Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3095: Disaster master

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

'Boom ...' With one punch, Chen Jiu now seemed to become a pillar of heaven and earth. At the end of the last day, he actually used his own strength to propel the blue sky alone, which was for the world. Brings peace and calm. ≤top≤point≤small≤,

"How do I have a feeling of escape from the dead?" Some peak owners who were close to Chen Jiu had a sense of despair in the palm of the wind just now, but at this time they were fortunate and some were grateful to worship Chen Jiu.

"Bold, Chen Jiu, if you dare not obey in the face of disaster, then wait for the broken bones!" The disaster master was obviously surprised, but he was even more angry. "Disaster God Wheel!"

'Zizi ...' Void is cracking, a huge dark wheel of God, like an ancient waterwheel, manifested in the air, constantly rotating, but it is not the clear water that it stirs, but the dark paint. Source of disaster.

The endless source of disaster is stirred, and once it is poured down, it will definitely cause life to be ruined and the world destroyed!

"This ... the catastrophe is exasperated. Today is the day of great joy for my disciples. Can you look at my thin face and suspend your shots, don't disturb the wedding scene, okay?" Shen Xingtian looked at the matter, and Can't help but hurry up and talk.

"God star sky, the enemy of the murderer does not share the sky, whoever obstructs me today is the enemy of my catastrophe!" The catastrophe of the catastrophe is mad, and it cannot be compromised at all.

"Yes, Chen Jiu would kill my man, and he will die today!" The happy Taoist scolded him harshly. Although he did not take any action, he was ready to deal a fatal blow to Chen Jiu at any time.

"Kill me young master, even if you fight for my old life today, let this son pay for himself!" Taigu Taoist is even more fierce and destined not to be good!

"This ... Everyone is about to break up. Today ’s wedding is over. Thank you for your participation!" Shen Xingtian looked at the matter and couldn't undo it. He immediately announced the end of the wedding and began to drop off guests.

"Oh ..." Many leaders answered, although they are no longer in the seat, they haven't gone far. Want to see the results of this battle?

"Before a disaster, any living thing is humble!" The disaster master went on his way, and when the chakra of the disaster turned, he poured out countless sources of disaster. These sources turned into the most terrible disaster in the world. Yes, kill all creatures!

"Chaos God of Death!" It wasn't just waiting to be killed. The crowd rushed into the sky and went directly to the disaster gods.

‘嚓 click! ”It ’s shocking, that is this killing intention, which actually blocked the rotation of the disaster **** wheel. After a short meal, people saw that it turned out to be a long-slapping sword!

"If you want to kill my husband, you must pass my level first!" Mu Lan does not eat the fireworks on the earth, her Ling Long's figure gradually manifests on the killing sword, and the killing intention is like a statue. Peerless witch recovers.

"You ... your daughter is actually using my chaos to kill the sword to stop me. This is bold and shameful!" Looking at the sword under Mu Lan's feet, the disaster master roared with dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, disaster lord, thank you so much. If you didn't send this killing sword, I can't stop you!" Mu Lan's lips squeaked against her, making it clear that the furious person would not pay her life.

"Little girl, since you are so unfamiliar, I'll take you first and talk about it. It looks pretty good to see you, the old man took you, maybe you can add another man and a half woman!" Played up Mu Lan's idea.

"What? This old man is not ashamed ..." This time, all the peak masters were scorned, because the disaster Taoist obviously looks like an old Taoist priest, so that he still remembers the little girl of others, this is not to make it clear that the old cow Eat tender grass!

"Want to accept me, then it depends on whether you have that ability!" Mu Lan, without any fear, took the initiative to step over to the disaster master.

'Boom ...' As she progressed step by step, a avenue appeared at her feet, and once this avenue appeared, it gave a feeling that she was the only one in the world, as if all beings in the world except her. None exists, she is peerless and lonely, but she is also peerless and powerful!

"Oh? I actually have my own foundation, yes, the little girl has a good talent, it is worthy of the old way to look at it!" The disaster master nodded compliment, but also suddenly stomped, a avenue extended with him, directly to Mu Lan welcomed him.

‘Boom! ‘The two avenues directly collided and entangled. At the same time, Mu Lan and the disaster lord were killed together. You came and went, killing the sky, the disaster was all over, and the world was shattered and the world fell!

"Old man, I saw a little fox. Beaver, didn't even report revenge?" The happy Taoist was very dissatisfied, and he forced himself to Chen Jiu. "Chen Jiu, you know that eternity Is it important? You actually killed him, you are just cutting my heart with a knife! "

"Happy Master, everyone knows who you are. If you really care about eternity, then you have to go out and **** every day. How many men have you killed? Can you count them yourself?" Those who have torn their skins leave no room for them.

"Isn't that too bad for him, can you blame the old lady?" The happy Taoist was still aggrieved.

"This ..." Listening to this, many peak owners were quite speechless, secretly mourning for eternity, marrying such a full-hearted wife, can't meet her, it is really the world ’s greatest misfortune It's up!

"How? Do you guys look down on your aging mother? I tell you, without me, how could there be his eternal today. His eternal courtyard can be mixed like a fish, and it is not up to the aging mother to fight him. Reason! "The happy Taoist did not want to accept this injustice, and justified himself loudly.

"Oh, if you say that, then eternal shouldn't blame you, should you thank you again?" Chen Jiu suddenly laughed.

"Yes, if not, can Eternity still maintain this relationship with me?" The happy Taoist smugly looked straight at Chen Jiu and said, "I originally looked good for you, and wanted to give you a chance. Yes, but now, you have no chance, let's take it, chaos and fire! "

'boom! ‘Happy Road claims that between hands, she sacrificed a flame and threw it straight to Chen Jiu.

"This ..." Looking at this flame, everyone was dumbfounded. It is not particularly dazzling, but it gives a feeling of extreme aspiration, as if it can get endless happiness from it, the moth flutters fire!

"I really want to go there, there is the joy and happiness I need ..." Many peak owners were affected, and the first distraction went to the flame.

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