Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3130: Crazy mode

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Mother, your new seat is really special and pretty good. It's so comfortable to sit on!" Shui Run'er sat on the new throne of water god, exclaiming and exaggerating.

"Of course, if the new seat is uncomfortable, why should I change it!" Shui Shen gave a strange look, but nodded in response.

Although I have known that there is such a layer of relationship, but watching this scene with so much attention, in the heart of the water god, it is inevitable that there is still some strange feeling!

Yes, Shui Run'er is his own daughter. Although it is just a avenue, she is still a baby girl raised by herself. Shui Shen broke her head and never imagined that she would one day work with her as a husband. The situation made her think ashamed and shameless.

Of course, shame, shame, shame, and shame, sometimes people feel involuntary, especially the person of water god, she regards feelings as life, so she is even more reluctant to give up and complete her daughter!

At the moment, although it's a bit ridiculous, but anyway, it can be regarded as a joy, and the three parties have received benefits and satisfaction. It seems that it is not bad to do so?

Gradually, the water **** also accepted this fact, and at the same time, faintly, but felt that it was a special thorn. Exciting!

In fact, it ’s nothing more than Chen Jiu. He now has double favors, and it feels like a dream.

Although there are many wives, Chen Jiu is undoubtedly the first time to encounter such a situation. He has enjoyed the supreme mother and daughter and watched the coquettishness that they have bloomed for himself. The business is left behind!

"Ah ..." Suddenly, Shui Yun'er screamed, and she had also run through, which was paralysis. She softened and smiled sweetly: "Mother, I think this one is also suitable for me to sit. I often come and sit! "

"Okay, anyway, my future seat will be passed on to you. In the future, our mother and daughter will be seated together and it will be good to jointly control the Water Temple!" Water God agreed generously.

"Thank you mother, I know that my mother is the closest to me!" Shui Runer was naturally grateful.

"Since the mother treats you so well, would you come down first and let me sit down for a while?" Shui Shen straightened and looked forward to the sermon again.

"Okay, it's not bad to sit anyway. Mother wants to sit and sit!" Shui Runer talked, but gave way again.

"This ..." Looking at this throne, Shuiruner, had just sat there. The water **** still hesitated a little, but eventually the feeling prevailed, and she looked forward to sitting up again.

"Mother, you say that we are so fond of such a throne. If he is conscious, who would we prefer?" Shui Run'er asked again at this time.

"Then you know if you ask, the throne of my nature is conscious!" Water God gave a positive answer.

"Really? Then I have to ask!" Shui Run'er looked curiously at Chen Jiu and asked, "Throne of the throne, you said our mother and daughter, who is more comfortable to sit with you?"

"All comfortable!" Chen Jiu responded mechanically.

"What? You throne, no one is guilty of you!" Shui Run'er smiled, with some unwilling meaning.

"Master, I have a seat mode here, press .Mo mode, crazy mode, if you are tired, you can choose a new mode to try it!" Chen Jiu introduced himself again.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to have a small seat, so intelligent?" Shui Runer just smiled and said, "Well, let's check the mode. Let me see!"

"Yes!" Chen Jiu agreed, and the pair of hands unwillingly reached out to the water **** in his arms. For a time, the water **** was also overshadowed and more moved. Rong, how could his own dignified water **** be treated It ’s so profane. But it ’s really comfortable!

"Okay, this mode is good. Let's go to another crazy mode!" Shui Run'er nodded with satisfaction and chose the last crazy mode.

"Crazy mode is starting ... Crazy mode is starting ..." Chen Jiu responded, and the whole man suddenly stood up holding the water god.

"Ah, what is this, what's wrong? Don't ..." The water **** was at a loss, and the whole person was completely stupid.

Yes, Chen Jiu turned on the crazy mode, which naturally changed from passive to active, pushed back the **** of water, and completely controlled her on the throne of water god!

It can be imagined that under the madness of Chen Jiu, any woman must be mad and unable to keep it.

"Ah, forgive me, forgive me ..." At this moment, the **** of water couldn't help but lose all appearance, begging for mercy.

"Haha, you guys, dare to treat this son as a seat, is it a good idea to be a bully?" Chen Jiu Zhang laughed wildly, judging by the image just now.

"Don't dare, son, please forgive me, we will never dare again!" Shui Shen kneeled, crawled, his face purple, reddish-red, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't you dare to say it? Shuishen, if you ask for the gift from the son, it depends on the strength of the son. Now you can see the strength!" Chen Jiu shouted again.

"My son, forgive me, I can return the offer to you. Your strength is too strong, and I am completely obedient!" The Water God was completely chaotic at this time, completely obedient.

"Go, I think the little son cares about that little money. The nature given to you is just for you, but the little son can't get used to what you just did!" Chen Ji said dismissively.

"My son forgive me, why I was just doing this, I was actually pretending, in fact, in my heart, I would like my son to come to me!" Water God fully admitted his careful thinking.

"Mother, you ..." Shui Run'er looked at Shui Shen's appearance that he was going to be ruined, and he couldn't help but be a little happy, let you pretend, you can't pretend this time!

Huarong's eclipse, disheveled hair, dignified and supreme water god, at this time is almost a low-minded little woman, as if a noble lady has fallen into love, and she is generally unbelievable.

"Runer, don't look, this is not me!" Shui Shen also felt unacceptable to himself, and some could not face his daughter.

"Why not you, Master Shui Shen, I will recognize you even if you are turned into ashes!" Shui Run'e smiled proudly, and it was completely gloating.

"You ..." When Shui Shen was so angry that she wanted to sever the mother-daughter relationship with her, Chen Jiu's move made her feel particularly relieved!

"Come here for me, too!" At this time, Chen Jiu pulled Shui Runer hard and pushed back.

"Ah, husband, why don't you let me go?" Shui Run's screamed and looked at the water **** next to him, just feeling ashamed. She was ashamed, she was still laughing at her the moment before, and now she seems to have met Same fate!

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