Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3108: Conspiracy

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"This ... what the **** is going on here? It's impossible at all?" The fire emperor was shocked, watching the gods besiege Chen Jiu, and he was able to **** up his family, but he actually controlled a dragon. As if the God of War came from the age of ancient mythology, it swept all the main gods in an instant, and the invincible gesture scared people to urinate, which made people think that they were dreaming!

Smelly meat took his place, but the crisis was not eliminated. Facing the siege of many main gods, Chen Jiu woke up at a critical moment, and with him he also awakened with the giant arm.

Since swallowing Daoshan last time, the dragon has been asleep. Now that he has awakened and returned, once it appears, it will have a shocking effect, so that everyone can no longer belittle Chen Jiu's contempt. To him!

The birds are scattered, no doubt dare not anger the majesty of this behemoth. Even the Imperial League army retreated back as soon as possible, and the crown prince, as the chief, came to the palace of the Emperor. Ask why.

"Emperor, something bad is happening ..." The prince came to the hall hurriedly. On the occasion of the obituary, he did not find that the emperor's face was also particularly ugly.

"Okay, needless to say, I already know it!" Rendi calmly said, no doubt particularly unhappy.

"Emperor, is this ... isn't this Chen Jiu still in the battlefield of life replacement? How could he suddenly come back to life?" The Prince, seeing the battlefield in front of him, could not accept it without any method.

"We've all been deceived. Take a closer look, what is this?" Rendi resentfully waved it, only to see the space cracked, and Chen Jiu's figure flew out of it.

"Ah, little thief, see that I won't take you down!" The prince hurriedly grabbed it in surprise, but he didn't say anything soft, and there was a stench coming, which really shocked him.

"Zi ..." Then, Chen Jiu's original frivolous appearance slowly turned black and transformed. This phantom is actually just a piece of stinky meat. What is Chen Jiu's body?

"Look at it clearly, we've all been tricked. My three powerful men were so strangled to death!" Rendi blew his nose and stared, very dissatisfied.

"This ... this is the stinky meat of the Taoist master, this **** side is so evil!" The Prince was still reluctant to let go of the stinky meat when he was disgusted.

"Prince, don't you smell bad?" The Emperor looked at the Prince strangely, wondering why he didn't let go for a long time?

"This ... it smells a little bit smelly, but Emperor, we worked so hard, anyway, it was a replacement for this stinky meat, do you see if it still has the same effect?" The Prince was looking forward to asking again.

"No, this meat is disposable, it is now a pure piece of stinky meat!" Rendi gave a positive answer.

"What? I'm so stinky to me ..." As soon as the smelly meat was useless, the Prince could not bear it immediately.

"Okay, just go down!" The Emperor waved his hand and lost his face.

"Emperor, is this the case? What is the dragon of Chen Jiuyu?" The Prince was very reconciled.

"Of course things cannot be done like this, but it is not appropriate to move him for the time being, because I suspect that the dragon is the one who once guarded the dragon blood family. You must know that the existence of this dragon at the beginning made the fairy king Dare to offend the dragon blood family, so the plan for Chen Jiu ’s piece of sage fairy order must be temporarily slowed down! ”Said the emperor helplessly.

"What? Will there be such a big history?" The Prince could not help but startled. "After that, he summoned the dragon out, isn't it invincible?"

"Of course it is not invincible. Nothing is free. He wants to use this dragon, and he has to pay a certain price. What we have to do now, is not to fight his price, but to reap the profit. Let others fight off these costs, and once he loses the help of Shenlong, then it is time for us to rob Jixianling! "Rendi said with a sinister analysis on his face.

"This ... the shrines of the Inu Shrine, although greedy, are better than monkeys, and let them take the shot to fight off the dragon. It seems a bit unrealistic?" The Prince was still a little bit embarrassed.

"Of course, we can't completely count on these Xiao Xiao generations, so to talk about this matter, we need to discuss it from a long-term perspective!" Rendi said silently.

"Considering in the long run, but the emperor, if the pure God is lost. If she is in him, how can she be our future?" The Prince urged a bit of worry.

"Hum, that cheap guy. Toasting without eating and drinking, I will definitely take her away from Chen Jiu as soon as possible!" Mentioning Jingxin, this can't help but be a permanent pain in Emperor's heart.

"Emperor, don't you want to fight off the price of Chen Jiu? Your subordinate has a wonderful plan to offer!"

"Oh? What do you have to do, hurry up!" The Emperor is also obviously a little impatient, very annoying for these things.

"I do n’t know if you still remember our God, the God? This God has a disciple, called Kongshen, who has a marriage contract with the magical temple Yanran, who is also Chen Jiu's mother ..." Just put forward my own suggestions.

"What? There are still such things, but I'm negligent, this is really God help me too ..." Immediately after hearing the Emperor, Xing. Furiously could not find the North.

"Yeah, when Chen Jiuyi is gone, willn’t it be all of us, whether it ’s the God of Purity or the women?" The prince smiled wildly, and felt that everything was determined.

"Well, you can do this right away, you must be safe and secure, and don't make any mistakes!" Rendi immediately acted decisively and decided.

Conspiracy resurrected, Nine-Five Peaks were hot, Chen Jiu was driving the **** dragon, sweeping the scenes of the gods. The end was to make the whole hospital see it. That was to make his reputation rise, one by one, and he became a god. Hospital first person trend!

Thank you in person, Chen Jiu declined everyone's visit at this time. He recalled Shenlong, thanked the Taoist side for their help, and then reunited with the consorts.

"Fu Jun, are you okay?" The princesses burst into tears, watching the man's intact posture, no doubt all extremely worried.

"Of course it's okay, if you don't believe me, please watch!" Chen Jiu's performance, it seems a bit shameless, he actually released his strength to show his condition.

"Oh, husband, why are you doing this? As soon as you wake up, you want to do bad things, what can you do ..." Suddenly, looking at this thing, the concubines were all blushing and embarrassed.

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