Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3036: Influence distribution

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? Why are you still calling Emperor Chen!" Chen Jiu was dissatisfied and slammed hard. He slammed a few times, and the fans hit a few snow-filled forts.

"Ah, my husband is angry. Although the bed bug is abominable, it does have extraordinary power and strength!" Jing Xin was completely stunned.

The emperor is unparalleled in style. In Jingxin's heart, he can't be compared with bed bugs, but at this time, Chen Jiu's Yinwei, she had to lay him out like this!

At the beginning, Jingxin was a bit uncomfortable, but after a few words of curse, she actually felt a little addicted, which really made her very surprised.

People, in fact, every person has the impulse to swear words, because swear words can also be regarded as a means of venting, especially those high-profile characters, the more they despise him, the more able the small person can get deep full. !!

"Bug pulls out the gang. He assembled the main gods in the Senate and formed a monarchy. It can be regarded as the most powerful force in the sanctuary!" Jing Xin then stunned Chen Jiudao to the Emperor. The bottom is fine.

"What? The Senate also ganged up and formed a monarchy. Doesn't it mean that the entire sanctuary belongs to him?" Chen Jiu was shocked, which was a bit incomprehensible.

"Although not all, many resolutions are done in accordance with the will of the Imperial League, just like the former president of the temple, that is, the people secretly selected by the Imperial League!" . ︾

"The former dean Kongkong was also selected by the Emperor League. That empty **** and the gods are also the people of the Emperor League?" Chen Jiu was even more surprised, no wonder he was scolded by the little hybrid. It turned out that the Emperor had long had old grievances with him.

"Yes, if it wasn't your mother's business then, they will still be in power now!" Jingxin nodded and advised: "So Rendi League will hate you especially, if not you leaned on Hongzu in advance This tree, they haven't left you for a long time! "

"So it seems, Brother Hongzu is also protecting me with great pressure!" Chen Jiuming realized that there was no longer any resentment against Hongzu, but endless gratitude.

"Fu Jun, although the Emperor Alliance is strong, but victory is in unity. In fact, relatively speaking, the main force of our monastery is scattered among many lay veterans. As long as you win their support, you do n’t need to be afraid of that Emperor Alliance! "Pure heart is not a blind blow, she is naturally considering the future for Chen Jiu.

"Oh? I know Sanshou, but I also have a feud with the disaster lord, maybe the happy lord can fight for it ..." Chen Jiulima also calculated.

"What? You have to fight for the happy Taoist master, this is not possible!" Jingxin immediately changed his face.

"Fu Jun, you remember that happy Taoist master, Master hasn't made you happy yet!" Cai Die also has a face full of opinions.

"I ... I didn't say it casually!" Chen Jiu was also wronged.

"It's okay to just say anything, the happy Taoist master, the cultivation of the happy way, silver chaos throughout the Senate, is a big pest, a demon girl like this must be removed, don't have any contamination with her!" A serious warning.

"Yes, Xin'er is right. Such a demon girl will kill her if I have a chance!" Chen Jiu naturally also drank.

"It's killing, not killing!" Jingxin blushed and preached again.

"Okay, kill, you must find a chance to kill it!" Chen Jiu recognized, but couldn't help but hit a few times.

"Ah, you want to kill someone, or do you want to hear it?" Jing Xin immediately resented it.

"Oh? Except for Rendi League, aren't all other casual repairs?" Chen Jiu wondered again.

"No, the Emperor League is just right. Although sometimes it ’s too aggressive, but the extraordinary things are rarely done!" Jingxin explained, and could not help but say with some hatred: "Except the Emperor League, the veteran There is also one of the dirtiest and dirtyest interest groups in the courtyard, which is called Inu Shrine! "

"Inu Shrine? It's not good to listen to the name, why is it dirty and dirty?" Chen Jiu frowned.

"The members of the Inu Shrine are not united or special, but once they smell a baby or have an interest, they will dispatch together and burn and rob regardless of morality!" Jingxin is very grievous. Says: "Most of the reputation of our temple is their corruption!"

"Ah, I am afraid that there will be some maggots in any of the temples. Don't be angry with your heart. When I become stronger in the future, I will shoot them all!" Chen Jiu sighed, but it was helpless.

"I'm afraid they can't wait for you to become stronger, husband, you must know that one of the presidents of Inu Shrine is Inoue!" Jingxin really didn't want to pressure Chen Jiu, but she also had to say.

"The old **** in Inoue!" Chen Jiunien and Inoue naturally gritted their teeth.

"Fu Jun, although the situation is not optimistic, but you are fortunate to have the support of Hongzu and me. As long as you win the support of a few veterans, we can at least hold our feet!" Jingxin kindly exhorted again.

"Well, I must fight for the next step, but this old slippery head should also be fighting my idea of ​​a fairy goddess!" Chen Jiu agreed, but it was actually very difficult. It would be no good to support these gods, but Even if it is good, which one can really support you?

"Master, are there any beauties like you? Introduce a few to the husband and let the husband all push it down. Isn't it easy?" Cai Die's eyes turned, and she also thought about the idea for Chen Jiu, paving the way .

"Don't think too beautiful, if there are so many beauties like Master, that emperor would not be pursuing me with a cheeky face!" Jing Xin denied the proposal with a blank look.

"Master, do you have any elders introduced to your husband, will they support him unconditionally?" Cai Die reluctantly asked again.

"I'm afraid it's impossible without conditions. I need the support of these people. I'm afraid at least the promise of the right to use Daoshan and Wuxianling is not guaranteed. They don't guarantee that they won't rebel!" Although Jingxin pointed out such a way, but It is frowning and not optimistic.

"Master, since you are not sure, we are still asking for a fart. Don't give them to Daosan at that time, and they will turn away and don't recognize each other, then we are not in a hurry!" Cai Die beaked her mouth Yes, I am very dissatisfied.

"No, the request is still required. If they want to get the money, they are not fools. Then we are not fools. We can design them and pull them into our warship. We ca n’t get down!" Chen Jiu smiled badly. Get up, because at this moment, there is only such a way to go.

"Fu Jun, do you have any way?" Jing Xin's eyebrows flashed immediately, expecting this little man to surprise her.

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