Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3082: Iron tree blossom

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Iron fan, although I once told you that if this man spends his heart, he can find 10,000 reasons to abandon you, but you should not be too pessimistic, at least the old cow did not say anything this time, you There is still a chance! "Chen Jiu also persuaded.

After Miao Miao died, Chen Jiu and Jing Xin went back to Mang Niu Academy again. They had some deep communication with Niu Mang and understood deeply that a man spent flowers. Behind the heart, in fact, it was not just a little fairy. The source is!

"I still have a chance?" Iron Fan looked at Chen Jiuba eagerly.

"Yes, Lao Niu said, want to let him come back, unless this iron tree blooms, and this is not an opportunity?" Chen Jiuzheng preached.

"What? My dad is willing to come back when the iron tree blooms. Finished, finished, wouldn't he wait for a lifetime to say that he wouldn't come back for a long time, he has no conscience, and actually doesn't recognize my son ..." Green baby was sad first Shouted.

"President, God, anyway, I would like to thank you for helping me, please go back, this is the end of this matter!" Tie Fan for a while, suddenly persuaded Chen Jiu, apparently also giving up Already.

"Iron fan, your husband and wife must have some problems, right? But what problems can't be solved, now this is an opportunity!" Jingxin was unwilling to give up.

"Hey, God doesn't know. Since ancient times, this iron fan tree has never bloomed. ◇ Say that the old cow said that it was equivalent to rejecting me in disguise, and I should be awake too!" Iron fan sighed. It was finally explained.

"What? That old cow, you are his married couple anyway, how can he be so ruthless!" Jingxin was annoyed, but he couldn't figure it out.

"I ... I know, he always thought that I was not feminine, would not take care of him, and would not take care of the children. I was not like a woman at all except physiologically, and I knew it would be difficult for him these years. Then ... "Iron Fan blamed himself in shame, and understood where his problems lay.

"Iron fan, you can't think like that, if he wants to abandon you, then why should he marry you, and why he will abandon you after having a child!" Jingxin, however, could not agree, seriously persuading.

"This ... Actually, I was a bit more beautiful earlier than I am now!" Iron Fan hesitated and said, embarrassedly, "It was only after giving birth to this child that my body looked like it is now!" "

"Yeah, my mother used to be beautiful!" Green Baby shouted unwillingly.

"It's too much for me to talk, I can't compare with God!" Iron Fan reprimanded, shameless.

"Iron fan, you are wrong again. The true beauty of a woman is internal. The so-called lover's eyes are beautiful. Even if you are a bit out of shape now, you are still the same then. At least in my opinion, there is not much difference!" Pure mind has a different view.

"God, you ... mean that he doesn't love me anymore, don't let me tangle again? Are you assured, I all understand!" The iron fan was even more lost for a while.

"Chen Jiu, you have to say something to persuade!" Jing Xin was helpless and had to ask Chen Jiu for help, because she didn't know what to say.

"Iron fan, your love may have been exhausted in these years of life, but I wonder if you are willing to reorganize yourself and reignite the fire of love with the cows?" Chen Jiu took the remark. , Grandly asked.

"This ... can I still do that?" The iron fan obviously didn't really want to let go.

"Iron fan, if there is no green child, then I would definitely persuade you to break up, but anyway, you all have children, can't you always find a father for your child?" Chen Jiu expressed her support silently.

"Yeah, I've been negligent in taking care of my child these years. It's because I have neglected his feelings and neglected to take care of myself!" Iron Fan seemed to gradually understand where the crux was.

"Let ’s do this, iron fan, Green Baby. I ’ll bring you some time in the future, to give you some time, to let you regain the old relationship with Niu Mang, and to reappear the loving time of that year, do you look good?" Jingxin was also kind. Suggestion, took the initiative to take over the little trouble of green baby.

"God, it's too much trouble, and the old cow won't come back!" Tie Fan was heartbroken, but still dare not hold too much hope.

"No, the old cow seems to say nothing, but as long as the iron tree blooms, it is a new opportunity. You can take hold of the iron fan!" Chen Jiu shook his head and solemnly persuaded.

"You guys ... can you really make the iron tree bloom?" Tie Fan looked at the two expectantly and inconceivably, it was incomprehensible.

"How do you know if you don't try it? In fact, I don't want to tell you that I and Jingxin have studied the plants together. It shouldn't be difficult to transform some of their life processes!" Chen Jiu patted his breast, which was big. Have confidence.

'boom! ”Suddenly, the iron fan pulled the green baby on his knees and preached," President, thank you so much, our mother and son's lives will be yours in the future! "

"Well, iron fans, so many iron fan trees, rooted in disjointed roots, there must always be a common hub core?" Jingxin persuaded and asked.

"Yes, come with me!" Iron Fan no longer hesitated. He pulled the two into the ground, and came to the place where the Iron Fan Tree was rooted. This is also the most vulnerable place of the Iron Fan Tree. Most people can't touch it. Here.

The dark old roots are rooted like cast iron. These old roots respectively extend here, and even entangle themselves, forming a common huge iron ball!

‘Zi ...’ The iron trees emit a faint light, life is interconnected, and life is shared. The end is constantly exchanging nutrients and genes between many iron fan trees, so that they are in a perfect growth state.

"This ..." After observing here for a while, Chen Jiu was also frowning, not optimistic, and Jingxin was also a bit difficult to start!

"Chairman, if it does n’t work, do n’t bother, this iron tree blossoms, it is impossible, because this iron tree has no **** at all, the legend is that the ancient iron evolved, how can it bloom like other plants What happened? "The iron fan did not have the difficulty of a strong man, and he kindly persuaded.

"No gender? That's the case, then I understand!" At this time, Chen Jiu's eyes were bright and he laughed again.

"Chen Jiu, have you thought of a way?" Jingxin looked at him straight away, a little puzzled and curious. You must know that she, the God who is extremely proficient in the evolution of plants, has no clue, how can he Think of a way?

"Yes, there is a method to try, but iron fan, you and the green child should avoid it first, because this matter is related to the secret of our exercises, and must not be seen by others!" Chen Jiu did not answer, and then Yi He was sternly kicked up.

"Huh, you can't let people know only when you do bad things!" Lu Hai murmured, unwilling to leave, but it suddenly made Chen Jiu's old face a little red!

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