Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3084: Cow red babe

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Mother, it's been three days and three nights. You said they were lonely men and widows, who kept us out. This must have an unspeakable secret!" In the iron fan courtyard, the green child was bored, right in front of the iron fan. Muttered.

"Of course there is a secret. Green baby, don't waste your time thinking, I can't let you go in to disturb the chairman!" The iron fan master severely refused, and naturally understood his son's intentions.

"Mother, aren't you afraid that they deliberately destroyed our iron fan woods?" Green Baby was alarming again.

"Do you think they're just for this forest, it's worth so much work, wasting time?" The iron fan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Mother ... Are you annoyed, shut up for me, and when you arrive at Zizhuyuan, dare to make such nonsense all day, don't blame God for tearing your mouth!" It really feels like a big head. I can't stand my energetic son.

In recent years, it is he who has been around him all day long. This has neglected the care of Mangbu, giving him the opportunity to go out and fuck, and he is getting weaker and weaker with himself. This must be solved by means of remedy. That's it!

"Mother, you really want to send me away, but I can't bear you ..." Green Baby immediately pleaded.

"I'm willing to you!" The iron fan said ruthlessly, without any pity.

"Mother, are you still my mother-in-law? How can you send your son out, you know, this is in the hands of an outsider, your son is not a son ..." Lu Hai immediately started talking nonsense again. Talking endlessly.

"You ..." The main fan of the iron fan was about to get angry, but suddenly she moved her nose and smelled a scent of aroma, which made her look up suddenly and looked at the shock of the treetop: "Oh, look there, yes It's not that the fan tree is really blooming! "

"What? Can the iron tree really bloom?" Lvhai was immediately attracted, and it was just going up, it was completely shut up.

'Zi ...' An iron tree in the courtyard, at this time almost a kind of flocculent flowers grew on the top of the tree, and not far below these flowers, close to the trunk. There was actually another one growing next to the trunk. A two-petal-shaped flower, it's a demon. Gorgeous and beautiful!

One male and one female, one female and one male, the iron tree blossoms, and the gender of the yin and yang is undoubtedly a big thing. It is a miracle.

"This ... the iron tree is blooming, it is really blooming!" Tie Fandao stood on the top of the tree, and with tears in his face for a while, was also excited.

It was a complete success. After loving for three days, I saw two figures, and gradually emerged from the ground. It was precisely Chen Jiuhe's cheeks still innocent.

"I blame you, how else do people come out to see people like this, it would be awful if they were seen!" Jing Xin blame Chen Jiu secretly, blaming him for endlessly.

"Hey, I'm not all about consolidating and strengthening the effect. Besides, you didn't have any objections at the time, and you worked very hard!" Chen Jiu sighed and felt very wronged.

"Hum, don't tell you!" Pure mind and shame are really speechless, and tightened her legs.

"Xiner, let's go, take the green baby away, and I should also ask the old cow to come and honor the promise!" Chen Jiu took a correct posture, and the two came out.

"President, God ... you did it!" Seeing the two of them, the iron fan was naturally endlessly grateful.

"Yes, the iron tree is already blooming, I will call the old cow, but you have to let Jingxin take it away, isn't it a problem?" Chen Jiu asked to preach.

"My mother is anxious to send me away!" Green Baby was very resentful and very happy. "But it's okay to go out and see, I can't always stay in this home!"

"Uh, you ..." Chen Jiu looked at Lvba and felt that he had taken away a small scourge, but for the couple, he could only bear it.

"Godfather, what more can you teach? How the **** did you do it below? Why did you make the lady's face so red?" Green Baby's eyes turned, and he asked with concern.

"Oh, your godmother is caused by excessive exercise, qi and blood surge!" Chen Jiu hurriedly explained and glared: "Green baby, your name is too bad, I think it will be renamed red baby in the future. It's up! "

"What? The cow green child is going to be changed to a cow red child. You have to ask Niu Mang about this?" The iron fan master was hesitant and didn't promise it all at once.

"Yeah, you can't just make my godmother's face so red, you just call me a red baby. It doesn't make sense at all!" Green child whispered blindly, and even made Jingxin's neck and roots ashamed . Red, staring at Chen Jiu hate him.

"Uh, I do n’t want to tell everyone that I am proficient in measuring names, I ’m not good at green baby, and I have to change the bellyband. Otherwise, it ’s easy to recruit Primary Three. Of course, I ’ll just make a suggestion. Chen Jiu's face was sober, pretending to be like a magic stick, mysterious and unpredictable.

"Zhao Xiaosan, change. This must be changed. You don't need to agree with it. Change it immediately, and the bellyband will change immediately!" The iron fan could n’t bear it immediately when he heard this. Swinging it, tore off the green baby's bellyband directly.

"Ah, ma'am, how can you take off your clothes and don't know that you want to be an irreverent person!" Green baby quickly covered the key, hurt.

"Okay, red boy, I just give you a **** bamboo robe, just go with me, don't go fart anymore. Fart!" Jingxin proactively gave out a set of fuchsia robes, Instantly put on the red baby, making him a real name.

"Wow, this dress is so handsome, maiden, I'll go with you!" The red child was very happy at once, and came to Jingxin's side, can't wait.

"Red boy, wouldn't you say goodbye to your mother?" A glance at Red boy reminded him with a good voice.

"No, the godmother will be my mother-in-law in the future!" The red child didn't have any sense of consciousness.

"Well, let's go now!" Jing Xin nodded helplessly, and said goodbye, leaving with the red baby.

"Mother, your face is so red today ..." In the air, I saw that with the sound of the red baby, Jingxin was also awkward, and almost fell down.

"This **** little broken baby, I have been raising him for so many years, and today a suit was coaxed away by others!" In fact, the iron fan master was more or less reluctant.

"Maybe it would be better for him to change the environment. Iron fan, take care of yourself, I'll invite the bulls!" Chen Jiu said with persuasion, but also flew to the bulls' yard.

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