Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3123: This bastard

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Mother, are you jealous of me?" Shui Run'er didn't seem angry, but smiled softly. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]. Visit: ..

"A joke, isn't it a stinky man? I haven't seen it before, so why envy you!" Shui Shen's mouth hardened, of course, he refused to admit his feelings for Chen Jiu. Otherwise, how shy should he be?

"Mother, don't quibble anymore, look at yourself now, let people know at first glance that you want a man!" Shui Run'er then accused.

"What? I don't believe it!" Surprised by the water god, he quickly drew a water mirror in the void fantasy, reflecting his beautiful sky.

She, everybody's lady, is born under the name 'Gate', she is a generation of water gods, she is supreme and noble, she is awesome. Na Yuezhi, Shuyue shame 'Flower' ... she is perfectly not like a real person, and she has no flaws at all. !!

In the second and eighth years of the year, Feng Fengrun was tall, her long black hair and waist, and the face of the goose and egg was holy and unique.

Beauty, nobleness, respect, the majesty of a generation of the main **** reveals her unconsciously, which makes people feel that she is particularly alienated, but in alienation, her face has some little 'girl' child-like cheeks. Red is even more tempting. It's wrong, 'Lust'. It's impossible!

"Mother, don't say that you blushed, and this little beak looks like it's almost like wanting to eat something good!" Pointing at the water **** in the water mirror, Shui Runer said politely. . txt novel download

"What a good thing to eat, I blushed by your filial piety 'girl'. You are like your brother, you are like this too. You clearly want to anger me!"

"Mother, my situation is not the same as my brother!" Shui Run'er explained and complained vigorously: "The mother has not experienced his power, and besides, he has come to marry me now. Will the mother be able to regret it!" "

"Okay, okay, I know, as long as he can bring out Dao Shi, of course I won't regret it. It's really a 'woman' to stay away!" Shui Shen complained, but there was nothing more to say.

"Mother, what are you waiting for, let him in quickly!" Shui Run'er persuaded impatiently.

"A 'girl' child's family doesn't know any restraint. What's your reminder, if he is sincere, he won't leave in his life!" Shui Shen was slightly displeased, but he still waved the 'door' Opened the 'door' of the temple and let Chen Jiu come in by himself.

This is not the first time that Chen Jiu came to the Water Temple. After he entered it, he soon found two beautiful women in the watercourse.

"Chen Jiu, you are here, we want to die for you!" Seeing Chen Jiu, two 'girls' also quickly emerged from them, one proud and cold, and one eager to meet him.

"I miss you too!" Chen Jiu naturally put in a sincere response.

"Well, don't be affectionate yourself, I didn't miss you!" Shui Shen reprimanded and said, "Chen Jiu, don't say I didn't give you a chance, your one hundred million square stone gratuity gift. If it's really messy, I can give you The right to an installment! "

"Thank you mother!" Shui Run'e was surprised. She understood that this was a change of direction for Shui Shen, saying that it was in installments, but there was no time limit. Wouldn't it be a lifetime without paying it off?

"No need, if you can't get 100 million square stones, how can you marry Runer!" Chen Jiu was rejected by a masculinity at this time.

"Chen Jiu, you ..." Shui Run'e looked at Chen Jiu very worried, wouldn't this guy not want to marry himself?

'Female' people, in fact, are so contradictory sometimes, they often ask men for a large number of engagement gifts before they can marry him, but when this man ca n’t take out these things and retreats with difficulty, they often will Extreme sadness is really easy to hurt and hurt!

"Oh? You can really take out 100 million stones. If you really take it out, then I can" run "Runer to you now!" Shui Shen looked at Chen Jiu with some disbelief.

"Master Shui Shen, this is a hundred million stones. Please take care of it. I am going to order Runer!" Chen Jiu also stopped talking nonsense, and just offered a part of Daoshan and handed it out.

"What? Such a huge and complete Dao Stone is like being cut from a Dao Mountain, and the quality is so high!" Shui Shen looked at this Dao Stone, and couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. "How did you get it?"

"Shuishen, you don't care how I got it. Now that you got Daoshi, is Rune the same as my wife?" Chen Jiu didn't explain it, but looked at Shue Rune.

"Mother!" Shui Run'er also eagerly looked at Shui Shen, and did not want to be obstructed anymore.

"Well, since you brought Dao Shi, of course I will not stop your affairs, but this thing is a little strange. I worry if you are doing some bad things for these Dao Shi!" Shui Shen nodded, but did not explain any more.

"Rest assured, I have a good character and sat well. I love Runer and I will give her a bright future!" Chen Jiu patted her **** and promised.

"Oh? Don't you kidnap my 'girl' like this, I'll tell you, I'm marrying a 'girl', I'm not selling a 'girl', you have to stay and give me a pension! "Shuishen was a little unwilling, and demanded his teeth again.

"Master Shui Shen, please rest assured that you are the mother of Run'er, and I will always honor you forever!" Chen Jiu seems to be a good 'woman' standardized preaching.

"Is that just the case?" Water God was naturally a little disappointed at this time.

"Master Shui Shen, can we leave first?" Chen Jiu deliberately did not pick it up, and pulled the Shui Runer next to him and eagerly left.

"Okay, you go first. Without my order, don't go out of the water temple!" I'm not too satisfied in my heart. Of course, the water **** can't let people go easily, let them go away and fly, what can I do if I am left alone?

"Abominable, this stinky man, who used to say he loved himself, why is he now a 'door' who is his own 'girl'? Is he really disappointed with himself and gave up?" Shui Shen cursed, her In fact, she still loves Chen Jiu, especially after despairing on Fashui, she even realized that Chen Jiu was the true emperor of her own hit, but why is his relationship with his 'female' son, if he is not active? How can I be ashamed of being a mother?

With the departure of Shui Yun'er, the heart of Shui Shen no doubt also left. In this Shui Shen Yuan, I saw her thinking at random, and everything that happened anywhere could not escape her eyes.

"This jerk" must have pulled Runer to do that ... "Blush dripping. The blood was normal, but Shui Shen couldn't help looking at the two, and didn't want to pull it down! --6610 + dmth + 19137746->

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