Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3053: Bloodlight Plague

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Uh, this meat ..." Chen Jiu looked down at the plate of meat in front of him, and his face was a bit unpleasant, because Rao was poor in his family and had never eaten such dirty meat.

There is a lot of meat on the table, only this one is dirty, and this one is actually pushed in front of it, which really makes Chen Jiu a bit hard to swallow!

It was dark, and it was hard to see what it was. It was stained with dirt, and it also had a smell of smell. Chen Jiu saw in his eyes, and at first glance, he decided that this was an absolutely expired food. .

"Why? Is there any problem with this meat?" On the other hand, the Taoist looked at Chen Jiu's ugly face as he had never seen before, and he scolded him.

"Living Buddha, what kind of meat is this? Why haven't I seen it before? Can it really be eaten?" Chen Jiu could not help but question.

"Oh, this piece of meat was the first piece of meat given to me by the kind donor when I asked for the meal. I didn't want to eat it, and I have kept it till now!" The master explained with a look of nostalgia.

"What? Such a valuable thing, living Buddha, I think you will continue to keep it as a memorial!" Chen Jiu immediately put forward a kind suggestion.

"No, you see that the meat is so dirty. It was robbed by countless dogs, but it was robbed of me again in the end. Such a baby must be watched by countless dogs and wolf-eyed dogs. It ’s what they encountered today. Fortunately, I used to entertain young friends, that would be perfect! "On the one hand, the Taoist owner's good intentions on his face, as if he gave Chen Jiu not the rest of the dog, but how good the Manhan was.

"Oh, that's not good. We just meet each other. I can never afford such a gift!" Chen Jiu quickly shook his head and refused.

"What about the meeting of Pingshui? The most important thing is that we are destined, Chen Jiu, I have to quit, if not, then I can be angry!" One side of the Taoist suddenly froze, and was very upset.

"This ... Living Buddha, do you have to let me eat it?" Chen Jiu reluctantly said.

"Boy, rest assured, can the living Buddha harm you? You give me a Daoshan, can I not entertain you with my most precious things?" The Taoist urged him urgently.

"I ..." Chen Jiuzhi wanted to say that I wouldn't give you Daoshan as long as I knew it, but after thinking about it, I swallowed it and felt that I was miserable!

"Chen Jiu, a man, don't you be such a mother-in-law, okay? You need to know that this piece of meat was snatched by me after numerous dogs' mouths. I can't bear to eat it, and give it to you. Is there anything else you want? "On the one hand, the Taoist figure was quite annoyed.

"Okay, I'm eating!" It's all about this. Chen Jiu feels that the master can't harm him. The meat looks dirty and smells bad, but maybe it smells good?

With a hint of expectation, Chen Jiu imagined it as beautiful as possible. He finally picked up this small piece of meat and chewed it gently.

‘Bang bang…’ It ’s like stalagmites, it ’s really hard to chew, and do n’t mention anything delicious, it ’s clearly a piece of meat that can't smell anymore!

"Nausea ..." Nausea. Chen Jiu couldn't bear it for the first time. If she wanted to spit it out, she couldn't eat it.

"Chen Jiu, if you dare to spit out my most precious meat today, let's just stop doing things between us!" One side of the Taoist suddenly threatened fiercely.

"I ..." Chen Jiuxiu looked at the Taoist side, really had to know him again. Shouldn't he be such a person?

There was no way to manage the situation. Chen Jiu was unwilling to give up. Besides, although the meat was smelly, it was indeed non-toxic and could be eaten!

In this way, with great nausea, Chen Jiu still forced himself to eat such stinky meat, which was caused by the stinking smell of the stomach, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Well, yes, I can't swallow this stinky meat, you really eat it, okay, it's terrible!" Watching Chen Jiuquan eating it, while the Taoist immediately talked about the bastard, almost did not let Chen Nine gave him a grudge.

"Living Buddha, can I go? I still have something to do!" Chen Jiu complained like a little widow, and didn't want to stay any longer.

"What's the hurry? I haven't had enough to eat and drink, and besides so many dishes, how can I finish it alone?" On the other hand, the Taoist disagrees and pours a glass of kindness: "Let's have a drink first Stink! "

"I ..." Chen Jiu almost spurted out, but he swallowed again, drinking a glass of wine fiercely.

‘Zi ...’ It ’s strange, it ’s uncomfortable just now, but it ’s not so uncomfortable after the glass of wine is under the stomach!

"Come on, eat some fresh and good meat. Young people can't digest even the smelly meat!" The Taoist kindly pulled over a plate of meat.

"Okay, let's eat together, living Buddha!" ​​It's all for this, Chen Jiu has eaten the stinky meat, what else can't he eat?

Eat and drink, then Chen Jiu and the other side of the road, toasting and toasting less wine, just like the wine and meat brothers, that is linked together, talking wildly, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying , All kinds of manifestations!

"Haha, good brother, Chen Jiu, you are really my good brother ..." At the same time, the Taoist finally drank his head and face, regardless of his seniority.

"Brother, you are really my elder brother, I haven't been so free and easy for a long time!" Chen Jiu's face also rose, red, and his wine was particularly smoky.

"Come, have another drink, and wish our Ninety-Five Years of Immortals to conquer the Emperor League ..." On the other hand, the Taoist went to pour wine, but it was unexpected that it could n’t be poured out. "Mom Yes, it's so unlucky that you are out of wine at this time! "

"Well, dear brother, don't get angry, let's drink almost, I should go back!" Chen Jiu persuaded, although he was drinking a bit, he also knew to go home.

"Well, good brother, let's drink again next time ..." While the Taoist did not stay, he helped Chen Jiu and sent him out of the yard.

"Living Buddha, go back, I can do it alone, I can find the way back ..." After Chen Jiu went out of the yard, he shook his head and refused to support the Taoist side, and went out alone.

"Brother, then you go well ..." One side of the master waved his hands, and suddenly sighed and sighed: "Chen Jiu, don't blame me, I treat you like this, that's also for your good, you must know your **** disaster Not far away! "

"Er, go home, this is it ..." Chen Jiu was really dizzy. He passed the Zizhu Garden and felt kind and straightforwardly walked over.

"You are Chen Jiu, why do you drink so much, what are you doing here this evening? This is not the place where you drunk!" Unfortunately, the gatekeeper's aunt blocked Chen Jiu and was very unhappy.

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