Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3126: Just waiting

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"What? What are you talking about? Why is he thinking about me so much? I don't believe it!" When the **** of water was shocked, the cowardice in the bottom of his eyes could not be faked.

"Really, when he sleeps, he often wakes up in the middle of the night, suddenly yelling your name and crying and telling not to leave him. Whenever I see this scene, my heart is actually sore and sad, I am for you Worthless, why can't you be lovers if you have a lover? "Shui Runer's sermon was moving.

"Is this the case? Why don't I know?" Shui Shen asked in horror, grasping Shui Run's little jade hand tightly.

"Mother, don't you peek at us and see if you can't hold it in the end?" Shui Run'er asked with a grin.

"I ... I didn't peek at you!" Shui Shen denied it on the surface, but she acknowledged it in her own heart. If you make it endless, how could I endure such a long pull?

"Well, mother, in fact, you don't know. In the middle of the night, he is enjoying my beauty, but he often calls out your name. I really don't know what to say there!" Shuirun The child did not force it, but complained and complained.

"Here ... this stinky boy, he still misses me!" Shui Shen couldn't help pouting and laughing.

"Mother, you seem to be very happy?" Shui Yun'er immediately complained: "Daughter has been treated so unfairly. You do n’t say to help your daughter, you are so happy. If you say so, you are right He is still in love, isn't he? "

"I ..." Shui Shen was dumbly asked again, with a blush on his face. He yelled, "Run, although he lied to me, I still got along with him for a while. This, How can people be ruthless if they are not plants? "

"Yeah, his plants and trees are really unforgettable!" Shui Run'er nodded in approval.

"Oh, what are you talking about, it's as if our mother and daughter are the silver women who are not satisfied!" Shui Shen blamed immediately.

"Mother, since Lang is affectionate, and you are deliberate, you might as well marry him with your daughter? So he would do me the middle of the night, and you do it in the middle of the night, there would be no other things he wanted to do!" Shui Runer Seemingly persuasive.

"What? How do you do this, Runer? Thank you for coming up with such shameful things. How could I have promised to sleep with you together? This is absolutely not possible!" Shui Shen is still hurting. He refused to accept it. Agree.

"Mother, if you say so, you don't want to help your daughter? You obviously like him, but why don't you want to be nice to him?" Shui Run'er complained again and again.

"I ..." The water **** ended, didn't he get over the threshold in his heart? After all, she is a woman suffering from love magic!

"Mother, even if you don't want to be good with him, but can you also help your daughter? His grass and trees are too strong. The little sheep of the daughter can't finish eating a few mouths, and let it grow like this If you go down, it will definitely attract more sheep to eat, and then there will be no daughters! "Shui Runer did not say clearly, but it was reminiscent of the wonderful things and tenderness, but it was easy to make less. Women are more troubled.

Water God, this is the case now. Although she has experienced the beauty of a man, but there is no man by her side. I know that the fun in it is not available. How can this not make her feel itchy?

"Runer, don't say it first. May I ask you a question?" Some people couldn't hear it. Shui Shen just asked with difficulty holding her beautiful legs: "You say a woman, can you really give up what you loved before? ? "

"Mother, do you dare to say that you don't love Chen Jiu? You have empathized and lost love early in the morning, but why you still dare not admit it?" Shui Run'er showed no mercy, pointing directly to the pain point of Shui Shen.

"I ... I don't!" Water God is still quibbling.

"Mother, do you want to lie to me, or do you want to lie to yourself? You don't think such a lie, you can only talk about it, because no one can lie to it!" Shui Run'er severely scolded.

"Okay, don't talk about it, you go back first, I have to think about this matter!" Shui Shen's brain was so chaotic that she suddenly didn't want to listen anymore, but started to rush people.

"Okay, mother, then you're good at it, I'm going back!" Shui Run'er nodded, but didn't leave much to say.

"What should I do? What should I do? Do you really like this kid? But is he true to his heart?" Water God was in a dilemma, and her gaze was also bright: "Yes Now, when I heard Runer said that he was thinking about himself when he did that, did he love himself?

Today, the water **** was full of energy. At first, she watched the beautiful scene of the two of them. She could not bear it. In the end, I saw Chen Jiu flipping Shui Run'er, which was from behind.

"Abominable, this Runer, how grieving it is to come to myself bitterly during the day, but when you look at that expression, it will be pretty and beautiful, it ’s really different!" Shui Shen looked at Shui Runer beloved Men dominate, naturally envy and envy.

"Xin'er!" Sure enough, at the last moment, Chen Jiu shouted the name of the water god.

"Ah ..." At this moment, the water **** couldn't help but suddenly got a jade finger, it was moving drunk, she closed her eyes happily and felt that she didn't love him for nothing !!

It was drowsy, but Shui Shen did not fall asleep, she was still watching with a strong spirit, watching whether Chen Jiu was really like Shui Runer said, she would wake up and call her name in the middle of the night. If so, then He must have loved him no doubt, and how can such a man not give him a chance? Give yourself a chance?

"Xin'er, I love you, don't leave me, don't ..." Without letting the water **** wait for a long time, Chen Jiu shouted and screamed quickly in the dream. The sad and painful appearance was really unbearable. Yes, I want to comfort him physically and mentally.

"This boy, although a bit of a bastard, is really an infatuated species. I don't think that Shui Shen will look at you differently, and I will marry your daughter!" Shui Shen looked at Chen Jiu and he was naturally very satisfied. It's very happy.

There are some things that you may not believe easily when you speak in person, but if a third party speaks it, it is easy to make people believe more!

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll give you another chance. You can't let me down!" Water God instantly made a new decision, and now just waiting for Chen Jiu to come.

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