Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3142: Get married tomorrow

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the Temple of Vulcan, Vulcan looked at the pretty shadow in front of her, and greeted her with golden light. "Xin'er, it's rare to see you once. You must let me treat you well this time!"

"Firestone, I heard that you don't agree with our marriage too much?" The Water God did not hesitate, and bluntly stated the purpose for this.

"Hey, Chen Jiu, you go out first!" With a sigh, Vulcan stunned Chen Jiu who followed him, and was a little dissatisfied.

"Firestone, I came here for his marriage, why would you let him go out?" Water God refused such an order.

"Here ... so, let me tell you straight, this kid wants money but no money, it's overwhelming. Our daughter will just play with him. Do you really want to marry your daughter to him? "Vulcan sullenly politely, and this is also his true view of Chen Jiu.

"Who says he has no money? Chen Jiu, take out your offer to make Vulcan look good!" Shui Shen scolded him, and it was clear that he would support Chen Jiu.

"Yes!" Chen Jiu nodded, but only started with his left and right hands. One hand sacrificed a Taoist mountain, and the other hand took out a Taoist fruit.

"This is ..." Looking at such a heavy treasure, it was Vulcan who was also dumbfounded immediately.

"This is a complete Daoshan, and there is a fire-type Daoguo. This Daoshan can give you, but Daoguo is the best gift for the Huoqueer. Ask this world, who can still come out? Can you afford such a big gift to marry your daughter? "Shui Shen preached thickly.

"I ..." Vulgar ended up, and really couldn't find such a person.

"Firestone, their children love each other, and they have not beaten our adults' face, why not complete them?" Shui Shen then persuaded bitterly: "Unless you don't want to make friends with my water temple, otherwise, then How could I refuse such a marriage! "

"Xin'er, don't get me wrong. I have no objection to making a good deal with you from beginning to end!" Vulcan sacrifice God and quickly changed his path: "In fact, this time I am here, I would like to invite you to talk about the children's Marriage! "

"Firestone, in your opinion, how to handle this big wedding?" Shui Shen smiled proudly.

"Children's wedding is a big event, especially if our two women are married to the same husband. This is a double happiness. We need to make a good plan. Otherwise, it would not cause everyone to make a joke!" Vulcan said After expressing his own opinions, he also wanted to use this to get in touch with the water **** more.

"Firestone, you're right, this thing will indeed cause some unsuspecting people to joke, so to say that our marriage does not need to be so big, just need to invite our friends to come and participate, and This marriage is even more protracted, I think we must get married within three days! "Water God has a different view.

"What? It's going to get married in three days, and it's too fast!" Vulcan was surprised and said, "You need to know that Yanran of our hospital will get married in a few days!"

"Why? Is your daughter no better than a small sweet girl? Your daughter's big marriage has to make way for her?" Shui Shen reprimanded.

"Ah, no, I didn't mean it that way, Xiner, listen to me, I think these three days are too fast, don't we need to be so anxious, right?" Vulcan explained, still reluctantly.

"Master Vulcan, my marriage is all done. After that, the Water God Temple and Vulcan Temple will be close to each other, aren't you in a hurry?" Chen Jiu also strongly persuaded.

"Jack, don't make me mess!" Vulcan gave Chen Jiu an unhappy look and was extremely unhappy.

"Chen Jiu, since Lord Vulcan doesn't make good friends with me and doesn't want to marry a daughter to you, I think we should go with a gift. I believe that many people are willing to marry a daughter, and many more Willing to marry me and make a good relationship! "The water **** is proud, turning to want to leave.

"Xin'er, you are slow!" The anxious eyes of Vulcan, how could he let the water **** leave.

"How? Vulcan you still have something?" Water God then looked at Vulcan, then it was much colder.

"Xinger, if I promise you, then we will be their father and mother respectively, right?" Vulcan hesitated a moment, never forget to test the water god.

"That's natural. Is there any problem with this? At that time, they still have to worship us in front of the gods of the Lord!" The Water God preached naturally.

"Ah, this relationship is good, Xiner, three days in three days. I think I'll get ready a little faster, and let them get married tomorrow!" Vulcan was immediately happy when he heard this. Furious, can't wait to get up, this father and mother If they shouted, wouldn't they be paired with each other?

"It's okay, the wedding room will be in my water shrine for the time being. After this boy has made achievements, I will let them move out to live!" The water **** approval room also discussed the specific matters with Vulcan.

One is willing to marry, the other is willing to marry, as long as the two parties are sincere, then any condition can be compromised. The fire **** and the water **** are discussed, and finally the smiles are separated. Although the marriage is not large, there are many things to prepare, such as If the two gods have a good relationship, how can I invite some of them?

In this way, the water **** was sent away, and Chen Jiu stayed and asked, "I'll go to see the bird and give her the fruit by the way!"

"Okay, go, go!" Vulcan was happy, naturally let Chen Jiu be let go.

In the bird's garden, no fire bird was found. Chen Jiu was slightly indifferent, but walked towards Yanyuan again. In any case, this was always going to get married, and his parents had to be happy!

No accident, Yan Ge, they saw Chen Jiu, and they were no longer as hostile as before. They seemed to be scared, and they dared not hold their breath when they saw him.

Without talking to this snobbish couple, Chen Jiu went directly to the backyard and met his parents.

"Huh!" But it was surprising that they were Chen Tianhe. When they saw Chen Jiu coming, they didn't meet him personally, but looked coldly, seeming to be very unhappy, and they didn't like to deal with him. !!

"Dad, mother, what's the matter with you?" Chen Jiu naturally asked with concern.

"Nothing, just unhappy!" Chen Tianhe preached with a pout.

"Unhappy? Are you still worried about the contract of the Lord God?" Chen Jiu said with a smile of pride: "Don't think about those troublesome things, I have a happy event to tell you, so that you can also be happy!"

"Just say something and let it fare!" Chen Tianhe was completely uninterested.

"Father, mother, the son is fighting for you and getting married soon, and this time I'm not married to someone else, but the daughter of the Lord God, especially the son married two at once, are you happy?" Chen Jiuman The face was pleased, and she just spoke.

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