Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3151: Paner visit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Husband, don't listen to her words. In fact, it was her provocation first. If she didn't blame her mother, I wouldn't bother arguing with her!" Shui Runer also reluctantly explained.

"Oh, I see. You are sisters, so you should get along well in peace, do you understand?" After listening, Chen Jiu said well.

"Husband, it's not that I have to talk to her, but she ..." After all, the two women had just had an argument, which made them all at once harmonious. It didn't seem that easy.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. This wife Chen Jiu marries more. Naturally, she is more familiar with women's affairs. In the face of their vigorous energy, he has only one word, which is ‘do! ’

The land is so old, the sea is dry, and they are all beautiful, so naturally they have no mood to care about these tedious trivia.

"Well, you are all wrong, come and accept my baton, 30,000 per person!" Chen Jiu was too lazy to say more, but directly implemented his own family law.

"Ah, my husband was wrong. I will never dare again. I will get along with her in the future ..." Chen Jiu was truly aware of the filial piety of the so-called stick.

Under the great stick education, this sister who was not in harmony, has also become like a family, that is hugging each other. Although they still have some reluctance, but in the long run, it is natural that the relationship is also natural. It improved!

"Husband, is there any way for your mother's affairs?" After being educated, the two women naturally took care of the future mother-in-law's affairs.

"Rest assured, all we have to do now is to wait, otherwise, do you think I can be with you all day and love you?" Chen Jiu comforted, the wedding excitement exceeded his expectations, which made him also There is no need to go out and show up for Soo Eun.

When the main gods came to visit, Chen Jiu believed that his affairs had spread, and his purpose of borrowing power had also been achieved. Now, just waiting for Yan Ran to marry, he went up and destroyed himself!

"Chen Jiu, it's time to come and practice!" Just now, without saying a few words, the voice of the water **** rang again.

Chen Jiu didn't dare to neglect. Naturally, he left quickly. When he left, Huo Queer couldn't help looking at Shui Run'er and said, "Your mother won't look at us. Why are we just finished? She just shouted? "

"What do you mean?" Shui Run'er gave him an unhappy glance, naturally he didn't want to say more.

"Oh, nothing, I'm not worried about being seen by your mother. After all, she is also a woman of ice and purity. After looking at us, we are not a loss. It's just that she is so ice and purity and can look at us so happy. Live? "Huo Queer expressed his doubts.

"Do you think that all women in the world are as cheap as you?" Shui Run'er rolled his eyes seriously, but he couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Did I say that your mother was cheap? Shui Runer, we are all married to Chen Jiu now, don't you have to be so hostile to me?" Huo Queer was a little unwilling.

"Well, shouldn't you really think there's something between my mother and her husband?" Shui Run'er asked, worried.

"That's not bad. I just feel a little strange. Your mother is also a supreme principal god. How can you offer yourself as casually as you do?" Huo Queer really dare not go too far here Think more about it.

"It's a bit of a vision for you!" Shui Run'er was rarely anxious with Huo Queer.

"Hey, actually, if my husband can successfully win the **** of water, then my dad should be blind, so it seems that it is a good thing to get angry with him." Huo Queer went on to Sighed, but Shui Runer didn't dare to take her word.

In the water temple, the water **** is not a saint. She really couldn't help it. She willingly surrendered to this man's concubine. He was at his mercy, and in that concubine, it was difficult for ordinary people to experience. Bliss.

A few days passed in a flash, Chen Jiu spent in this joy, seemingly relaxed and relaxed, but deeper and deeper in the heart is moving. Because Yan Ran's big wedding is also very close!

"No way, husband, let us rest for two days!" Every day, she was so loving with Chen Jiu, they really couldn't stand it.

"Well, then I'll go out tonight!" Looking at the two women, Chen Jiu was really unable to bear it, but a man who took care of himself walked out and breathed.

"My son ..." As soon as he went out, a soft whisper sounded, which made Chen Jiu couldn't help looking at it.

A figure, wearing a black cape bodysuit, Ling. Long Long. Na, bulging forward and rearward, is definitely a super excellent, especially when this kind of scene appears at night, it is more likely to cause a man's impulse!

"Uh, are you Paner?" When Chen Jiu looked around, she looked at the woman's face and couldn't help but be shocked, because she was not someone else, but she was the one who was intentionally cultivated by him. Daughter.

When I saw Dou Pan'er, an unforgettable memory naturally appeared in Chen Jiu's mind. At that time, in order to cultivate her, it was to make her reborn. Explosion. Peak explosion. Butt, I really saw myself completely, that It was a big feast!

"Son, come with Pan'er ..." Dou Pan'er seemed very satisfied with Chen Jiu's insane look, and flung him with a wink.

"Huh?" Chen Jiu wondered, thinking that Dou Paner had something to tell him, but came to a secret palace with her.

"Person ..." After coming to the palace, Dou Paner first removed his black cloak, then fell from the incense shoulder. Shenfeng suddenly appeared, his waist was completely exposed, and then ... a black grass, snowy legs like a forest It was quick to say that she was wearing nothing inside, and at once she fully revealed her beauty.

"This ... Dou Pan'er, what are you doing?"

"My son, you can make Paner wait. You can rest assured that Paner will not like any man in this life except you. You have the grace to recreate Paner. Paner's beauty can only be enjoyed by you! "Dou Pan'er was grateful for his dedication. It was bold to come to Chen Jiu and wait for his picking.

"Aren't you crazy? When did I say I was going to pick you? Put it on, Doupan, you can go like this again!" Chen Jiu was dissatisfied. Although he admired the beauty, he didn't think Make it an existing one.

"My son, there is no one else here. You used to bite people. Why are you so outspoken with others now? Don't worry, they won't hold you accountable. They are only willing to be your underground lover in this life, as long as you have When you need it, you just have to come to Paner, Paner will never disturb your life! "Dou Paner resentful, and looked very pathetic.

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