Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3139: Want to marry

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Okay, you can stop!" Chen Jiu did not explain, but walked out of the glass tube by herself, and stopped refining the avenue.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?" The water **** couldn't understand and asked again.

"We all underestimated this god. If it is not unexpected, he should have taken a step towards the cohesion of the Tao. The 20% of the Tao is condensed into one body. If I forcibly refine it, I will definitely be hit by him Perceive! "Chen Jiu shook his head and preached.

"What? Is it necessary for God to unite his mind? Then it will be difficult!" Water God couldn't help but worry.

"Anyway, just with that trend, how can there be such an easy thing to truly consolidate Taoism?" Chen Jiu said indifferently: "Although I did not completely control, I refined him by a percent. The eighty way, this is equivalent to weakening his eighty percent strength. Now that the other has risen, I kill him as if I were searching for something! "

"Husband, since it's okay, let's go back!" Shui Shen persuades her, and her forehead is sweating slightly. Obviously, maintaining the stillness of this time is also very labor-intensive for her.

"Er, Xiner, are you tired?" Chen Jiu looked at it with concern.

"It's okay, I'm not too tired!" Shui Shen said he was okay.

"Xin'er has done so much for me, I have to thank you very much!" Chen Jiu looked around, and then his eyes changed again.

"Husband, you ▲ ... what are you doing?" Shui Shen instinct is a little shy.

"Don't do it!" Chen Jiu could not help but pounced on it, and now the dignified puppet of the **** of water, Na's figure, placed in the empty space and time of the glass movement, is simply a most attractive light.

"Ah, don't do this to your husband ..." Shui Shen was naturally unwilling at first, but how could Chen Jiu let her go!

"I want you!" Chen Jiu didn't make nonsense. He just stood and enjoyed the water **** from behind. When the fertility reappeared, he felt very relieved.

"Husband ..." At this moment, the water **** no longer resisted, but made every effort to cooperate.

Refining Avenue, although the time is still relative to other people, but for Chen Jiu, they do n’t know how much time has passed. This lonely man and woman are just in their adolescence, so that invisible demand has naturally accumulated. Down, it completely broke out at this moment.

Then, there was a battle, the supreme supreme glory, the noble and unparalleled water god, the long-legged man. Miao Biao, Sheng Yan Mi. Li Tao. Drunk, it was a bit unstable!

"Ah!" With a scream, the water **** was eventually killed, and as her thoughts stagnated, time and space changed, and she quickly returned to normal time and space.

"Master, you have stolen me by your back. It's so many people. I just eat a fruit, and you think again, I'm not as shy as you!" Down, not yet relieved, Shui Runer complained directly.

"I ... don't blame you all yet!" Shui Shen couldn't explain, and had to push the responsibility on Chen Jiu.

"Okay, I blame me!" Chen Jiu enjoyed the beauty, naturally willing to take all responsibility.

"Husband, how many days are you going to do in the next few days?" Shui Shen asked again, and quickly sorted out his own difficulties.

"Xin'er, I may borrow your face for the next use, and I hope you don't blame me!" Chen Jiu thought, but was a little embarrassed to preach.

"Husband, what are you talking about? Mine is yours. You can use me, and that's what makes me happy. Don't ask what you want!" Shui Shen preached wholeheartedly.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll just say it, I want to marry Runer!" Chen Jiu nodded, straighteningly speaking with righteousness.

"Oh, husband, why are you doing this!" Shui Run'er blamed it on the surface, but the expression of timidity completely explained her mind.

"Runer was originally yours, and of course you had no problem marrying her!" Shui Shen looked at Chen Jiu in doubt, some did not understand.

"In addition to Runer, in fact, I want to marry Huojier!" Chen Jiu continued, and it made Shui Runer unhappy.

"What? Husband, why do you still remember that little bitch!" Shui Run'er immediately accused Shuluo: "You said that you haven't even married my mother, where did you get married?"

"Well, how could I easily marry someone!" Shui reprimanded Shui Shen, who was also blushing, but she seemed to understand Chen Jiu's intentions and asked: "Husband, you want to use my influence with Vulcan , So that other main gods are afraid to shoot? "

"Yes, Chen Jiu is not even a pseudo-god right now. I haven't been arrogant enough to contend with your magical temple. If you are really regarded as an enemy, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to go out alive!" Nodded, also recognized.

"Husband, you are right. With this layer of relationship, even if the main **** shots, I am afraid there will be room for it!" Water God agrees with a straightforward affirmation: "There is no problem with Runer, I can use today She is marrying you, but on the fire sparrow side, Vulcan may not agree to your marriage! "

"Is that so?" Shui Run'er was still a little unwilling at this time, but she listened to Chen Jiu to save her life, and she naturally dared not to oppose it again.

"Runer, for the moment, the big picture is the most important thing. Vulcan is not easy to persuade!" Water God preached in a difficult way.

"Xin'er, I'm afraid you have to trouble this thing!" Chen Jiu looked solemnly at the water god, and felt that this woman was her own blessing, and she would have to thank her well in the future.

"I? My husband has a life-saving grace for me, as long as Xiner can do it, naturally it is inescapable!" Shui Shen did not look down on Chen Jiu, but she was particularly proud of her being able to help Chen Jiu.

There is no such thing as a man or a woman. As long as the relationship is reached, it is normal for each other to help!

"Well, I'll tell you straight, Vulcan admires you, and I often want to see you, I believe that if you say something, then Vulcan would not dare to obey!" Chen Jiu no longer hesitated Road.

"What? Husband, can't you betray my mother for your own selfishness? Isn't my mother inferior to that fire bird? Or are you tired of my mother already?" Shui Run'er heard Afterwards, it was frightened to complain.

"I ... how is it possible!" Chen Jiu gave an annoyed glance at Shui Run'er, and then embarrassed, "If Xiner is in trouble, then forget it!"

"No, it's not difficult. I was also thinking of meeting the Vulcan god. If he was willing to undo Yanran's marriage, then he would not have to risk her husband!" Shui Shen shook his head and immediately agreed.

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