made a count.

"Boy, I just warn you not to make mistakes. Some things are not what you deserve. You better give them up as soon as possible. Now if you give up the immortal order, I can protect them from Inoue play in the future. How? The Emperor went on to eagerly, and even reached out to ask for it.

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