Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3132: Meet each other

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Husband, what can we do?" It seemed that he did not dare to face Chen Jiu's gaze, and the two 'girls' were both hurting each other at this time. He lowered his head. [.Super many]-

Chen Jiu woke up one step earlier, the two 'girls' did go through a lot of ideological struggles before they eased up. At this time, they were brought up again by the old things. Naturally, they were a little ashamed to face them, and couldn't help but think of the moment That awkward meeting meets each other!

Back in time, Chen Jiu hadn't woke up at this time. Among them, Shui Runer woke up first, watching the situation where the water **** and Chen Jiu depended on each other, and her heart was a little bit sour.

However, this sorrow was soon replaced by a kind of sweetness, because she felt that she could bring such great happiness to the water god, which also made her life complete!

On the other side, after Shui Shen woke up, she didn't have such a good mood. She first looked at Shui Runer and felt very embarrassed and weird.

As a mother, such a silver 'wave' is seen by the people closest to you. This is more or less embarrassing and difficult to face.

"Mother, you don't have to do this, do you still refuse to accept this fact?" Shui Run'er kindly persuaded at this time.

"I ... mother, I look like this, Runer, I ..." Shui Shen feels terrified. This feeling is like a 'female' person. She can sell it unscrupulously, but once discovered by relatives That kind of hardship and embarrassment is just sore and lethargic. This kind of shame can make people die directly!

"Mother, I was born to you. I ’m fine, but after all, I ’m just your daughter, not a child born under normal circumstances. You are my mother. In fact, you are more like my sister. You think "Shui Run'er seems to know where the water god's heart is, and then he said with a good voice:" Xinger, if you don't mind in the future, I'll call your sister! "

"Eh, this is also good!" Sure enough, as a sister, there is no more burden on the mother, and Shui Shen's heart is much better. [txt complete download]

"Sister, wasn't you happy just now? Haven't you been so happy before?" Shui Run'er also apparently spoke more casually at this time.

"What's more, I don't blame you all yet, if you want to start some crazy look, it almost killed us!" Water God immediately complained.

"Sister, if you have been stunned for so many days, if you are not so crazy, how can you relieve your hunger and thirst?" Shui Run'er laughed again.

"Okay, don't say it, okay? I'll let him hear it later, thinking that we are the kind of bad 'female'!" Shui Shen is hurting. He just didn't want to discuss it anymore.

"It's okay, who said that a bad 'female' person can only have 'waves'. We are good 'female' people, so there will be demand. What's wrong?" Shui Run'er disagreed.

"Hey, you don't know yet, this man has nothing good, they just like those simple ones as soon as they 'door' their minds?" Shui Shen persuades kindly: "So it's true that we're women That's good! "

"Sister Xiner, listen to what you mean, do you still want to please men and get their pampering?" Shui Runer grinned.

"Oh, don't talk about this, I'm really ashamed!" The water **** couldn't stand it, he just covered his face, and some couldn't say it anymore.

"Sister Xiner, you always say that a man has nothing good, look at this thing, can you dare to say that it is not a good thing?" Shui Run'er was unwilling to let it go, and held up another question to the water god.

"I ..." Shui Shen blushed and said with a glance through his fingers, "You understand me wrong. I mean, it's impossible for a man to have good things. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, I understand now!" He smiled intently, and Shui Yun'er sent out an invitation again, "How about playing together?"

"I ... I don't ..." Water God is still a little embarrassed.

"Come on, sister Xiner, we will all be his wife in the future, how can you still see me like this?" Under the strong invitation of Shui Run'er, Shui Shen still stretched out his 'Jade' hand.

'hiss! 'It's nothing to encounter this thing, but when I encountered Shuiruner, it still made the **** of water somewhat unsuitable. After all, she was her elder. Although she has changed her mouth now, this deep-rooted thought can't be turned. Come.

Her own generation of water god, in her heart, how noble and majestic was that, how could she think that now she is playing with this thing with her, how it feels hard to think. It is incomparable.

Although it is difficult and embarrassing, but thinking about letting go, the water **** is extremely reluctant. She feels that even this uncomfortable mood for this man can be tolerated!

At this time, the water **** felt that she had become an enraged little daughter-in-law, which was often troubled by her mother-in-law, but she loved this man in her heart and loved this family, so she still put up with it. How can she go to other families to get angry with her spoiled?

With this thought of being a good daughter-in-law, with Shuiruner's kind eyes, the water **** gradually adapted.

Embarrassing to meet, slowly getting together, after all, it is a family, some words are open, but it is easier to trust than others!

In this way, the two women have just adjusted their psychological relationship and are having a good time. Who knew that Chen Jiu suddenly woke up with a chill, and really scared them to let go and care.

"You guys ... don't you blame me?" Chen Jiu cuddled left and right, looking at the delightful appearance of the two 'girls', it was a bit unbelievable, because in his opinion, he treated them like this, they There is still a little bit of grievance, but now it seems that they are very harmonious!

"Husband, you are our man, why should we blame you? Besides, you are so rich, so powerful, let us be so happy, we can't blame you before we love you, how can we blame you!" Shui Runer explained At the same time, the water **** also relied on like a little 'girl'. He turned to Chen Jiu and immediately gave him confidence.

"I ... you don't blame me, just don't get angry!" Chen Jiu felt the two 'girls' wonderful. The soft body was playing one while straight, and no longer intended to ask those who might make them difficult. Things up.

Regardless of how they get along, anyway, now they are very harmonious, like sisters willing to submit to themselves, wouldn't that be nice?

"Oh, husband, you're necrotic, how can you play with one of us at the same time!" The two 'girls' looked at each other's treatment and even blamed their faces. They turned red.

"Haha, not only does my husband have to play like this, but also you serve me together ..." Chen Jiexie. Evilly bowed his head and gave the two 'girls' all over the body. Red, this guy really wants to be ashamed to death. alone? --6610 + dmth + 19175802->

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