Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3087: Mysterious Emperor's Eye

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In a cloud outside the purple bamboo forest, the delicate eyeballs pierced through the obstacles of the purple bamboo covering the sky, reflecting the real situation inside.

It ’s fun, looking at Jing Xin and Chen Jiu taking the red baby there as a family, which caused a lot of shock around the eyes. "My God, the Fire Emperor really guessed right, Jing Xin God Actually, he has such an ambiguous relationship with this kid who is unclear! "

"Sir, let's quickly report to the Emperor of Fire. If it weren't for this Emperor's eye, we wouldn't have found their rape!" Several people couldn't wait to suggest it.

"What's the matter? Now we are just skeptical. There is no hard evidence yet. You are staring here. I will go back and report to the Emperor of Fire, and I will make a conclusion!" A youth led by him immediately reprimanded.

The eyes of the mysterious emperor are perplexed, but they can only see through the top of the bamboo tree without realizing it. At night, once they enter the hall, they still can't peep. See!

"Sir, they have all stayed together tonight. Isn't this lonely man and a widow a tangible proof? It seems that when our Emperor was here, he didn't kiss her like this. Did he?" Also quite opinionated.

"Okay, if Master Shizun heard this, will you surely know that you will die?" The leader reprimanded and said, "We are only responsible for observing and telling the real situation. If we dare to chew like this again. , Then it will only bring disaster to you! "

"Yes, Master Xie gave pointers, I will not talk anymore!" Several people confessed their mistakes and did not dare to guess wildly.

"Keep your eyes on, keep your mouth shut!" The reprimanded young man quickly returned to the Emperor's Court, and in one of the side courts he met the impeccable Fire Emperor and told him.

"A father, a mother, have fun, and live together at night, **** it, this scumbag. She does n’t cherish the good people, but she has to shame. Husband, and he really likes to be a mother, this pure-hearted God is simply the world's biggest bitch. Our emperor looks at her, it's really a sight! "After the fire emperor heard it, it was just fire. Jang, can't stand it.

"Fire Emperor, then did our people retreat first?" The youth of the report asked in a good voice.

"Don't worry, keep staring, the evidence is not sufficient right now, I need more evidence to be able to sue Master!" Although the fire emperor was very happy, but he did not dare to go to the emperor and chew his tongue at will. Root, after all, there is no real evidence, that is to say, women like to **** with wild men, no matter which man is listening, I am afraid they are not very happy.

In Zizhuyuan, the red baby was originally in the middle of Chen Jiu and Jingxin, but he suddenly suggested: "Dad, mother, shall we pull around in a circle?"

"This ..." Jingxin is still a little embarrassed. Although she and Chen Jiujian have done all the beautiful things, in the presence of outsiders, they really haven't been close. They have been close!

"Mother, I want to play, Dad, don't you dare to pull a mother?" The red baby was wooing and provocative, and finally made the two look at each other. It was pulled together and turned around. .

"Wow ... happiness turns around ..." The three people circled in the purple bamboo forest, but there were a lot of bamboo leaves flying, and they were beautiful for a time.

"Dad, mother, I'm so happy!" In the end, the three were embracing each other and getting close.

"Quick, record quickly, **** it. This stinky boy actually held us after he pulled us, this is definitely a capital punishment!" In the outer clouds, a group of people were just as excited.

Unknown to all of this, Chen Jiu could not be killed without death, and his movements became more and more bold.

At first she hugged her, and finally, she kissed Jingxin boldly, and she was ashamed as a whole.

However, since he was long taken by him, she still sank under his kiss.

"Well, Dad is so good, he finally kissed his mother!" Red Baby yelled here, adding an endless atmosphere to the two.

"Ah, Jingxin, you said that if we also had such a child, that would be great!" After a beautiful kiss, Chen Jiuzhi sighed again.

"Go, people don't want to give birth to you!" Jingxin murmured, no doubt still unwilling to disclose the relationship between the two.

"Dad, mother, when will you give me a little brother to come out and play with me!" Red Baby looked forward with anticipation.

"Oh, I won't tell you, I'll go first!" Jingxin couldn't bear the shame, and left quickly.

"Jingxin, wait for me!" Chen Jiu naturally rushed to catch up and went to develop the great cause of human creation.

"Hum, Emperor, you just wait, watch me mix your father and mother to make you lose your face, completely blind!" Red boy, although he has learned on the surface, it is inevitable that there will be some bad ideas in his heart.

The Nine-Five Peaks waited for a few days. It was really the princesses who couldn't wait. They were all dressed up, all like flowers and jade, and immortals and celestial beings, and they came straight to the Zizhu Garden to sue!

"Sister Caidie, you are back, ah, why are there so many fairies coming here!" The gatekeeper's aunt looked at Caidie and her future concubines, and was stunned.

"It's nothing, the sisters want to get to know Master, so take them over to know!" Cai Die explained, and rushed in with the concubines.

"Hey, you guys ..." The aunts could n’t stop trying to stop, they just did n’t care. They also had a lot of opinions about Chen Jiu ’s reliance on Zizhuyuan these days. Now he is watching his wives. It ’s all over, they want to see a good show!

"A good show is coming, Jingxin, this little sister-in-law, has seized the man, and his wife finally came to the door ..." In a cloud, several people were obviously also inexperienced.

"Okay, wonderful, after watching this good show, we didn't let us procrastinate for these days. This kid is already a capital crime. Now let's see how he ended!" Up.

In Zizhuyuan, the purpose of the concubines is very obvious, that is to ask for explanations, but they are all pretentious and not too obvious!

"Dad ... mother ..." But when I heard a child's cheerful cry that day, it made the concubines no longer stretched.

"Damn, I was born with this uncle. Kono, no wonder he didn't go back. It seems that the husband has lost his conscience!" During the grievances, the concubines immediately became aggressive, and Xingshi questioned his sin. go with!

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