Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3140: Take advantage of

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Xin'er, thank you for understanding me, but I won't let you leave your son and ask for Vulcan, let alone what you pay for it, otherwise, I won't end the marriage!" It is a pledge to pledge.

"Husband, you still have a little conscience, don't think our mother and daughter are so good to you!" Shui Run'er didn't care so much, but her next sentence immediately caused the two to make a big red face again. "This fire Although you can marry back the bird, but our mother and daughter will never serve you with her in the future, and you will lose it! "

"Ah, Runer, don't you think about these things all day long!" Shui Shen is embarrassed for such a daughter.

"Runer, rest assured, our family is the most democratic, everything is voluntary, and we will never force anyone to do anything!" Chen Jiu also promised.

"It's almost the same!" Shui Runer finally stopped talking.

"Xinger, then, let's say that. I'll go back to Vulcan now and say you want to see him, how about it?" Chen Jiu was then ready to implement his own small plan.

This is an idea that Chen Jiulai had thought of before. He didn't have the arrogance to go to fight with the entire magical temple. To know that he is not easy today, so many beautiful wives, he was reluctant to die. Besides, if he is really dead, then who will save the parents?

If you want to save your life, you must take advantage of it, and you want to take advantage of it. The most effective way is to marry. Now that as long as you marry Shuiruner and Huojier, who can not sell their face?

In a hurry, Chen Jiu packed up and left quickly, but behind him, Shui Run'er had a little bit of resentment.

"Runer, what's the matter with you? Unhappy about getting married soon?" Shui Shen asked, puzzled.

"Mother, you're all done, I haven't been here yet. It will take him a few more days to go!" Shui Run'er straightly complained.

"You ... you really need to marry someone!" In the face of Shui Run's words so plainly, Shui Shen really has nothing to say.

The Temple of Fire, Chen Jiu went back and returned, naturally found the fire bird, told her such an exciting news.

"What? Husband, do you really want to marry me? That's great, but what if my father disagrees?" I heard that Chen Jiu was going to marry himself. Exhilarating.

"It doesn't matter, this time I found the matchmaker is Lord Shui Shen. How can your father disagree?" Chen Jiu explained proudly.

"Master Shui Shen, the mother of that little girl, doesn't she care about you marrying me?" Huo Queer couldn't understand it at all.

"Uh, this time I even married you and Runer!" Chen Jiuting preached embarrassed.

"Marry together, you ... you who have no conscience, I know you still can't forget the little scam, but how exactly do you convince the water god?" Although Huo Queer was angry, she was even more curious.

"You don't care about this, Chier, you can be a bride with peace of mind. I need to see your father now. Would you like to go with me?" Chen Jiu naturally couldn't say more, if he said The water **** also persuaded him, so why don't you let the fire bird go crazy?

"Go, just my father's old stubborn, how could he easily let me marry?" Huo Queer naturally nodded and agreed.

Without hesitation, the two were carrying each other and soon came to the Temple of Vulcan and met the Lord Vulcan.

"Boy, isn't Shui Shen going to see me?" Vulcan's face looked anxious.

"Yes, Shui Shen is about to visit, but she has something to ask for, let me talk to Lord Vulcan in advance. If the Lord does not intend to do so, then she will not come for the time being!" Chen Jiuzhi stated in advance.

"Oh? Her water **** thing is my thing, how could I disagree?" Vulcan said positively: "But it doesn't matter!"

"Yes!" Chen Jiu nodded his head, complimentingly saying, "Master Water God has already intentionally made friends with Vulcan Temple, but he never had a chance. Right now, Water God is willing to go with Vulcan Temple by marriage. Fix it forever! "

"What? Shui Shen promised to marry me?" Vulcan immediately surprised.

"Father, don't be too happy, I am getting married!" Huo Queer rolled her eyes helplessly, really unwilling to hit his father.

"You ... didn't you get in touch with this kid? Didn't Shui Shen want her son to marry you?" Huosu doubted, but just said heartily: "From now on, you'll be cut off, I will Que, you have to rebuild a body, so that the icy and clean can marry it! "

"Dad, why did you marry me so easily?" Huojier was naturally unhappy.

"Women do not stay in the house, stay here to stay in the enemy, you think, if you marry her son, then the name of a father on the left and a mother on the right is called, would n’t it be a matter of course between me and the **** of water? Is it? "Vulcan was proud of himself, and it was called an expectation" We are the family in the future, how close is it? "

"This ..." Wan Jiu saw the appearance of Vulcan and really admired his imagination!

"Chen Jiu, do n’t look at me like that, do n’t blame me for being cruel. My daughter has played with you so many times before and after. You should be content. Now she has found a good wife to marry. It's better not to entangle her again. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face down! "Vulcan warned Chen Jiu seriously.

"Dad, let's figure out who I'm going to marry first." Huo Queer couldn't help but poked his mouth, very helpless to this self-righteous dad.

"Why? Shui Shen is a son. Isn't she able to propose for his daughter, can she still propose for her own daughter?" Vulcan laughed, and laughed.

"Dad, you're almost right, you're right, it's not the same!" Huo Queer laughed gleefully.

"Almost? What the **** is going on here?" Vulcan was confused and couldn't figure it out.

"Master Vulcan, this time the water **** did not propose for her son, but for her son-in-law!" Chen Jiu was embarrassed and had to carefully tell the answer, hoping that the old man could bear it.

"What? Son-in-law, Shui Shen actually wants to propose for her daughter's man. What kind of strange talk is this? What a joke? This must be a lie to me!" Vulcan didn't believe it at first, but watching the two vowed In the end, he still couldn't help asking: "Who is her son-in-law, who can really talk about moving the water and let her daughter work with others?"

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