Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3099: Inu Shrine

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Chen Jiu, the eyebrows are clear, and the humans and animals are harmless. Then he fanned out the happy Taoist master. The image of the hot flower has not yet made everyone react, and he actually came to the disaster Taoist master. -..-

"What? You rest assured, you look like a veteran, I have no interest in doing it for you!" Chen Jiuyi laughed, without saying a word, opened his hand.

‘Pap’ ... The palms are heavy and the sound is loud. Rao is a disaster. The skin is thick and the meat is thick, and it is quickly fanned into a pig's head. It has no image and is miserable.

"Ah, Chen Jiu, I want you to die without a burial place!" The disaster master suffered a great loss of face, and while roaring, Chen Jiu left again.

"Roar, boy, I am an ancient Taoist!" The last monster was locked by the five roads, but the **** purpose was still terrible.

"What an ancient Taoist, I see that you are clearly a monster, all right tongue. Why do you have your head stretched so long? It's scary!" Chen Jiujian, boldly grasped the long tongue of Taikoo Taoist.

"What ... what is he doing!" The main peaks were surprised, and Shen Xingtian shouted in a cold sweat, "Chen Jiu, you can't be rude!"

"Huh!" Chen Jiu, who didn't give any face, he pulled hard and only heard a scream. The tongue of Taikoo Taoist was actually broken by him.

"This ... it's over, it's over, it's all over!" Shen Xingtian sat down in despair, feeling that this time the two sides were really endless.

"Master, as a member of the Nine-Five Years of Immortals, you should protect the president!" Shen Xingyun and Shen Meijiao both came to persuade.

"This boy is looking for his own way, how can I protect him?" Although Shen Xingtian complained, he still talked up with the spirit of "fine".

However, now that this scene is over, the two sides are in the same situation, he really can't make peace!

"Forget it, in the face of Xingtianda you, I can not care about them, but only if they can't get in trouble with me anymore!" Generous.

"So, what about the elder brothers and sisters, what do you think?" Shen Xingtian did not expect that Chen Jiu had actually given him this face, and immediately looked at them as an invitation to the disaster.

The three of them were unyielding, and they really did n’t want to leave it alone, but their bodies were locked, unless they used their gods to bombard them, but they thought about it and did n’t want to be so active, so they nodded by default. Swallowed this bad breath.

"Oh, I knew that the three adults would ignore the villain, and forgive Chen Jiu. You must know that he was really compelled at the time. This child is a good child!" Shen Xingtian cried joyfully, even more To the concubines, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and pull down the road and let a few Taoists!"

"Fu Jun, this ..." The princesses looked at Chen Jiu and were not sure what he meant.

"Forget it, let them go. After all, they are vengeful and excusable!" Chen Jiu shook his head and said he didn't care.

"Okay!" The princesses nodded, but quickly withdrew the avenue and released the three to freedom.

"Chen Jiu!" Although free, all of them were sorrowful and iron-clad. It was embarrassing. Those who gritted their teeth and wanted to come up and eat Chen Jiu immediately.

"Three, don't worry!" Shen Xingtian hurriedly persuaded, really scared that the three would come back.

"Huh!" What's worse than human beings, what else can they say, although the three of them are unwilling, they really don't need to take another shot, but when they are ashamed and want to leave, the metamorphosis regenerates.

"Oh, it's so lively, let's see what's going on?" Suddenly, the void cracked, and a respected Taoist suddenly came down. One of these figures was particularly conspicuous. It was the dwarf clown.

"This ... the people of Inu Shrine!" Seeing this group of people, Shen Xingtian's face was not very good-looking, but he hurriedly greeted him and asked, "Why do n’t you come here in advance? With a sound, let me prepare some wine for you! "

"Okay, Shenxingyun, you don't have to worry about it. We came here to not eat your wedding drink. We came here to watch the fun. According to reports, Chen Jiu had killed many 'mixed' chaos gods, and the catastrophes came before them. Come to ask sin, how is this going? "The Lord God of Inoue asked without knowing it.

"Oh, the disaster masters are reasonable, and they have decided to let Chen Jiuyi die!" Shen Xingtian preached for a few people.

"No, Shen Xingtian, how can your dignified Daoist talk openly with his eyes open? We obviously saw that the three Daoists were defeated and shamed by Chen Jiu. Shamed, right?" A smaller master could not help but speak.

"What do you ask me when you see it?" Shen Xingtian panted, unwillingly.

"Shenxingtian, let's just try you. I didn't expect you to cover the sinner and forgive Chen Jiu!" Inoue rebuked seriously.

"What the **** are you doing?" Shen Xingtian frowned, feeling that the people in this group of dog shrines were not at ease.

"As we all know, our dog shrine shouts justice and enforces the law. Most of us can't get used to the behavior of" chicken "taming dogs and killing people. Today, we are here to preach justice for three Taoists and capture sinner Chen Jiu Yes! "Inoue's" color "shook, and Yizheng preached harshly.

"What? You want to catch Chen Jiu!" Shen Xingtian was surprised, and all the masters in the courtyard could not help stigmatizing. I am afraid that the presidency is false, and capture is your real purpose?

"Yes, such a sinner must capture and inquire about sin to show the strictness of the law of our temple!" Many members of the Inu Shrine preached indignantly.

"This ... President Inoue, the three Taoists have reached a reconciliation with Chen Jiu, and there is no need to bother!" Shen Xingtianhou was afraid, and just persuaded.

"Three Taoists, this is a pig head, really do not care? And the revenge of killing relatives is not reported?" Inoue glared at the three Taoists and asked.

"Of course I have to report!" The three of them clenched their teeth. Although they knew that Inoue's plan was very large, they were now fainted by hatred. As long as they could kill Chen Jiu, they would have resolved their hatred.

"Very good, the three Taoists, stand behind me, our dog shrine, and decide for you today!" Inoue smiled with satisfaction and asked the three.

"Okay, these 'girls' are very extraordinary. Be careful!" The three masters promised and reminded me.

"Some of the 'female' streamers are just the reward for the law enforcement of my dog ​​shrine!" Inoue and their group of people laughed mischievously, and it seemed that they did not take these concubines at all. --28850 + dsuaahhh + 29836303->

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